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/zellig/ - Ongezellig

IAZ and soft NAZ
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>one 3 weeks old episode of skibiditiolet has more views than all of ognezellig "episodes"
is our "show" dogshit?

(Baited no one award)


bait moar


>dropping a trvkenvke about my shit trooncore show is bait


Comparing goyslop for Ipad kids to A24 slowburn gemerald award


>trooncore niggershit "relatable" muh depression is a24 slow burn


>antizelligtroon are all 5 year old arabian ipad kids


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the fact a single episode of some random goyslop has more views than your entire show…..geg
no wonder studio massa no longer wanted to work on it


muzzie doesn't understand what "goyslop" is. It's a something mass produced for the consumption of the masses, being super popular is part of being goyslop. Leave it to sand brains to be retarded I guess


>niggerslop for barely sentient babies that binge retarded slop got a gazillion views, therefore your gemerald show is terrible


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>calling things random


u mad bro? its just a kids show with some silly girls, it didn't get popular because it wasn't good, not because it was some hidden gem. get over it.
i am also trans btw if that matters


Demoralizationcord woke up


if something is good it gets popular.
he pitched it multiple times and no one wanted to it.


>porn popular because it's good


Ignoring libcuck companies avoiding it because of the (gemmy) community award


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funker W


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>It didn't become popular because it's a hidden gem


>antizelligtroons are ESL FNF Sandniggerpedos
It's like they're trying to make us win


Jannies remove this niggerbabble at once.


>edited my post to make me say I am trans
its true though


>antizelligtroons got so mad that zaryans on /qa/ got the GET that they massively cope and immediately goes to cry on the zarty


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I got so mad the GET got stolen I come here to cry about it
u mad bro?


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>Antizelligtroons giving us good publicity and reputation by being unironic shitskins


your fanbase is full of niggers larping as nazis
you act like troons
your fandom reminds me of troon fandoms
you act exactly the same


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>I got so mad the GET got stolen I come here to cry about it
>u mad bro?


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Considering the fact that we aren't -acking ourselves over any bit of criticism, I would not say we act like troons.



but skibidi is lebased and trad russian supporter. Every thousand view on a skibidi video is another FAB-1500 dropped on the nato puppet know as ukraine. fr


>skibidiniggers are thirdworldist shitskin denazification supporters
who would have guessed


I LOVE ognezellig and I am trans
have a problem? bigot




(Antizellig)troon or anti(zelligtroon)? It's ambiguous.


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