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/zellig/ - Ongezellig

IAZ and soft NAZ
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File: 1716975558693.gif (231.73 KB, 300x400, 1713446694795w.gif)


Why even pay for the servers of this dead website? are we this retarded zelligniggers? XD

We'll always live in your head rent-free.


>mudslime seethe sesh
Yep… mindbroken or so I say


File: 1716976205455.png (409.74 KB, 1242x1366, 1713442488899t.png)

>tfw the website is somehow more dead than the show itself


>Venezuelan IP


losing the GET to a "dead" (not really) website is even more humilating. not sure if that's the right way to cope.


That's why there are anti-zellig threads? Did you guys stole a get from the farty?


someone made a /qa/ thread saying "if 300k get is in this thread doll has to delete all zellig threads" or something. It was such a giant fail they just let the thread slide and pretend nothing happened


Yes, we scored a GET which caused a flood of seetheralds.


Zelligbros… Why do we win so much?


it's the vril…

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