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/zellig/ - Ongezellig

IAZ and soft NAZ
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I have grown to slowly hate 'zellig. Zaryans, what do?


Why doe


You probably just got exhausted of it, watching the same 20 minute pilot does get tiring, maybe just take a break from 'zellig content untill new stuff comes out hopefully.


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Strong diction. If HATE is the correct word, why doe


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Same. If it wasn't for the 'arty I would've probably just forgotten about it for a while. The constant exposure is only counter productive. Not to niggerpost but maybe the spam and creation of the zarty (beyond it being just a bunker site) has been detrimental to zellig.


Nah, its fine
The zarty serves as a center to make OC for now, its better to not treath this site as its own thing but as a place to come around from time to time to talk about whatever shit happened related to the series.
>has been detrimental to zellig
Fuck does that mean, we are not big enough to make any difference on zellig itself doe


I can respect that opinion, but I think that the creation of the Zarty was what saved zellig. Everytime i went on /qa/ i started seeing more and more NAZ, and then i realised that only zoot can save zellig, and so he did. Ever since the zarty was created, it has only helped preserve the zaryan race. But then again, i do see your point, its just that I don't agree with it.


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The zarty should have always been for bunking, maybe some raiding of the 'cuck and toying around with normie'ligs
But its so good here, it's like taking a vacation to a homogeneous community that you can stay as long as you want. Why would you want to leave? It's spoiling almost
I never left shartykway, but after ShadowMario got banished it ended an era and seeing 200k on the post numbers is a reminder that the random nas board is now root's animal playpen for the frogs that hate him, the ponies that need to bleed out, and groomerkisser + the fur clique
Definitely 'lig as a culture on the farty, i'm seeing too much meta here, bring it to shart/qa/ pph doesn't matter
What does life matter if nobody knows you live?


I meant zellig as in zelligposting, not zellig as in the show


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Oh yeah that i can agree with, albeit zaryan hate has increased in the last months, to the point were the only threads about it are falseflags trying to make zaryans look like degens and not much more.


But not with spam, make funny threads and oc threads. If they do get derailed or slid make them on the zarty, but we should once again start treating /qa/ as our home


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<1 minute ago bumoupgoupbumpzelligzelligzelligzelligbumumpolig

<35 seconds ago bumoupgoupbumpzelligzelligzelligzelligbumumpolig bumoupgoupbumpzelligzelligzelligzelligbumumpolig
<Just Now bumoupgoupbumpzelligzelligzelligzelligbumumpolig bumoupgoupbumpzelligzelligzelligzelligbumumpolig bumoupgoupbumpzelligzelligzelligzelligbumumpolig bumoupgoupbumpzelligzelligzelligzelligbumumpolig bumoupgoupbumpzelligzelligzelligzelligbumumpolig bumoupgoupbumpzelligzelligzelligzelligbumumpolig


I'd say post it both to /qa/ and the Zarty, but I do have a habit of posting stuff either here or in /qa/ tbf, so probably start posting content wherever is good


>constant exposure
take a break and do something else then, lad. there is plentty to do.

>the zarty (beyond it being just a bunker site) has been detrimental to zellig.

I mean, the purpose of the zarty was never just to be a bunker. It was also meant to be a place for zaryans to talk to eachother and share OC. It's basically /zellig/.
Maybe it woudn't have been a great idea during Kuz, but the sharty has been going downhill for a long time. Who knows what will happen to the sharty in a few months. Best to have our own land.


Sharty /qa/ sucks so much right now, its all just furfags, bronies, and other forms of coomers infesting it, Froot needs to pull a great purge and just perma ban every coomer, remove all posts pertaining to their interests, and in doing so save the party from suffering 4cuck's fate.


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>nooooooooo board diversity is le bad because i'm a selfish little hoarder and also racist



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