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/zellig/ - Ongezellig

IAZ and soft NAZ
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bumping to fight off 'p
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burnout? long-term illness? which is it?



It might not have all been doomsaying, maybe he really is dying


I just feel bad for the guy. at this point idc if the show comes back i just want the dude to be okay. idk what kind of illness he has, but "long term" doesnt make it sound very good to say the least. it just sucks seeing one of my favorite artists in the position hes in. I genuinely wish him the best with his health mental and physical


File: 1713675021192.png (46.27 KB, 1416x1375, ClipboardImage.png)

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now is really over


Surely terminated is just a mistranslation right? It can't truly be over can it?


File: 1713679041680.gif (592.02 KB, 498x420, bleak-it's-bleak.gif)

sorry pal but it means exactly what it says


at this point, we need to accept its fate and be grateful for the deels we've been given and just wish massa the best at this time. idk how serious his illness is but dude doesnt deserve this


I thought I told you on 4cuck to start using a tripcode


ongezellig doesnt even translate to unsociable


The levels of cope are just making me upset


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tsmt now that ongezellig is finished we need art of mymy getting violently strangled and killed on her bed in front of her sisters < HVLY TRVTHNUKE


File: 1713694034555.mp3 (6.51 MB, y2mate.com - Product Of Fe….mp3)

It's not over, it's agonizing


>Part 2 of the Iceberg (continued in a less time consuming manner)
What did he mean by this? Is he cutting the animations with Stille Willem?


why does he hate us

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