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/zellig/ - Ongezellig

IAZ and soft NAZ
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File: 1713396472363.png (5.61 MB, 2366x2900, They fucking died.png)


I realized I didn’t post this commission here so how yall are happy


hi austin


Maya would never go to heaven because she is a chronic masturbator and a sodomite though


File: 1713400334541.gif (1.7 MB, 255x179, 1705532852809.gif)

>mymy drinking apple juice


File: 1713400593712.png (265.92 KB, 517x484, 1696621015310.png)

you're the one whos sodomized here


Howdy! (This one was kinda obvious)


She doesn’t wanna go that’s why she’s stil on the ground and coco is extending her hand (also mymy prolly wouldn’t either because of her various crimes tbh)


So trve although I’d like to think she’d drink all kinda ‘o juice boxes. I wanna see her drinking a capri sun


attention drawGODs.. we order you make her drink a capri sun..




This is my favorite piece of Ongezellig fan art that’s been created. I love the way the artist incorporated the three girls’ personalities into their entrance to a better place. Mymy’s gleeful ascent, Coco’s friendliness while she guides her cautious sister towards the afterworld’s gates, it’s perfect. The lighting is excellent as well, the celestial beams of light illuminating the girl’s skin and hair really illustrates the immaculate beauty of Heaven, and the dark shades covering Maya is a reminder of the troublesome life she’s had.
Maya is reluctant to go, she was not prepared to leave Earth at such a young age, but a world so much better than anything she could imagine awaits her; a world where all of her sorrows and anxieties will fade away and she’ll finally have the chance to just be happy, and Coco will be the one to help bring her there.


this made me tear up


youtube video essayer take


If u or anyone else wants to make a commission just ask


File: 1713494150239.png (2.84 MB, 1080x1307, ClipboardImage.png)


Unironic gem

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