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/zellig/ - Ongezellig

IAZ and soft NAZ
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>Now that the soishart's wiki for this show has finally been pushed off the front page of Google, should we actually try and attempt to put together a detailed wiki now?


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>He doesn't know


What exactly does he not know?



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Hey guys. Peta Schoppenboer here to explain the joke. The implications of the "44 logins" of OP for auth.fandom.com implies that xe can institute some serious damage to the non-sharty related ongezellig fandom as need be. As such, a detailed wiki may not be put together, if OP has any problems per say with the content included. Xe would have no trouble getting a different login to evade blocks and edit the fandom pages to xer liking.


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We should seriously start a takeover campaign. Make the wiki into a Sharty/Zarty colony.
Operation trojan or something
Start making small, plausible edits (for example that mymy ran from home instead of being put up for adoption as it is rn) and report /co/ons for vandalization when they try to revert it. Eventually we should constitute the dominate force on the 'ki and have free reign over all the pages.


I really don't understand what's wrong with saying that she ran away. Wasn't this the whole joke behinde that drawing, where Mymy's real sister is looking for her?


Idk but /co/ons dont like it. That's why we start with that.


How about we just restore the deel 7 page for now? It was a light harted joke and was a gem. As faggy as it May sound, I don't see why this wiki can't act as a representation of the two main communities.


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Someone with a genuine looking account with good history should ask the fandom admins for moderator, or at the very least be our ambassador in the community section to ask questions like "why was deel 7's page deleted"? That sort of stuff.


Zoot has an account and has posted on the wiki's forums.
plus i don't think that you need to ask admins to be able to edit/add pages


page 7 was deleted because someone filled it with gore, now it's unrecoverable. Unless someone can make it again idk, my account got a week ban for joshing around


Fact check: it was wiped of text, then filled with cobson DNB gifs, then permanently deleted and completely purged.


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I like what I see


I think we're ultimately hurting the show by doing this. If someone discovers 'zellig and visits the fandom wiki (which is one of the first results in most search engines), he's going to get the wrong idea about the show.


This sounds like something… a /co/omer would write…

But for real, this won't hurt the show. I mean if some producer was to do a research on the show, they are going to learn of /co/ and the sharty/zarty anyways. This wiki is mainly for normalfags.


how so? it's obviously a shitpost. I read the soywiki and it was the best thing I could've read


What I mean is that if we're colonizing the fandom wiki (which as >>3435 aptly stated is meant for normalfags), the normalfags who read it will probably take our shitposting as fact. A normalfag who reads that Deel 7 involves "Rapeson" smashing Mymy's face against a table is going to think of that as a factual statement rather than a joke, especially because a normalfag has no idea who Rapeson (or Cobson, for that matter) is.


>Many rumors have surrounded the video, perhaps one of the largest and most populare being that the difference in animation style confirms that this is not a real episode. However, this claim is extremly unsubstantiaded.

>This episode was nominated for 2023 liminal jump-scare-free a24-inspired horro award. Unfortunately, the nomination did not result in victory.

>A team of fact-checkers have been put together to research this further.

>>But Ongezellig is a slow burn, bone chilling, atmosphere-oozing, trope-subverting, genre-redefining, gut-wrenching, spine-tingling, jaw-clenching, nerve-wracking, character-development driven, soul-shaking, nail-biting, anxiety-written, kafkaesque, post-lynchian gemstone, though

Normalfags may be dumb, but they are NOT stupid. This is clearly a joke. It also represnts a part of the community.


No one is thinking that part is legit, come on! When I said it's obviously a shitpost I meant it's OBVIOUSLY a shitpost.
But if we did colonize the wiki to the point of dubious authenticity that would be beyond fucking gemmy.


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'son on the 'lig 'log


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why don't we make a completely apolitical wiki on a better platform like miraheze, and just remove every attempt to politicize zellig? it'd give us good optics; making it "exclusively apolitical" it gives us an excuse to just ban tranny idealogues on sight. all we'd have to do is cease the chuddiness as soon as we get on there and we'd be set
>inb4 called a jew for this (admittedly jewish psyop level plot)


It would not be fun tho. I am more fore a wiki where both /co/ and zarty could post whatever.


vandalize the fandom wiki after you SEO up the new zellig wiki
simple as


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