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/zellig/ - Ongezellig

IAZ and soft NAZ
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File: 1707381942664.png (917.52 KB, 1342x1435, 1698179600063354.png)


In a few years or so the show will continue methinks.
It's practically guaranteed.
And even if it doesn't, it was a damn good Pilot, plus Massa has plenty of other work to enjoy.


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haha plenty of other work to enjoy if i could understand it


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Nederlands Iceberg has subtitles, and some of Vor Idioten can be pieced together from the visuals, pre-existing knowledge, and context.


its that fucking stupid icebergs fault fucking ruining everything. first the titanic now zellig fuck icebergs mayne this is why i support global warming
>its da icebeeeergs


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>plus Massa has plenty of other work to enjoy
What are you talking about, the videos on his channel? NAZ and you could watch them all in less than a hour.


This short text post is a gem in my eyes.
So compact, yet stuffed with everything that makes the Zarty the Zarty.
It's enough to make a grown man cry.


I actually think this way too, I might make a thread giving some of my thoughts in depth.


>You WILL NOT connect notice da ice(((bergs))) cause I said so Chud…OKAY???


fuckin knew it


this image is so gemmy i just had to cop it 🔥

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