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/zellig/ - Ongezellig

IAZ and soft NAZ
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File: 1707032923968.png (2.88 MB, 2000x2000, MassaGraph1.png)


After spending an unreasonable amount of time scouring Massa’s background; getting all of the reference photos I could and tracing the letters in Illustrator, I am pleased to release a recreation of Massa’s font for use called MassaGraph.
You can download it here: soyjak.download/f.php?h=12j7YmFY&d=1
Keep in mind, this is still an ongoing WIP and any letters could be subject to change.
I have not recreated/interpreted all of the special characters like ‘*’, '%' and ‘$’ yet since I haven’t encountered a reference photo that uses those glyphs in Massa’s font (if he ever made them to begin with), I’ve only recreated glyphs I could easily Image Trace in Illustrator or attempt to interpret in his style like ‘[]’ and ‘=’.
Don’t be mistaken, I will certainly get to making those special characters in his style as best as I can, I just wanted cover all that I could do first and have this ready for you fellow Zaryans to use. TWO MORE WEEKS (or however I tardwrangle the object paths in ‘strator).
And if anyone asks,
>Doesn’t Massa handwrite his stuff tho?
He does, for the most part. But if you check his earlier videos like here: https://youtu.be/JAKY-o2m0PU?t=98 you’ll see letters like ‘a’, ‘o’, ‘e’, etc. are clearly uniformal and not different from one another like you’d see in handwriting. Likewise, if you check out his website on the Wayback Machine, you’ll see he has been using this font since 2016 https://web.archive.org/web/20160618012141/https://www.studiomassa.nl/. And the fact that it had no kerning (the space between the letters) back then, says to me he made this himself and changed it later on to look less awful for use.
Have fun Zaryans! Not sure when the next update will be, probably once I make all the characters on my keyboard is when I'll drop it then.






Absolute Massarald


how do u use it when u download it


If you're on windows, double click to open it and click the "install" button on the top left.
I'm sure there's a similar process on Mac or Linux


high effort gem


holy gemerald


mymy would definitely say that


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File: 1707201482029.png (14.46 KB, 574x768, You_look_like_this_and_say….png)

>Missing 1 letter in a word means you're an ESL


File: 1707202009922.gif (2.89 MB, 250x250, 1705972403138.gif)

>soyquoting with the sweede


File: 1707207189479.png (380.89 KB, 846x950, GEM ALERT.png)

This is super useful to me, thank you for all the hard work




File: 1716812091008.jpg (99.23 KB, 1079x1077, 1701987804910.jpg)

>soyquoting with the sweede

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