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File: 1713019220872.png (35.21 KB, 1263x2252, Mymy, Dutch and proud.png)

 No.17168[Last 50 Posts]

Mymy is transracial and proud


we need gif with turkish guy but with Dutch flag


File: 1713027859252.png (67.07 KB, 1263x2252, ClipboardImage.png)


File: 1713029341013.png (38.42 KB, 311x560, billede_2024-04-13_1928382….png)

both of these are innacurate btw, picrel is pvre unadultered trvth


File: 1713030330037.png (74.21 KB, 1263x2252, Mymy_Malta.png)

Liar! I have the real Mymy!


>there are actual maltese people on the zarty


File: 1713030684914.png (58.68 KB, 1059x929, Malta_Gigachud.png)

peak nation


File: 1713032732281-0.png (119 KB, 1263x2252, russian mymy.png)

File: 1713032732281-1.png (394.98 KB, 1148x2048, Russian empire mymy.png)

File: 1713032732281-2.png (277.28 KB, 1263x2252, Commie mymy.png)

Peak ruzzian


File: 1713033245790.png (326.4 KB, 1263x2252, Mymy, nazbol and proud.png)


File: 1713033400874.png (86.84 KB, 381x697, billede_2024-04-13_2036332….png)

massa meant something by this..


File: 1713033872354.jpg (58.29 KB, 460x308, newmymyreich2024.jpg)

op probably didnt expect this thread to go into this direction


xhe's a middle/highschooler, so xhe totally did, 'thoughbeit


Jewish Dane Propaganda


Sw*de made this post, Denmark won.


why can't the scandinavian live in peace


It's mostly jokes i love my swedish brothers (apart from the 20% which is immigrants kek) also they took our land and uhh resisted our rule in the Kalmar union so yea..


Kill Danes. Behead Danes. Roundhouse kick a Dame into the concrete. Slam dunk a Dane baby into the trashcan. Crucify filthy Danes. Defecate in a Danes food. Launch Danes into the sun. Stir fry Danes in a wok. Toss Danes into active volcanoes. Urinate into a Danes gas tank. Judo throw Danes into a wood chipper. Twist Danes heads off. Report Danes to the IRS. Karate chop Danes in half. Curb stomp pregnant Danes. Trap Danes in quicksand. Crush Danes in the trash compactor. Liquefy Danes in a vat of acid. Eat Danes. Dissect Danes. Exterminate Danes in the gas chamber. Stomp Danish skulls with steel toed boots. Cremate Danes in the oven. Lobotomize Danes. Mandatory abortions for Danes. Grind Danish fetuses in the garbage disposal. Drown Danes in fried chicken grease. Vaporize Danes with a ray gun. Kick old Danes down the stairs. Feed Danes to alligators. Slice Danes with a katana.


nah but it's just banter lol


File: 1713034665212.png (132.37 KB, 1263x2252, CB6E5042-0BBF-4E30-9DD8-E5….png)

Mymy is the orange rose of Texas


this but with filthy Svenskdjævler




Du bliver nødt til at kalle os et øgenavn for at krænke os, men vi bruger bare "svensk" som en fornermelse fordi det er allerede nok kekeragd sverige tabte.


File: 1713034986469.png (1.56 MB, 3878x4533, 1705872670520.png)

Can you make one with flag of the Kornilov regiment and maybe go through the effort to give her the uniform too?


File: 1713035154316.png (82.21 KB, 200x223, mymy cowboy.png)

I'M TEXAN NIGGA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Holy Molly

Mymy had suck a black dick (only Russians can understand)


Danish "people"


File: 1713036360262.png (263.99 KB, 1263x2252, C2B6DA0E-8C1D-4063-AFB9-F8….png)


All swedes have a one way ticket to hell


File: 1713036394529.png (245.16 KB, 1263x2252, 02D240D8-C329-44B2-AA49-C1….png)

Mymy was booooorn in the U.S.A.!


File: 1713036442133.png (268.73 KB, 1263x2252, Swedish win mymy.png)



File: 1713036579143.png (85.64 KB, 445x682, billede_2024-04-13_2129164….png)

The amerimutt mind can not handle the fact that Mymy is Skandinavian


File: 1713036586984.png (117.54 KB, 1263x2252, CE458664-3553-413E-9CCB-26….png)

Mymy says Slava Ukraine!


All of these posts were made by 2 Nordic A10 blond haired gigachads btw


she would probably be holding the flag of the azov regiment or the UPA flag though


File: 1713037311469.png (197.15 KB, 1263x2252, Iceland Mymy.png)

Scandi coal. This is the original image


File: 1713037385652.jpg (142 KB, 573x850, 20240410_160659.jpg)

If she was Russian, she would hold up the flag of the RDK, the 3rd White Movement


File: 1713037507085.gif (3.16 MB, 502x660, AZOG ACK.gif)

>she would be probabl-ACKKKKK!


File: 1713037534132.png (177.22 KB, 1263x2252, 7AC1FDE6-8C5A-4FB4-9486-94….png)



File: 1713037557022.png (116.77 KB, 1263x2252, 0ACBBF52-AE24-4EBC-BA71-C5….png)


Or ЧВК Вагнер if Putin didn't kill the leadership


Aww I’ll make a tranny flag one just for you nigger


Raped by a churka again award


File: 1713037664224.png (197.44 KB, 1263x2252, pangermanicmymy.png)

Mymy is a pan germanicist, stop infighting scandibros.



this thread is either of 2 things, scandinavians or east slavs arguing. gemmiest thread aldoe brabant tier


>>>17275 (You)
>>>17274 (You)
>>>17273 (You)
>>>17272 (You)
>Gtfo samefag
>>>17269 (You)
>>>17267 (You)
>>>17262 (You)


File: 1713037793244.png (274.99 KB, 1263x2252, MymyTrans.png)

Nvm already made


File: 1713037834677.png (292.37 KB, 1263x2252, MymyCol.png)

Betsy Mymy


kill yourself


definitely not the (((communist))) flag


Wow, I never knew Mymy was pro-Iran!


do the african flag now


File: 1713037911856.png (595.83 KB, 960x960, 1639334980557.png)

>infighting even doe Scantards can't understand Icelandic (the real Norse language)


File: 1713037938249.png (424.86 KB, 1263x2252, MymyHam.png)



make one with Sami flag


File: 1713037967111.png (436.41 KB, 1263x2252, MymyPT.png)

New England


>eats smoked shark
>stays on an island (pun intended) forever
>"why cant scandigvds understand our hecking beautiful language?"


File: 1713038027250.png (366.31 KB, 1263x2252, MymyGasden.png)

Fuck yeah mymy tea party


ive never seen a thread this alive before holy shit


Obsessed brimstone


File: 1713038181082.png (434.51 KB, 1263x2252, MymyNCR.png)

Fallout mymy


DO NOT MAKE LAPP MYMY they are disgusting up tight subhumans




File: 1713038288799.png (273.59 KB, 1263x2252, MymyBUF.png)

Ewwwww Bri*ish fashie Mymy


File: 1713038324892.png (243.13 KB, 1263x2252, MymyIre.png)



File: 1713038348243.png (386.49 KB, 1242x2252, Occitan mymy.png)


File: 1713038349129.png (274.4 KB, 1263x2252, MymyNSB.png)

Trvth Nvke Mymy


Do one of the Fasces flag, dress her in all black


File: 1713038394281.png (365.09 KB, 1263x2252, MymyIsr.png)

Kike ZOG mymy




kikecord woke up


Kill all Reindeer fucking lappjävlar


Bundle of sticks flag?



File: 1713038601223.png (58.42 KB, 1263x2252, ClipboardImage.png)

druze tito druze tito mi ti se kunemo


File: 1713038722628.jpg (464.58 KB, 1200x2503, Hafþór.jpg)

>>eats smoked shark
>>stays on an island (pun intended) forever
>>"why cant scandigvds understand our hecking beautiful language?"


File: 1713038822154.png (257.44 KB, 1263x2252, Wagner Mymy.png)

Bakhmut gem


File: 1713038873031.png (271.38 KB, 454x451, billede_2024-04-13_2207511….png)

Kill Lappere. Behead Lappere. Roundhouse kick a Lapper into the concrete. Slam dunk a Lapp baby into the trashcan. Crucify filthy Samis. Defecate in a Lapps food. Launch Lappere into the sun. Stir fry lappere in a wok. Toss Lappere into active volcanoes. Urinate into a lappere gas tank. Judo throw Lappere into a wood chipper. Twist Lapperes' heads off. Report Lappere to the Assimilation schools. Karate chop Lappere in half. Curb stomp pregnant black Lappere. Trap Lappere in quicksand. Crush Lappere in the trash compactor. Liquefy Lappere in a vat of acid. Eat Lappere. Dissect Lappere. Exterminate Lappere in the gas chamber. Stomp Lappere skulls with steel toed boots. Cremate Lappere in the oven. Lobotomize Lappere. Mandatory abortions for Lappere. Grind sami fetuses in the garbage disposal. Drown Lappere in fried reindeer grease. Vaporize Lappere with a ray gun. Kick old Lappere down the stairs. Feed Lappere to brunbjörna. Slice Lappere with a viking battle axe.



File: 1713039213067-0.png (41.62 KB, 1263x2252, sami flag.png)

File: 1713039213067-1.jpeg (528.79 KB, 2160x3840, mymy sami.jpeg)

Mymy is Sami btw


Based. Me and my grandpa would hunt their stupid fucking reindeer and eat them.


I dont hate Lapp Mymy but it is still coal


File: 1713039308308.png (127.92 KB, 381x697, myfathor.png)


kill yourself
samis lost
germanicGODS own scandinavia
holy fucking keyed


war criminal mymy


File: 1713039734433.png (229.13 KB, 1263x2252, Mymy rose of Texas_2024041….png)



File: 1713039783697.png (132.79 KB, 1263x2252, Mymy rose of Texas_2024041….png)

Milei Mymy


>mymy siding with the jobbers that got btfo 3 times last century


File: 1713039817520.png (130.85 KB, 1263x2252, Mymy rose of Texas_2024041….png)

Red is a better color for her thobeit


File: 1713039850186.png (379.05 KB, 1263x2252, Mymy rose of Texas_2024041….png)

Best flag


File: 1713039914865.png (174.18 KB, 1263x2252, Mymy rose of Texas_2024041….png)

Antifa mymy


File: 1713039948342.png (198.86 KB, 1263x2252, Mymy rose of Texas_2024041….png)



File: 1713039997033.png (65.91 KB, 321x562, billede_2024-04-13_2041185….png)


File: 1713040973006.png (132.46 KB, 1263x2252, Mymy rose of Texas_2024041….png)

False get mogged


File: 1713041002881.png (118.36 KB, 1263x2252, Mymy rose of Texas_2024041….png)

Here’s the template for black shirt mymy even and again I’ll say mogged


File: 1713041052405.png (258.36 KB, 1263x2252, MymyLes.png)

Noncanonical lesbian mymy


File: 1713041070095.png (243.33 KB, 1263x2252, MymyBi.png)

Canon Bisexual mymy


File: 1713041269785.png (129.17 KB, 1263x2252, Mymy rose of Texas_2024041….png)

Can’t believe no one’s made Prinsenvlag mymy yet


File: 1713041314144.png (130.24 KB, 1263x2252, Mymy rose of Texas_2024041….png)

Normal version


File: 1713041513986.gif (153.83 KB, 265x400, 34533 - SoyBooru.gif)

Zemmy thread, even if every poster here is the same


File: 1713041522691.png (119.32 KB, 1263x2252, Mymy rose of Texas_2024041….png)



Bedankt <3




File: 1713043501656.png (626 KB, 1263x2252, Mymy rose of Texas_2024041….png)

Japsterdam flag


File: 1713043540432.png (298.93 KB, 1263x2252, Mymy rose of Texas_2024041….png)

R_Terra flag


File: 1713043646657.png (575.4 KB, 720x720, 162_20240401003317.png)

gemmy thread with some coal posts


Any other ones I should make y'all?


>Mymy, therefore not coal only gem


Coal ones are ironic


File: 1713044330207.png (103.69 KB, 455x498, coal-coal-alarm.png)

Jewkrainigger posting vantablack coal as usual.


Kys 'cord troon


File: 1713047151715.jpg (71.94 KB, 640x640, IMG_20240203_222616_212.jpg)


File: 1713047791233.png (282.6 KB, 1263x2252, NO FORMO PARTE DE NINGUN P….png)

ta bien ta bien






File: 1713050390461.png (88.18 KB, 339x605, mymy_korean.png)

Gems from massadonie that outmog anythin I made


File: 1713050423794.png (269.26 KB, 897x1600, Untitled82_20240413231741.png)

Better Japanese one (still should maybe be imperial Japanese)


mymy polentera


File: 1713052603940.png (68.67 KB, 1263x2252, coloring page.png)

coloring page version


She would never


Yeah ik


File: 1713061812613.png (220.43 KB, 1263x2252, Mymy rose of Texas_2024041….png)



File: 1713079942546-0.png (355.89 KB, 1263x2252, Mymy_White_Army.png)

File: 1713079942546-1.png (158.55 KB, 1263x2252, Mymy_Japsterdam_Regiment.png)

Mymy in Kornilovite military uniform, one with the (unofficial) flag of the White Movement another with a fictional Japsterdam Regiment flag


>Total Slav Death
Haven't you tried that once? How badly did it end?


File: 1713080339280.png (70.14 KB, 1263x2252, 1713052603940.png)

Here's a blank version for any WhiteArmyGODS




WhiteArmyGODS i kneel, the heros that won in the end. Thanks for your autism and keep making such edits.


File: 1713096913635.png (40.04 KB, 1323x2225, Coco, black and proud.png)

is coco considered a black person or just white cus I cant tell


as white as they come


File: 1713097285570.png (64.1 KB, 714x1200, Coco_AWB.png)

Aryan in fact


She is probably mixed albeit


I mean, do you count 1-3% Non-European DNA as mixed?
Most Afrikaners are Dutch or even French (such as Eugene Terreblanche who was of French Huguenot descent)


Her parents were both white though


Source? Look at her skin
Her skin is the mutt colour her father or mother were probably black


Blonde hair is a gene which rarely passes down from a racemixed couple


File: 1713098993742.png (245.58 KB, 534x534, Screenshot_20240414_144610.png)

she drew them white


Ahhh I see I see


It's a tan lmao



Coco is an Aryan and supports apartheid


this is wrong she is not racist as seen when she learned about belgian congo in deel 5


File: 1713144372838.png (55.99 KB, 239x255, 1701147509881.png)

>this is wrong she is not racist as seen when she learned about bel- ACKK!!!


Literally every other colonial nation at the time condemned what belgium was doing tho, didn't mean they held niggers to a higher standard


File: 1713146875455-0.png (63.17 KB, 1263x2252, romania.png)

File: 1713146875455-1.png (65.89 KB, 1263x2252, legion.png)



Siberian gem


welll she not racist because… she just ISNT OK


Ironically, being adopted is what prevented her from becoming one.


Someone make Belgian Mymy


Larp. Xhe's built for BWC and therefore racist


I will fucking break your arm and shove it up your ass for even suggesting the idea that she's, and may god forgive me for uttering this word, a gypsy fuck.


File: 1713180329656.png (138.26 KB, 1263x2252, Başlıksız8_20240415142205.png)

Mymy is a proud Turkish nationalist lel :DDD


Does she live in Berlin as well?


Yep, she's in kreuzberg


Romanians are not gypsies doe. They wuz romans n shiet.


mymy wouldn't do this. she's a race traitor (race traitor for BWC doe not for BBC)


I second this.


ok gypsy


File: 1713208310098.png (193.76 KB, 1263x2252, Mymy, don cossack and prou….png)

Don Mymy


File: 1713208408284-0.png (211.27 KB, 894x1604, Screenshot_20240415-150316….png)

File: 1713208408284-1.png (228.08 KB, 885x1593, Screenshot_20240415-150346….png)

File: 1713208408284-2.png (232.82 KB, 887x1595, Screenshot_20240415-150401….png)

File: 1713208408284-3.png (177.88 KB, 894x1601, Screenshot_20240415-150443….png)

I'm taking requests


File: 1713208428320-0.png (200.97 KB, 882x1591, Screenshot_20240415-150741….png)

File: 1713208428320-1.png (287.46 KB, 887x1593, Screenshot_20240415-150911….png)

File: 1713208428320-2.png (323.61 KB, 887x1595, Screenshot_20240415-150939….png)


mymy would never hold a Belgian flag meds now


why take in requests if all edits, even the more complex ones take like 5 minutes
as a proof i will do Mymy holding the belgian flag but with the "Mymy but belgie" desing from massa


it's been 20 minutes, liarGOD


File: 1713209943340.png (183.64 KB, 518x438, Degrelle_Mymy.png)

>Rexist Mymy
she's so real for that


went to take a shower, ever had those?
I am edititng it, wait some time


File: 1713211955260.png (196.35 KB, 1263x2252, Mymy, belgian and proud.png)


evil mymy


Mymy would never


File: 1713215059211.png (1.05 MB, 853x1563, Screenshot_20240101-010518….png)

RexistGOD I knvvl…


nigga shut up…….


File: 1713220679239.png (94.32 KB, 1263x2252, ClipboardImage.png)


Bvilt for bwc


Literally; Paraguay has a long-standing tradition of state-mandated racemixing


someone download all the pictures on this thread and upload them to the booru NOW



File: 1713250800754.webm (3.68 MB, 720x716, EBPcLDezZ3Htr5tO.webm)

Paraguay mentioned




its like the country from slopjaks or something


Is there a Maya version of this format?


no i didnt make one yet


File: 1713577802174.png (161.43 KB, 1263x2252, mexico.png)



we need more Latam mymys


File: 1715624177331-0.png (83.87 KB, 1263x2252, Mymy Syrian.png)

File: 1715624177331-1.png (222.2 KB, 1263x2252, Mymy Assadist.png)

Mymy supports Bashar al-Assad


Brown award


File: 1715626202633.png (48.15 KB, 1263x2252, 1713019220872.png)

Mymy is proud of her heritage, unlike you, Zaryan!


she will never be a real country


one of the best threads


File: 1717590401816.png (143.35 KB, 1263x2252, NSB_vlag.png)

NSB flag



File: 1717626497605-0.png (86.84 KB, 381x697, 1713033400874.png)

File: 1717626497605-1.png (394.98 KB, 1148x2048, 1713032732281-1.png)

File: 1717626497605-2.png (177.22 KB, 1263x2252, 1713037534132.png)

File: 1717626497605-3.png (65.89 KB, 1263x2252, 1713146875455-1.png)

Kys, Mymy hates commies


File: 1717627852837.png (150.45 KB, 1263x2252, Untitled.png)

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