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/zellig/ - Ongezellig

IAZ and soft NAZ
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File: 1696400050226.png (634.33 KB, 720x1020, maya2.png)


I'm making a gem and when I'm done (probably tomorrow) I'll drop it


I'm waiting teen


File: 1696449331099.jpg (44.43 KB, 1024x1024, maya28.jpg)

The gem is 20% done and will likely boost posts here


can we have a sneak peek sista?


Stop calling your bros "sista". You gay or something?


true, its xister


File: 1696506492345.png (49.87 KB, 800x800, zane.png)

>Stop calling your bros "sista". You gay or something?


any updates 'ligger????????


let him cook


File: 1696620554572.jpg (2.56 KB, 125x99, arrow.jpg)

>im making a gem even doe im not doing anything


File: 1696630987003.gif (443.24 KB, 512x512, marching mymy.gif)

sorry zaryans I've been drawing gemmies on the 'lanet lately, I'll have done it a little later than scheduled


gemmy gem gem


File: 1696871783851.png (32.75 KB, 120x255, 1696168495449.png)

>sorry zaryans I've been drawing gemmies on the 'lanet lately, I'll have done it a little later than scheduled


File: 1696873080436.png (1.15 MB, 1914x1020, 1696260860789.png)

>>sorry zaryans I've been drawing gemmies on the 'lanet lately, I'll have done it a little later than scheduled


File: 1696874462038.png (201.96 KB, 640x640, 21561_-_SoyBooru.png)

>>>sorry zaryans I've been drawing gemmies on the 'lanet lately, I'll have done it a little later than scheduled


8 days ago…
2 days ago…


>probably tomorrow
>8 days ago
the 'lanet was a mistake


File: 1697128370591.png (910.03 KB, 1080x1632, 1686079622597.png)



File: 1697718022295.png (215.74 KB, 720x794, 6e1f26d8307e5d4240ede256c6….png)

>I'm making a gem and when I'm done (probably tomorrow) I'll drop it
>15 days


File: 1697720938851.png (1.19 MB, 936x890, ClipboardImage.png)

>commenting on the effects of various time wasters on people's productivity and capacity to create …LE BAD if you arent paying them or something


true, but it's still a project that he works on his free time. Whenevr he feels like finishing it, he will finish it.


day 20 of waiting for tomorrow


File: 1698167473343.png (33.05 KB, 708x746, 1683408772346.png)


>I'm making a gem and when I'm done (probably tomorrow) I'll drop it

>The gem is 20% done and will likely boost posts here

>sorry zaryans I've been drawing gemmies on the 'lanet lately, I'll have done it a little later than scheduled

Ok, I speculate that the mastermind behind the zaryan gem is around 50-60% done, given the fact that the planet.soyjak.in colonising went for a long time.

Let the man cook. I'm sure that the end result will be zemmy, no matter how long it takes.




File: 1698510737759.png (9.67 KB, 346x282, 481 - OngezelligBooru.png)

OP here, sorry for 24 days of waiting for tomorrow, I have finished what I was compiling and I have to find a good hosting website now. The file is 1.20 GB and I tried both mediafire and soyjak.download so far without results. I'll try to find a hosting website that allows me to get more than 500mb in. Thank you for your patience zaryans.


>1.20 GB file
You trying to host a zip bomb??


1.20 GB?
What were you working on, my friend?
I suppose it's not just some art.

sounds like a program to me.


>1.88 gigs
Either you're dumping a huge catalog of zellig art scoured from the 'net, or something else.


>The gem is 20% done and will likely boost posts here
well, if he trully mean that it would boost posts, maybe it isn't a huge 'log of zellig art. Maybe it's something gemmier?


Programs are NOT that space intensive. Code is extremely light, most memory is taken up by assets. So if it is a program, we are talking about more than a gigabyte worth of art assets


Indeed, that's what I've been working on. That's why I said it could boost posts, I wanted to make an equivalent to soot's early soyjak folder where one could download a whole folder of IAS, I wished to make the same but for IAZ.

Not intentionally, the folder raw is 1.23 GB and compressed in winrar's "best" compression method is 1.20 GB, I'm trying to check for ways to compress it better as well.




File: 1698514494356.gif (2.68 MB, 300x300, 26629 - SoyBooru.gif)

Upload it all to the Booru whenever you have the time


ok that sounds cool ngl

1.20 gb worth of content may requere a lot of work.
Maybe we should also upload it to the AI MEGA link too.

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