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/zellig/ - Ongezellig

IAZ and soft NAZ
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I think we all know the fact that all main characters in 'zellig are from countries related to netherlands historicaly (no shit sherlock)
>Maya is from indonesia wich used to be a dutch colony, Mymy calls her belgian wich was also dutch
>Mymy is from japan, because netherlands was the only western country japan decided to trade with when japan was in isolation
>Coco is from south Africa wich also used to be dutch for a while, also entirety of aficans is based on dutch language.
So here is the thing, we dont know the nationalities of background characters, wich brings me to my talking point:
And i MEAN needs.
If you know anything about Peter the great (the first empreror of my homeland) Is that aside from draining swamps, building a big ass navy, killing Swedes and Turks is that he REALY liked the country of Netherlands, so much so the russian flag is based on the dutch flag (real fact btw, i am not being ironic in this antire rant a single time) so considering that pan slavic colours are based on the the biggest slavic nations flag,


if you live in Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Republica srpska, Czech Republic and so on, YOUR flag is based on the Dutch flag. Dutch people should be proud of this fact, considering over the past years there have been objectivly better flag desings in each contry with the pan slavic coloured flag (yellow white black is better obv) and its a mirracle those remain as the slavic colours, so to pay soledarity with us SlavGODS in the 'zellig community and show obvious cultural and historic ties (even petersuburg was intented as the russian version of amsterdam with canals and shit) i am asking Massa to make one of the background characters a confirmed slav, for me Koos would be the best choise since he has a buzzcut and wears addidas, altho this would be extremely stereotipical and he looks a bit retarded, you cant convince me that this mf wasnt intended as the slavic character. You can claim any nation, (exept cUckraine), you have to admit he looks slavic. This was meant to be, and the evidence is too good to be false. So, fellow 3 slavs here, do you agree, or should i take my meds?


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Koos should have a big brother named "Küzz" fighting off in the great Ukraine war and come back in all of his gigachad slavic glory


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He looks polish/retraded/LGBTQ. I don't like that guy.

There was this other dude, Goot. He reminds me of Niko from GTA IV a bit. I say we take him instead.


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As the third resident slav of the board, Koos looks fucking retarded
maybe if he stopped drolling


Goot is very clearly a greaser stereotype tho


I know, but I just don't want bloody Koos.


>Koos is kuz evendoe Goot and Tryn have the sobot/kuz dynamic




Goot is Soot
I will NOT elaborate further


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And he got that SOOT on him


Koos is very clearly the "KUUUURWAAAAAAA" meme and therefore 100% pureblood polish


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Upd: I think catu would fit more as a slav actually, not only she doesn't look retarded/polish, but she is a blonde attractive woman like most slavic women are (fact btw). Also would be a little more accurate since in all savic count tries there are more women than men (I also made her drink batica 7 on the /co/ thread, and nobody seemed to have a problem with it, so even /co/fags agree)


* countries
Autocorrect fucking me up as always


>like most slavic women are
I wish i was in these "most" countries

>all savic count tries there are more women than men

Never thought about it. source?!?!?!

>drinks baltica* in school

They allow this shit in Russia?


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I just thought it would be funny she was drinking baltica 7, you have to be 18 to drink alcoholic beverages in Russia.
Picture here, regions painted red have more women than men. Green about the same.


That's not all slavic countries, that's just the ex-soviet states. I see that the Balkans, Poland and Chzekoslovakia are pretty mid.


I know, but slavic countries are still in yellow and orange teritory, the only green and blue areas are in croatia and slovenia.


and western bulgaria


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serbogroids are turkish, not slavic
Surely he was meant to be based on some obscure /pol/spic 4tran meme picture from 2016 and not a typical Dutch 90s techno fan. Google "Dutch rave culture" you sub 80 IQ ape.
Your inferiority complex is almost impressive.
BTW, Maya isn't a SEAmonkey, skin colors of the characters are indicators of personality more so than a physical characteristic. Vera is fucking purple for God's sake.


look at this mulato nigger, who responded to some 2 month old comments from gigaslavchads.


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RusGODS won, Poles too


>2 most Aryan super soldier kings are from the Germanic north
Step down slavbois Germanics taking the lead


the point is the fact there are slavs in zellig doe, and both Koos and Wiel who were proposed by zaryans on this thread are indeed slavic. Massa secretly listens to chuds confirmed??


Ilse is Turkish


>Adam is Chinese
>Goof is Hungarian
>evendoe Adam literally looks like a direct descendant of Attila and not like a bugman chink


He got that chink gotee and eyes doe


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>I think we all know the fact that all main characters in 'zellig are from countries related to netherlands historicaly (no shit sherlock)
>>Maya is from indonesia wich used to be a dutch colony, Mymy calls her belgian wich was also dutch
>>Mymy is from japan, because netherlands was the only western country japan decided to trade with when japan was in isolation
>>Coco is from south Africa wich also used to be dutch for a while, also entirety of aficans is based on dutch language.
>So here is the thing, we dont know the nationalities of background characters, wich brings me to my talking point:
>And i MEAN needs.
>If you know anything about Peter the great (the first empreror of my homeland) Is that aside from draining swamps, building a big ass navy, killing Swedes and Turks is that he REALY liked the country of Netherlands, so much so the russian flag is based on the dutch flag (real fact btw, i am not being ironic in this antire rant a single time) so considering that pan slavic colours are based on the the biggest slavic nations flag,

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