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/zellig/ - Ongezellig

IAZ and soft NAZ
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Hello loyal and trusted Zaryans.
Today we have decided that within the next 72 hours, if you have a good enough post history and you write an email to zartyappeals@gmail.com, you might be the lucky winner of a janitor position (you do it for free). Follow the provided footsteps and you will become an official janitor.
Now, why? We have been a bit short on jannies when it comes to amerimutt hours, some time ago malicious links had been up for 4 entire hours due to lack of mutt jannies.
So, step up and be counted, show the world that you're a man.
God bless!

Applications are now closed, thanks a lot to all who applied!


for americans only?


No. You can apply if you're from Europe too, sorry for the confusion.


How many jannies do you have now and from what timezones?


Technically we have 17 jannies, only like 6 of them are active. And I'm also pretty sure one of the unironically died.
As for timezones, we have one asian mod, one amerimutt mod and 2 amerimutt jannies that are never active. The rest are euro mods and jannies


Aren't the 'p spammers asian? That's my impression. Usually they spam during late mutt/early euro hours.


We don't know who is behind the 'p spam, usually they don't actually have a set schedule to that of a human. They just post whenever it thinks the mods and jannies are least active, atleast that's our current theory. The reason you don't see 'p on another schedule is because it gets removed, trust me it can post anytime of the day.


That was my guess based on when I see it and when new bans appear on the execution list. But it might as well be a bot.


I think that I’ve seen child p’ links at around 9am EST


last 2 'p links were around 12 AM- 1:30 AM for me.. (i live in muttland)


one of my threads had 'p links replied on it for 8 hours after I reported it




Moved to >>>/chive/1008.

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