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/zellig/ - Ongezellig

IAZ and soft NAZ
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“Mother looking at me
Tell me what do you see?
Yes, I've lost my mind.
Daddy looking at me
Will I ever be free?
Have I crossed the line?„ ~ Tatu. All The Things She Said


how would Coco and Mymy react?


Coco would have flashbacks from the day her parents died and fall to her knees crying, and Mymy would immediately run for her parents.

It would be nice if someone drew such a comic book.


>hey coco, maya just made a pinata
<oooo i love pnatas!!! and the candy found inside them!!! especially the dark chocolate, whats your favorite one maya? maya?


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Low effort gem


high effort gem


oh the things i would do to her dead body…


I have to disappoint you, but most of the time hanged people shit and piss under themselves.


thats the best part tho


dont most people do that while dying? why not just emptty everything before roping


chudbob reference


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>All The Things She Said


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>All The Things She Said


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All The Things She Said


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not…… le wholesome…..


that’s just their initial reactions, how would it affect them after weeks or months have passed?


Coco would be very sad for a week or two, then forget about it as her friends do their best to make her happy.
Mymy would be disturbed for a time, byt maybe she'd get over it.


As someone else already said

"Her family will probably be heartbroken, but only for like two weeks, because there is only so much you can mourn for someone whose life ended at 6."


She’d most likely cope with it decently well after two weeks, but it would probably take years for her to go a day without thinking about it, there’s no way she’d simply forget about it. Her sisters mean the world to her.
You also have to consider that this isn’t a natural death, this is a suicide. There’s a good chance she’d be racked with guilt and reflect on her treatment of Maya; contemplating all the ways she could’ve improved her interactions with her and potentially divert her from suicide.


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