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/zellig/ - Ongezellig

IAZ and soft NAZ
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Just found this place and it looks fun but I've got some questions:
1. Can jannies and mods see IPs? How many people can see my IP if I'm not banned or warned?
2. What do you guys think about the sharty?
3. Can I post Vera or is zarty more about mymy, coco and maya?
4. Who's the best girl in the show?
5. Is there a thread archive?




/qa/ is coal because there isn't enough zellig there


1. Only admins (aka only Zoot I think) can see your IP, mods can't.
2. Was fun during the late Kuz-era I got into, but stopped going there regularly since it wasn't really fun anymore; post Froot-buyout.
3. Anything zellig related you can post
4. Vera (and anyone who says otherwise is a swarthy negro who likes little girls)
5. >>>/chive/


The other questions have been answered but to add on to some there's an execution list with all bans with the start of ips and I frequent the sharty, kuz and root are le good and I dislike froot


Why do you guys dislike froot?


He's incompetent as a mod and hates 'zellig while only allowing NAS that he likes, I don't actually hate him thoughever


We transheart sharty here, xir


>Was fun during the late Kuz-era I got into
every era except early and mid Soot era was utter shit, late Kuz era in particular was the lowest of the low, we had BBC banners and two literal transsexuals as moderators


>red putting up literal BLACKED ads wasn't the lowest the site got
>froot constantly breaking the site wasn't the lowest the site got
>Doll's utter incompetency wasn't the lowest the site got
Tell me where kuz touched you to make you dilate this hard oldtroon


>>red putting up literal BLACKED ads wasn't the lowest the site got
that was kuz late era and it was max, are you retarded or just pretending?
also red, together with sobot, got into the moderation team under kuz. even after he knew they were trannies he kept them in.
>>froot constantly breaking the site wasn't the lowest the site got
i have never browsed the sharty druing the froot era
>>Doll's utter incompetency wasn't the lowest the site got
doll was incompetent, kuz was actively malicious
one thing is worse than the other
pre-kuz sharty was a special place, it still retained the magic of /qa/ which is arguably something the internet had never seen since the early 4chan days. kuz's biggest crime was managing to kill that spirit, things obviously were never (and won't ever be) the same after him.
everything bad that happened after him is ultimately his fault.


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I wasn't around for the soot era so I can't argue against it being the best but I will argue that k♡♡z was better as an admin than froot is, I personally would say that the mods he hired was just him being extremely unfortunate


>. Can I post Vera
Yes. We desperately need more hag content


Jannies cant see Ips, only mods and admins can
Cool place
Veras allowed yes


The only person who managed to answer all questions correctly


albeit mymy is a gem


Me and my mods can see IPs. Jannies cannot.


invasion of privacy, please stop


nigga no one cares


was /qa/ special in a way that /s4s/ wasn't?


Your IP is half useless even if the mods decided to dox you for no fucking reason at all, at max they could find your city and no more. Your IP is safe with the mods, I can't think of a single case where an IP has been leaked to everyone on here, contrary to almost every other sharty splinter.


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/s4s/ was the antithesis of /qa/
/qa/ was the land of freedom and funposting
/shit4shit/ was Faglord's private discord server, filled to the brim with namefagging trannies and where posting anything he personally disliked would get you banned
ironically, shit4shit was also ultimately the reason /qa/ got nuked. Faglord eventually had enough of his discord server getting raided by /qa/nons and locked the board.


>the mods he hired was just him being extremely unfortunate
he wasnt unfortunate at all since he defended and kept them (or pretended to fire them to appease the users while in reality promoting them to head of moderation, like in the case of sobot) even after he knew of their crimes
during kuz there was a surreal "us (kolymacord) vs them (users)" attitude, so in his wicked mind it probably made sense to maintain a clan of dickless freaks to fight his own personal crusade against the users


>I personally would say that the mods he hired was just him being extremely unfortunate
good Tsar, bad boyars mentality


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s4s was my main board for a looong while so i can't really shittalk it too much. i spent my teenage years there. (s4s le good even doe they groomed me into liking futanari). but it actually used to be a great autism funposting board before it became attention-seeking namefag central (SOUND FAMILIAR? LOOKING AT YOU SOYZELLIG AND SHARTY) but for real doe s4s is extremely similar to soysphere. its like proto-sharty (forced memes, mspaint drawings, esoteric lingo, posting the same thing again and again le funny) and the same thing that killed s4s is happening to soysphere, history is repeating itself and i'm witnessing it as it happens


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this is the kind of shit I remember /s4s/ for


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built for big 'jak cock


>but it actually used to be a great autism funposting board before it became attention-seeking namefag central
It does indeed sound familiar but no one seems to care


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I don't know why namefagging is even allowed.
Honestly names could be cool if you could only be granted a name from the admin. This would make a name a proof of your contribution. Instead of a proof of being an attention whore and a narcissist.
>I hereby name thee


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Do you think the regressive cycle could be stopped or reversed or are you a doomer tradfag?


well i don't think the attention-seeking namefag epidemic could ever raise to s4s level in the soysphere. but maybe other events could cause a similar catastrophy. like imagine if an actual girl somehow found zarty and started posting here for attention. it could cause an extinction event


Wasn't kleki a thing tho and got quickly chased out?


even then it would be attention whoring but more pretentious and self aggrandizing. name/tripfagging should only ever be done when distinction between posters and their authenticity is necessary like coordinating complicated community colabs (like the animation colab). In all other cases it's cancer


/s4s/ used to claim a bunch of gets too. It was like /b/, fun to casually browse until it got overrun by habitual users

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