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/zellig/ - Ongezellig

IAZ and soft NAZ
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Did you guys hear about this?


heard on the terra 'cord, very gemmy


gem that will save the zarty but they have to be careful. even if you don't respect massa you have to follow the canon. making it out-of-pocket chudcore would be coaly.


we're so back


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apparently Cam is working on it too


We’re so unbelievably back


seems like may 2024 will be the zellig renaissance month. would be awesome if we finished the reanimated collab at the same time. i'll work to finish my part ASAP


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its crazy how bad of a creator you have to be to have your own community continue the series for you


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We are so back, but didnt Aiden draw yuri art as of recent? I hope it won't get inserted into the comics, would kinda ruin it.


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>Xe doesn't know about Snoot Game


not to be rude, but we are not doing this to "one up" massa or to overshadow his creation or to "be better" than him


To be rude, we are doing this to one up massa and to overshadow his creation and be better than him.


i will pulverize you


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i am the one who sent all those valentines day gifts to Coco btw. it's all me.


That one valentine's card to Mymy is from ME btw


Don't speak too soon, we've yet to see how competent the team is


they appear competent, it looks like there is a massive joint effort by everyone in the community to maks new ongezellig content in their own ways according to what I am seeing in the 'cords


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Other one


Who is that man on the left?


that's daddy dearest


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Wiel, he's a like a stereotypical greaser (literally me)


hes not wiel doe he's maya's father. xe's the type of guy to adopt 2 girls for mysterious reasons >>18292


Why is he the only adult there?


i guess he drove them there. i wonder what kind of personality they gave him. because massa said nothing about him as far as i know. massa made only 1 drawing of him. i think they went with his "uninterested" look from the one drawing we received and gave him a nonchalant personality based on that, he seems like he doesn't care about the girls at all, but the mother forces him to go out with them.
so i guess in this story it was the mother that wanted adoptive daughters. but why doe? they already had maya. they could've made more children. did xe break his cock after maya was born? i hope they explain this in the story.


Oh I'm a blind retard, my mistake


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That makes sense. Wasn't he mentioned in the recording that someone uploaded few weeks ago? I have a feeling that Massa said something about his personality as being rather withdrawn.


Maya's dad, we arent using the leaked design for obvious reasons


again this project is made out of respect for studio massa, not spite


not really correct, hes not an uncaring dad, but i wont spoil anything


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s-s-sorry cam-sama


cammy i transheart you


its okay dw, i just REALLY wanna emphasize that we are not doing this to one up massa or do anything out of spite, this is a labor of love from everyone involved with the project


Wait, there was a leaked design?


yes but i wont share it, not that i have it on me anyways, but i wouldnt even if i did


I think he's refering to >>13024


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o-o-of course glorius cam-sama


Interesting, I've never seen these before


bumping to fight off 'p


i cant stop anyone here from it, but id personally suggest not spreading it further as it is leaked content


Massa literally said that he never wanted people to share it
The fact that it's in the comic now will make his blood BOIL


The comic design is obviously different from the one from the leaked image. Which creates an interesting problem of what happens if Ongezellig gets continued by Massa somehow and the two designs don't match.


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tbh Massa doesn't even deserve to call Ongezellig his, it's like a beautiful daughter he raised for years and then abandoned because he couldn't swallow his pride and go reach out to people overseas to help him out


retard nonsensestone analogy, rope


Xhe's not wrong, nigger dropped and left xis kid like every other negro father and refuses to do anything with it


yeah thats exactly why we're not using the real design


dude he completed the pilot, he didnt drop it


you need to go back


Cam for God's love on a cross, please please please don't shoehorn any shipping


Too late: he didn't write the comic


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You don't know, do you?


i am at least somewhat involved in the writing process
Mats in this comic will be nothing more than a BG character currently and even in my comic i dont plan on going down a romantic route with him and maya. but i di find the fan art cute



this is cute even doe thats literally me…


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I'm so extremely lonely bros it's unreal. Why did she have to play with me like this?


>i dont plan on going down a romantic route with him and maya
You can't just ignore what the fans want, Mats is the only Ongezellig OC we're willing to put up with being shipped!


I for one think Henk (G.O.A.T) being with everyone is acceptable


What has the reaction on Massacord been like?


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idk but here's 4cuck's


Yeah Im thinkin gem


yeah i dont think a fandom full of yurifags is going to like that…


Rather mats and Maya than Maya and coco I can’t stand the fucking Yurikikes.


Get out of here Austin


as a newfag, i do like how you guys are more positive than the doomers in /co/.


Mats is ok, I wouldn't mind making him a more central character


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What do you guys use to make zellig ai images in massa's style? Found these two in a thread a while back and I've tried to make similar pictures in various ai image generators and they just spit out animeslop
This was the most promising model but it's not what I'm going for https://pixai.art/model/1644300693524083429


posted a thread as a reply award


that's typical for /co/ because they have other obsessions besides zellig and thus easily move on, the traitors


Their fixation with zarty never seems to fade out though


That's because we have that zoomer "we're so back" vrill that the bitter fossils over at rulecuck central just don't have




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Regarding the last one, Massa deliberately gave Maya a mixed background so she couldn't feel she belongs anywhere. He said that in the last recording. So it could be said the loss of identity is one of the main themes of the show. And it kind of plays into the recent "immigration as a revenge for colonisation" thing.


you know Massa is no longer a nationalist right? That's why he plays it for laughs. Mymy's an extremist because every high schooler is before they mellow out


Mymy is just a child. She is arguably the least important of non-background characters and the main distinction and point of tensions is between Maya and Coco. You didn't watch closely or just are too low IQ to notice if you think otherwise.


even doe nationalism is good or something


This is either going to be the blackest coal or the gem that saved the zarty or something


>last post
Post the link to the channel/video.

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