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/zellig/ - Ongezellig

IAZ and soft NAZ
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File: 1710182789474-0.png (660.05 KB, 1341x755, official.png)

File: 1710182789474-1.png (362.14 KB, 726x913, Mayas_Dad_Color.png)


This is what Maya's father looks like apparently


File: 1710183228100.png (41.13 KB, 148x147, mamy.png)

where are these from? Is this actually new massa artwork?


paypig petje stream, yes, its real


This confirms Mayas dad is white


File: 1710183562564.gif (642.96 KB, 300x248, 1695900601629.gif)

sovlful spine-tingling lorefilled thought-provoking official art


according to massa hes half surinamese and half dutch

mayas mother is half chinese-indonesian/tionghoa and half indonesian


holy mutterald is this news being dropped in real time


theres a whole list of lore that massa dropped in that stream itd just take a while to compile


any big stuff besides this?


planned episodes, character lore, etc etc


File: 1710184171227.gif (2.88 MB, 470x640, 29272 - SoyBooru-1.gif)



no le source both ways, who should I trust doe


the people who dropped a stream screenshot


the best part about anonymous imageboards is not having your posts attached to you like a discord account, about these "people who dropped a screenshot" they must prove being the author of such posts by taking a screenshot of their (you)'s


So it is getting made into a full show lemme overdose on copium real quick


I wanna color it in I think imma color it in


Holy shit if this is real PLEASE drop some of the info


This is what Maya's father looks like apparently>

Op if it's true you got this from the paypig streams then how did you get this? to my knowledge nobody has ever archived the streams or know if there saved or not. Do you know something?


paypig petje stream, yes, its real<

If somebody has archived all the past pay pig streams and not said anything I'm going to fufill mymy's dreams of schoolocaust.


What do the numbers mean?




retardGOD i kneel…



This confirms Maya’s mom likes BWAC


why is mymy like that?


Methinks she finds that romantic.


File: 1710190514324.png (62.31 KB, 166x251, 1708966316776.png)

Uhh Zaryan why 14 years old in specific


because that's the age of her mom in the image


Why does he look like he’s having Vietnam flashbacks?


chechen war is not a joke


File: 1710193830869.jpeg (124.77 KB, 566x800, A72868EB-37F2-4428-A4FF-8….jpeg)

nigga looks like the accordion guy from the serbia strong video


He was in Dutchbat in Kosovo


>>12875 never ask what he was doing in bosnia during the 90's


when I entered that bosnian village with my friends in back in ‘92, I was only following orders



duh, no, this is like when halflife3.txt got published




Do the parents have official names yet?


Why does Coco look so unhinged in this art



according to /co/ he showed this in a stream and asked people not to screenshot, evidently someone on 4chan did and posted it in the zellig thread



File: 1710241167979.png (52.87 KB, 720x240, ClipboardImage.png)

the banner was foreshadowing


Blud doesn't know Streissand effect ☠️


if this stream wasnt archived by one of those /co/ons i will ack my self on live tv


File: 1710277652433-0.png (660.05 KB, 1341x755, 1710182789474-0.png)

File: 1710277652433-1.png (1.72 MB, 1644x3840, Screenshot_20240312-220058.png)

File: 1710277652433-2.jpg (1.27 MB, 1644x3069, IMG_20240312_220129.jpg)

Now that we know what the father of our gems looks like, we should give him a name. My suggestions are three.

a. Ryan
b. Sven
c. Roy

Which one suits you best?

Ps. I would like to remind you that we named our mother Anna.


Sem, as Massa's self insert


His name has to be 4 letters as to keep up with the unspoken rule that every character thus far has had 4 letters.
That said, I think "Ike" would fit him if the 4 letter rule weren't in place. If not that, then idk maybe "Jojo" since his hairstyle kinda reminds me of the show.


tell us in advance I would archive that


When is this art gonna release?


From what I understand, this was leaked from one of Massa's live streams. If I had to guess, this art is some of what Massa mentioned he planned to make after his break to "fill in the plotholes" and stuff. So probably expect it in a few months or smth.


Maya is indianesian pajeet belgmutt brimstone confirmed


post hand


Should've known that (((massa))) is a fucking kike


he already has a name with the mother asw, was told in the priv streams he hosts apparently


Which is…?


Soei (mother) and Tuey (father)
both rhyme thats the joke


How do they rhyme, Sew+e and Tow+e, or Sue+e and Two+e


Why is mymy sweaty while listening to the story??


mymy now knows what she wants out of a man


This. She's not sweating from being h*rny over her adoptive parents' love story, she's imagining what her love life would be like and hopes to achieve someday; preferrably with a A10, blonde, white as paper, steel-formed jawline A R Y V N.


No she wants to marry a big buff bird man


you called?


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