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/zellig/ - Ongezellig

IAZ and soft NAZ
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File: 1713998906088.png (342.44 KB, 626x800, 69 - markiplier_soyjak mym….png)


A girl came up to me today after class to ask me to clarify for her something she didn't understand and I spent the whole day thinking about it because I'm retarded just like that.


fucking autistuc weirdo


That's normal, actually. This forum is for true KHHVs fakecel


aryan detected


Women don't like putting in effort when men can do it. Just tell her what she wants to hear and don't overthink it


Tsmt avoid thinking she wants your cock so she dont manipulate you into a betabuxx.
Foids nowadays only exchange favor for sex with chads.


If you were a mixed-race 16 year old girl in a red hoodie living in the Netherlands this would be cute and a gem, but since you are not, it isn't.


I take it you know me in real life since you can say that so confidently.


fucking autistic aryan


thank god im not this much of a sperg


try not to think about it.
I think what will happen is eventually your mind and heart will try to make it appear as if the girl is trying to flirt or something similar.
be careful


>i love blog posting


blog posting isnt even bad, it just needs to be moved to >>>/qa/




it has a zellig picture on the OP though






File: 1714156259486-0.jpg (42.18 KB, 725x250, Screenshot_20240426_133012….jpg)

File: 1714156259486-1.gif (3.7 KB, 96x90, 1701268536792.gif)

Not today goonertroons


is this cleo GET?


File: 1714157493513.png (61.51 KB, 1080x1323, Thumbs up.png)


Holy get


no fuck you

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