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/zellig/ - Ongezellig

IAZ and soft NAZ
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Offer your ideas for the show, what is the role of other characters, what is the development of the heroines and the ending for the series


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kiki majmaj frends forver


Kiki is larp opposition to Mymy, Cleo is a device for Coco to get over her internalized racism/trauma, Ilse is going to manipulate Maya into high interest debt


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How do you like the idea that in the future Maya will become more confident in herself and switch places with Coco, who will become very ill (well, memories of the past have flooded in) and now Maya will try to help her with her problems and earn the title of a real older sister


>Coco should stop being racist
No-no-no, it's too expected and woke. And, whatever, she's already trying to forget her trauma through friendship w/ KKKleo as denial of her internalized racism. A sujet about vendetta (or smthng like this) would be a much better option doe

P.s. but combination of these two variants will be a mutually pretty good I think, don't you?


Not bad, really not bad.


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it would be interesting if Maya's friend was also an autistic person, but in a different direction, like Maya is a sociophobe and her friend is a sociopath like Haruhi Suzumiya


I had this idea about Mymy and Trjn being rivals, like Mymy being jealous of xher being more Dutch


good idea


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there is a good joke about Mymy as one of the characters asked Mymy to teach him how to use sushi sticks


and also a joke about Ilsa, who walks and communicates with Rooe and sees shekels on the floor and does not noticeably pick them up and move on


personally, Id love to see maya become true gezellig, but from experience i'd also like to see her not exactly be 100% "fixed" from her issues, but just get better at managing and getting around them if that makes sense. like have the show end with them graduating or something and have maya's road be more open than before, but not quite have her be a perfect socialite extravery


I would also love a moment of like, maya interacting with essentially another character like herself (maybe like a male maya kinda_, and they both like/have and interest in each other but it doesnt go anywhere because theyre both too awkward and we never (maybe) see this character again, but we get a moment after their interaction of this character freaking out cuz they think they fumbled the interaction. not entirely sure how to word it, but i think it would be a cool "youre not the only one like this" kinda thing and show how not every failed interaction is like, your (or anyones) fault exactly


coco is also racist? ik shes from south africa and the whole implied potential circumstance of her parents death but i dont remember coco ever really being racist especially cuz im pretty sure she hangs out at one point with the goth background character (forgot its name)


mymy riding BWC



damn dude, ive been so blind to the racist coco truth, im glad this is btoh real and canon


It's unimaginative but Mymy's conflict with her heritage and her sister trying to find her. Why she's finding her is because her parents gave her up for adoption for whatever reason and because she never can be considered truly Japanese she coped with Dutch ultranationalism and resents her heritage.


Mymy was brain rotted by Dutch propaganda and escaped japan and went to the Netherlands where she got adopted. Her sister plans on finding Mymy and kidnapping her back to Japan.


thats based


I don't like that though.


If she fails she commits sudoku or whatever


An episode where she attempts to befriend Zoey but she just finds her clingy and obnoxious as Zoey doesn't care about being alone.


Therr should be episodic plots where Maya tries up something new to do with her time while she's locked up in her room only to drop it for one reason or the other by the end of the episode and return to the status quo


i think it would be pure A24 kinography if there was an episode where Mymy gets tortured


I think it would be pure Nolan kinography if there was an episode where Mymy gets loved and cuddled

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