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/zellig/ - Ongezellig

IAZ and soft NAZ
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I'll do a sketch of (((my))) perception of 'zellig (Coco in particular), which, obviously, is absolutely true and correct™.

So, the most pressing issue in the Zarty is the posotion of the three Shoppenboer sisters about TND. Only Coco supports the friendliest attitude towards nigger girl from they class, but this is only a superficial fiction. If you know the 'zellig lore, you should know that her parents died as a result of the South African "lé rofles" against white farmers. She herself was also born into a family of such farmers. This, basically, explains her chastity and "simplicity", which we can notice in her rejection of technology (ABSOLUTELY BASED according to our good polish friend Ted Kaczyński). Coco's consciousness is as pure as possible from modern anti-white (((propaganda))). She grew up among white people. Her entire inner (manya-)world is the world of white people: Her opponents and allies in rugby tournaments are white (belgians and dutch I mean). Her adoptive father is white (perhaps her stepmother is also white, but only half). Maya is white (most likely, mischling of the 2nd degree according to the Nüremberg laws). Mymy, although Japanese, tries to appear like a white dutcg. Most of her (I mean Coco's) surroundings are also white. She lives in an ordinary dutch province, and not in a megapolises like Amsterdam. She clearly does not know about the perversions and degradation that are happening in the heart of her second fatherland. However, this white manyaworld fell apart into before and after due to the very incident when "those of a certain skin color" killed her parents. She will never forget this "color". I believe that her internal racism is hidden by her just like the whole memory of her boer past, and therefore she simply does not want to remember that tragedy. But it seems completely nonsense to me that her "ideal dream guy" in her mind looks like an churka/khach/kaffir/chink/kike/other subhuman and not like the stereotypical SS soldier from nazi posters.

Summarizing, (((myth))) about "Coco built for BBC" has been destroyed by Lé trivial logic. Total Zaryan Victory, comrades.


>twp being total white power


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the aryan coco is going to enact TND in spiteful revenge against the South Africans once her time comes…


Coco would never say that


This but unironicaly


coco is absolutely built for BBC


yep mayacucks are on damage control kys


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Mayabros our response????


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well it's just a fact.
coco is the stereotypical perfect aryan princess and she's literally from south africa, she's the personification of built for BBC.
mymy is a racist little fuck so she's prime BBC breeding material as well.
maya is the only sister that isnt built for large black phallus.


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rangeban italy


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such a hot picture tho. i remember the first time i watched that deel i had a raging boner. so much sexual tension going on


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excuse me what?


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/co/ just mentioned us actually…


Haha, yes, there's a high chance it will get deleted soon doe


let's do a bit of samefagging…


I'm permabanned unfotunately


You could reset your browser to the base version, after that you install all the updates again and you're good to go. Works for rangebanes. At least it worked for me on Google Chrome (phone).


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Nah, I tried on my laptop and on my phone, with wifi and data and from different browsers and versions, and I just can't post


Rip. There has to be another way tho..


/co/ tourist even tho i'm from the sharty


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For the one who asked for it, geslacht means gender btw


Do you have Coco's dossier too?


I don't think there's one for Coco, to the best of my knowledge anyways


niggerlovers on suicide watch after this


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why would coco be on suicide watch after this thread?


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>why would coco be on suicide watch after this thread?


out of all the zellig girls coco is the likeliest to have a black boyfriend






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"Out of all the zellig girls, coco is the likeliest to have a black boyfriend! Why I think that? Because… ehhh… because she is just is, okay?"


What the sodomic cuckold fantasy I read? Blyat, I don't know how to describe this in english, it's just "hujnia poŭnaja" (excuse me for my barbaric eastern-european dialect)




the cope kek


Shitdick talking


File: 1704738546426.webm (2.27 MB, 640x480, 1696620988548.webm)

All the zellig girls hate negroes
[Fact checked by reputable sources]✓✓


hatefucking is a thing you know


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its called rape and it aint allowed on our IB, neger.


yeah idk about this IB but irl coco is 100% getting her insides rearranged by well endowed black men
sorry chuddy


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"meh my mind is poisoned by (((destructive propaganda))) from porn sites or something"


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I'll just remind you of the choice which Coco made…


they're canonically in an open relationship though
they have a black bvll who's going to take care of her sexual needs while chuddy exposes the jews on the zarty


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Hello zoot


>Fabricate bvllshit about "black bvll"
>Attribute Maya's slip to Coco
>*New Reply*


>he didn't watch the BLACKED special deel


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high effort gemerald


>anti hitler


Holy fucking shit, zoot, ban this 2ch.hk zigger right now.
Nobody says that you fucking ESL fuck.


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insane twp cope


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>insane twp co-ACKKKKKKKKKKKKK!!!!!!!!!

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