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/zellig/ - Ongezellig

IAZ and soft NAZ
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Hello my brothers! What are you doing in this beautiful sunday night? I've just finished making a special dinner for Mother's Day, she seemed so happy. Have you made something unique for your mother today? :3
Also, I've been planning to live in the Netherlands in 10-20 years from now on, any tips or anything I should know? Comment if you also think of living there!


My mother left me and my family when i was 9.


I had breakfast at a diner consisting of spiced fried chicken, eggs and a biscuit. Afterwards I took a nap at my grandmother's house.
>I've been planning to live in the Netherlands in 10-20 years from now on
Is it because of zellig.


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So sad to hear that anon… What are you thinking to do for the one who takes care/took care of you in the next time?


Sounds nice!
Also, yes, it's because of zellig (although I just want to get out of where I am one way or another)


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when I was 13 my mother caught me jerking off and forced herself onto me


did she like rape you or something



i am also planning to visit the Netherlands sometime also good response


>Also, I've been planning to live in the Netherlands in 10-20 years from now on
Won't it be majority brown by then?


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Sorry, I am a newfag and I need to lurk more…
Great! I'll see you there then! Are you planning to live there too or just pass some time in there?
Only time will tell. Though I don't think these illegal immigrants will be able to live in the winter for too long, so we might see a reversal in these events for countries with heavy winter.


>All the browns (+20% of the population) will leave the country when they find out it gets cold in winter, or something


forgot 'jak award


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What was your life like afterwards.
Dutch friends told me that housing has gotten so expensive that if they wish to own a home they'll probably have to move out of the country. It's also the microcosm of modern western Europe, a parody of each ugly and dystopic aspect from the region put into one nation.
I was offered to visit Holland for two weeks expenses paid but I don't know anyone there except some family members and I would rather see internet friends in neighboring countries. Denmark and Germany have a Frisian minority.



So, would you two have any recommendations to other countries to live in? Maybe Belgium or Denmark?


First off where are you from?




It never began for you, is nearly impossible to save money on a venezuelan tier inflation rate plus bad purchase power.

One terrible trend of modernity is how the extreme hate toward the enemy manifest into no surrender and pow torture, as the world get more divided banzai style charge will become more common on the hope of not becoming the next cartel-style death video.


It's understandable you would want to leave, if you were a North American I would've weighed the pros and cons of both and what lifestyle is suited for each one. I didn't consider you'd want to move to the Netherlands because Ongezellig introduced you to wanting to know more about the culture either so if that's stronger than any practical concerns it's not a bad ticket. I'm not an expert on Europe so I can only tell you that food is fairly priced, you don't need a car to go anywhere, and you'll have your paycheck taxed as much as it is in Brazil.

40% of your money is taxed in Denmark and buying a car is notoriously expensive being 50%-100% more for what it's actually worth. In Norway importing a car costs 400%(?) more than what it's worth and you are also charged for the amount of water you use in businesses. The Dutch are also miserly people and could nickel-and-dime you through Tikkie.

Lastly if you are brown I wouldn't want you moving to a white country at least with the way demographics currently are. You could feel that both the whites loathe you and see you as nothing more than another foreigner, and you'll loathe the shitskins who are hardly any different from favela rats or they'll think you're one of them.


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There is no future in Brazil, this place is near the top 5 worst places to live in, but since I've been lucky enough to be born into the top 10% of the populace (not that hard of an achievement) I'll make use of it to try my best leaving and mixing into any other culture than the ones for faggots that I was born to.
>is nearly impossible to save money on a venezuelan tier inflation rate plus bad purchase power.
But not impossible, just nearly. I've met (digitally) a venezuelan friend who made it to Spain, still remember him, he used to make jokes about an ukrainian friend of mine during the war and this one used to get so pissed about it kek.
I don't really mind discrimination (unless it means I'm facing being homeless) because I know the price of being an foreigner into a well-built country, I'd do the same too if I were a citizen there, though I am catholic, so it really depends. Taxes are not a problem considering how much we are already taxed, in fact, there is actually a video about how a brazilian candy has 50% the price it has around here, Brazil is a JOKE. I don't really care about cars in a place where you mostly don't need them, and its not like I like them at all. Seeing other people's cultures and seeing that they can be proud of it is fascinating, its sad that I could not experience this at first glance, so I like reading about other people's cultures and habits. Lastly, I'd love to see snow one day. I'll search more about conditions and other things, so thank you both for answering to my post.


The last pockets of animosity between Catholics and Protestants died in the 70s so at most so what's left is quiet disrespect between old people and their religious offspring. If it is an issue for you then North Brabant and Flanders are where the Catholics reside. As for pride, the average European's is smug elitism for policies and bureaucracy, not love for the country and the history that formed it. Or does pride in this sense mean just being glad your country isn't a comedy with cheap gore.


>love for the country and the history that formed it. Or does pride in this sense mean just being glad your country isn't a comedy with cheap gore.
Kek, both. In fact, being glad your country isn't cheap gore as comedy is even better. Again, thanks for the interesting answer, I'll look more upon these places.


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Oh yeah also Europe doesn't grant people privacy and rights regarding personal identification and information. Needing to carry a state ID is law. For example in Denmark and Sweden, which aren't the only countries that do this, you can look up someone's license plate and see if they paid their taxes or not and other things about them. Sweden has open ballot boxes to enforce peer pressure and fear of sticking out. The UK is a whole other topic by itself but London being #4 on a list that has nothing else but Chinese cities for the most amount of CCTVs per every 100,000 says something and indicative of other laws it has in place. In Germany if you move houses you have to notify the local police department on what your new address is. So on and so forth.


Oh yeah that's something I've heard about. How did the europeans manage to lose so much privacy though? Fear?


My crackpot articulation is that European societies, at least the Germanic ones, were socioeconomically hierarchical with a cultural conformity that had everyone on the same page regarding national identity even through civil wars and rebellions which is par for most civilized countries, this is especially true in Nordic countries which have low resistance and high conformity regarding conflict due to their harsh environment and hunter-gatherer tradition, so unless you live in France or Spain the citizenry will huff and stamp at worst. Not having "freedom and liberty" set into its constitutions like America made these things a breeze to put forth into law and the bottom-line is upheld by not being threatened by the peasants with their easy access to firearms f.e. how do you think the citizenry would react to being putting into camps when there's a gun in every house.


>How did the europeans manage to lose so much privacy though? Fear?
Yes, cold war boomers nanny state and leftard hippies. There is no understimate the damage "stranger danger" like psyops did to soyciety.

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