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/zellig/ - Ongezellig

IAZ and soft NAZ
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I swear to god I hate this bitch so much
I get she's the main character and all and I like that but what the fuck she has moments where she's so full of pride and refuses help like wtf?? Bitch you are nothing but a female neet you have nothing to be proud of. And then she goes and disses Coco (the best character my Aryan princess)'s dead parents?
Tf is wrong with you??
Nah but for real I think it's really cool that they made Maya so unbearable because it's more realistic. While many asocial people don't have the balls to even talk and hate themselves there are also a lot of who ARE unsocial because of this shit pride they have for no reason.
So, in conclusion Maya sucks ass but that's not a bad thing.


yeah its true and intentional


>orphanage IP




Coco deserved it a bit albeit.


TRVTHTSARBVMB that completely demolished all of Brabant


>she has moments where she's so full of pride and refuses help like wtf??
Nothing wrong with that, do you think she's incapable or something?


No, but she clearly doesn't know what to witn the history project for example. But again there is nothing wrong with that. I kinda phrased everything wrong because I meant to say I like the fact that she's like that. Anyway she's clearly not incapable. What kills me (but again it's not a bad thing) is when she insults someone (like she did Coco's parents) and is then shocked when that person lashes out, even though she goes insane when people expect her to interact with them for 2 seconds.


Coco insulted her first. she called her friendless


>Coco telling the truth to Maya that she has no friends is an insult


It is overstepping albeit, you don't just tell someone they're friendless. You wouldn't tell a retard they're a retard just because it's true


>Maya telling the truth to Coco that she has no parents is an insult


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Nigger, Coco has been trying her best to help her out, only for the little nigger fuck to refuse and be rude.
Maya asks why Coco even cares about her and Coco responds with care that she is worried about her autistic sister.
You can't justify the respons of Maya, it was just rude out of nowhere.


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Your honor my client is a neurodivergent autistic, and as such she gets to pull the disabled GOOJF card, absolving her of all charges.




She probably doesn't want to be helped by Coco, no one wants to be pitied, especially someone insecure. Telling an insecure person you want to help them because they have no friends? Put yoursemf in her shoes, how would that make you feel? This person better off in every way that you envied comes here pitying you like some loser. Emotions are volatile, even if Coco wasn't malicious that doesn't mean it can't rub Maya the wrong way


But at this point it's Maya who is in the wrong. She is the one blinded by envy and pride. She is the one who is doing some crazy mental gymnastics to somehow make it seem like Coco is trying to hurt her.
Coco tried her best, but Maya just screwed things up.


Coco wasn't trying to hurt Maya but she did with her comment about having no friends. So Maya instinctively responded (disproportionately albeit). And I think Maya doesn't still think Coco is trying to hurt her anymore because at the end of Deel 6 she clearly wants to play with them and almost said yes but her instincts kicked in. Clearly Maya is a little trapped by her instincts and doesn't like the way she acts.


You are evidently not intelligent enough to analyze and sympathize with emotions of others, Maya isn't pulling off any mental gymnastics, that's how she felt. That's why she responded how she did, she felt attacked/hurt. Emotions are intricate and volatile, it's fruitless to discuss who is "in the wrong". Coco overstepped, and it was obvious Maya was insecure about being friendless and tried to hide it, which Coco played along with, so it probably felt like a betrayal when Coco called her out.


I mean, it may just be her ADD, since people with it tend to say things without really thinking about it, or say things purely out of impulse/emotion without considering the consequences. At least thats the simplest explanation for me.


we don't even know if she actually has add or she is just making excuses. but if she does, then sure it's probably is this.

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