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/zellig/ - Ongezellig

IAZ and soft NAZ
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When will Ongezellig have its own vidya like FNAC doe?


Meds Mymy does NOT say this


All in due time, my friend!


What vidya would zellig be in, if possible?
"FNAF Clone" maybe, but the idea would be kinda esoteric and have to explain "why" you're working at a place with robot girls.

Visual Novel is also an area possibly worth looking into, only things you need there are drawings and writing text, not too hard to program or get a grip of.

Could also look into RPGMaker like that one Chud game is using, maybe have Mymy become a school shooter as the main plot or something.


I'm an amateur gamedev and I'm currently working on something. As soon as that's done I'll propose a game idea.
In my opinion going with an RPG or visual novel is too uninspired, and your assessment of a "FNAF clone" is pretty spot on. Hotline Amsterdam: wrong zellig sounds interesting but I fear like the strict top down perspective would limit artistic expression too much. Aside from all that I personally feel like reskinning an existing game would be a waste potential.
At the end of the day the quality of the game we can make would directly corelate to how many drawfags can be drafted for the project, and from my understanding the majority of the drawfags are currently mobalized in the zellig parody effort.


DDLC parody might fit zellig theme but needs a lot of drawfags


>zellig parody effort
what are you talking about?

>needs a lot of drawfags

I'm up for helping out, although I'm working on some other 'lig projects.


some zaryans including Zoot are making a parody zellig episode (you can find some of it in the megalink)
If you wish to help you can give me your email, or email me at retardincel@protonmail.com
>inb4 janny flips out at me for using this email again


The parody has two drawfags working on it for now. It's not much. I guess somebody can send Zoot a mail if he wants to help tho.


What is it with the whole school shooter thing?


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Mymy does her scholocaust fr no cap


IDK, quite peculiar, wonder what will come out of it…


Im already in cahoots with Zoot, we're exchanging mails as we speak, Im just saying if anyones interested in working on a game you can write to me


Meds. Mymy would never murder people.


>eventho she almost killed Vera
>eventho she has fantasies of genocide from a young age.


how will mymysissies recover from the absolute BTFOing in the second part of ep1?


It was a toy gun thoughbeit. She wouldn't have actually killed her. Please take your meds.

>fantasies of genocide from a young age.



>hasn't watched the first deel


I've been actually thinking of remaking Zellig as a DDLC mod


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The Coffin of Andy and Leyley parody when?






When the tower of Babylon starts getting constructed on the Zarty and just before it's leveled by heavenly fire


Had an idea for a VN where you play as a foreign exchange student who stops Mymy from schoolocausting


You can pick where you're from and she'd give custom insults depending on where.


>Mymy NOT committing schoolocaust
But in all seriousness sounds kinda gemmy, especially the adaptive racism idea


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>België is NOT a real country! You are just a dutchmam with social anxiety!
<Just shoot me already…


>You were introverted and ugly, and now you are dead. Amen
>if God wanted belgium to exist, he wouldn't have created me!
>This Dutch boot kicked you back to Belgium!


>Red white and blue beats black yellow and red. LOOK IT UP
>get a haircut, belgie!



>I will send my condolences to your octopus wife

we need to voice these gems


if we sucsessfully raid that one tf2 youtuber.


that reminds me, what happened to that raid? there should have been a stream by now…


He stremed, it was late at night. I joined his disscord recently.


darn, when did he stream? do you know when is the next time?


the last stream was about 3 am yesterday. He didnt post an anounsment that time. Quite late this time. He usualy streams 11 pm. No anouncements since then. I ll monitor the disscord for a bit. Since we are waiting, any other ideas for a streamer?


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Null from the kiwi farms




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Someone suggested Vinny from Vinesauce to watch it since he a swede, but I think he'd be more inclined to play that Half Life mod someone made of zellig than if he were to watch the series itself.


sounds alright, doe I don't know what entertainment value the mod has if you haven't watched the series


actually there is entertainment, since the content looks like random schizo shitposting.When I learned of the sharty and zellig, I watched a gameplay video of Gemerald. I had no idea what i watched butI liked it.

We should recruit the guy who made the mod and make a source mod named "Gemerald 2".


Guess you are correct in that. Does anyone have contact with him? The mod on the workshop probably links to his steam


Hold on, I will try to search if theres a way to contact him


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There is nothing listed on his modDB or gamebanana page. I have posted a comment on his Gemerald video. Let's hope he responds back.




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They guy replyed to my comment. I don't think he wishes to work with us, but he provided some info.
Whoever is up to the task, I will find his adress and kiss him on the left chick.

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