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/zellig/ - Ongezellig

IAZ and soft NAZ
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I know this is a vantablack question to even dare ask, but do you zaryans know any 'lig cords that aren't dead for whatever reason?


The Massacord or whatever I don't know


Nigga 'zellig cords are full of coomers




I once tried to join but everyone was speaking Dutch so I left and I'm not bothering to come back after reading testimonies from soyteens and Zaryans alike as to how much of a cesspit the Massacord is
Are there any SFW 'lig 'cords that you are aware of? The one I'm in is tame but it got -ACK'd via slowburn


there's the /co/ cord
it's really just shitposting for the most part. activity level varies.
I got on out of curiosity. tell me if you're interested and I'll post the 'vite.


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I don't see why not. 'oot the 'ink.



the /co/rd is a bit dead last time I was there. also a bunch of people made another server, since soyjaks were banned on der /co/rd.
It also has a coomer channel (i've not been in the channel, but I have heard that Noa aka Asocial aka Leaderfag posted a lot of stuff there.) so idk how SFW it is.
Most zellig cords are private at this point.


'cord thread
do not engage


Nigga go back






I'll post another one.
expires after 24h


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Be quiet kike. You sound like a seething kike. Sage. Swastika in the thread. White power. White race. KKK. Sieg heil for the Reich. Trump2020 #Reich. I sieg heil. Volk for the krieg. Krieg for the Führer. SS.

Sage. Seething kike.


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