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/zellig/ - Ongezellig

IAZ and soft NAZ
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Genuine question since I guarantee if I made some show and it got to around 'zellig's popularity, at best it would be filled with normies + a few troons here and there interested in it, and at worst it'd be something like FNF's community filled with retarded gender-special tumblr kids getting into retarded 'cord drama 24/7.
What's the secret to attracting an audience like here? Was it really just a lightning in a bottle moment for Massa and that one dude who spammed Mymy in /qa/ back in the 'cuck? Or is there something more to it?
>just be 'toss or something
'Zellig isn't even that chuddy in its writing, sure there's off-color jokes and some humor from your favorite orange nationalist and I do agree that probably helps getting people here interested in it, but other than that it's a silly little slice-of-life cartoon featuring a NEET and xer two sisters trying to figure out what she's gonna do with her life. That concept alone doesn't scream "1488 TND 41% SIEG HEIL" for a community and yet it does here.


>Language barrier
>No advertisement or hype
>Fanbase concentrated on 4chan/imageboards
>Age of creation
>Targeted audience
>Creator's previous upload history
but don't forget
>Absorbed and colonized by the second largest, most racist, and most schizophrenic english imageboard on the internet

More like he was directly struck by the strongest bolt of lightning imaginable


It really is a lightning in a bottle, in the sense that it can hardly be replicated. But aside from that it's exactly what you'd think. Outta pocket humor, language barrier, obscurity, lack of progressive messages, image board presence. It boarded the soysphere ship, that's likely the largest factor

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