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/zellig/ - Ongezellig

IAZ and soft NAZ
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File: 1697323572606.gif (202.49 KB, 384x384, Mymy.gif)


Today was the 'zellig day, so I put this gif into my presentation I have worked for last week and a half (the main reason I didn't upload after exams btw).


Definitely going to do it soon.


Was your presentation about the enslavement of freshmen?

File: 1697310219725.png (77.21 KB, 238x227, mymy.png)


raid this dead website NOW


Zoot, you missed a spot.

File: 1697300769931.png (193.49 KB, 769x851, ClipboardImage.png)



File: 1697303825460.png (19.56 KB, 338x221, ClipboardImage.png)

As foretold by the prophecy


File: 1697303880811.png (176.4 KB, 1080x1641, ClipboardImage.png)


Bravo Massa!

File: 1697199917875.jpg (77.8 KB, 750x1183, 1697168450378.jpg)


Owari da
35 posts and 15 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


how will frogniggers EVER recover?


They lost.


File: 1697249305817.jpg (611.72 KB, 2516x1257, fpSkJJe50U.jpg)

yeah, I think we definitely know who won here.


why is he talking like that


Based zellig vs cringe gay frog

File: 1696522066912-0.png (353.07 KB, 557x514, mymy-1.png)

File: 1696522066912-1.png (293.85 KB, 541x404, mymy-2.png)

File: 1696522066912-2.png (1.33 MB, 1920x1080, mymy-3.png)

File: 1696522066912-3.png (1.37 MB, 1920x1080, mymy-4.png)


paint the 'log orange


File: 1696522222001-0.png (375.24 KB, 549x567, mymy-5.png)

File: 1696522222001-1.png (63.46 KB, 240x236, mymy-6.png)

File: 1696522222001-2.png (1.37 MB, 1752x1662, mymy-7.png)

File: 1696522222001-3.png (472.41 KB, 1000x820, mymy-8.png)

more mymys


File: 1696522264795-0.png (41.89 KB, 776x816, mymy-9.png)

File: 1696522264795-1.png (252.83 KB, 630x300, mymy-10.png)

File: 1696522264795-2.png (11.81 KB, 200x200, mymy-11.png)

File: 1696522264795-3.png (1.22 MB, 1748x1664, mymy-12.png)

12 mymys


upload all of these to the booru

File: 1697255830734.jpg (76.74 KB, 1004x1011, David Gokhshtein on X 'Fro….jpg)


There's an embedded pepe on the catalog, jan jans.(USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST)



File: 1697129880899-0.webm (2.03 MB, 854x480, b7add5cb-28f0-44c4-8199-3….webm)

File: 1697129880899-1.webm (4.25 MB, 854x480, b1bcd20a-d183-400f-88c0-a….webm)


ElevenLabs released a new feature where you can have audio translated and dubbed with AI from the getgo, no login or paywall (for now): https://elevenlabs.io/dubbing
Tested this with a few zellig videos (they only output 1 minute at max for the results) and holy shit it is so fucking bad.
They all slurr their words and sound like they're baked out of their minds. 11 niggas, WHAT IS THIS??
4 posts and 1 image reply omitted. Click reply to view.


Vera actually sounds good. The ending is from "Massa's brother sended me deel 7"



File: 1697242583463-0.mp3 (500 KB, verajap.mp3)

File: 1697242583463-1.mp3 (501.02 KB, verakorean.mp3)

File: 1697242583463-2.png (35.81 KB, 600x800, ClipboardImage.png)

Vera speaking in azn tongue is giving me very weird feelings


File: 1697245550216.png (121.07 KB, 788x941, Not attractive.png)

What are you on about


>oriental decadent tongue
What is blud cooking ☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️

File: 1697236813950.jpg (269.39 KB, 1079x927, Screenshot_20231014_063806….jpg)





Total Zaryan Victory


Hes just fucking with froot because theyre both orange fucker


He also has a frog folder, if you forgot so quickly
>>1275 this

File: 1696789891709.gif (642.96 KB, 300x248, 1696001088911.gif)


Once we're done gemming up the 'shinny planet, we should gem up pixelplanet itself.
7 posts and 1 image reply omitted. Click reply to view.


Not enough mymy


if its an elaborate shill op go for it, but its a giant time sink for something that will eventually get completely raided


We should anobandon for pixel planet, we can actually into Holland there.


File: 1699235896141.png (23.61 KB, 84x117, test wah.png)

If you are still ITT ive deleted the first one so we can stealth.
x -229
y -251
Image Brightness: 2


Thanks for the minor repair, whoever it was

File: 1697196786385-0.jpg (321.79 KB, 1080x855, IMG_20231013_143221.jpg)

File: 1697196786385-1.jpg (182.86 KB, 698x845, IMG_20231013_143147.jpg)






i keep getting bugged as to where i cant place pixels without crashing after using an autoclicker for 10 seconds

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