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/zellig/ - Ongezellig

IAZ and soft NAZ
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 No.22609[View All]

815 posts and 396 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


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Hoi Maya, soopwafel und binky das ist gut?


all snca compared to the list i made


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>a comprehensive and nuanced understanding of a topic is snca


>we will save muh aryan race
Kekistan and frogposters are already doing it. Check out what trump is doing. Otherwise, this is just a fairytale.
>it makes people seethe
So i guess /co/ edit threads are good too? Because they make you seethe.
>its fun
Yes, and, thats really all you value? What happened to being white? Killing niggers killing kikes?
>zarty dominance in zelligsphere
You cant do shit, we saw how inffective you are against a 14 black girl. Not speaking of soysphere, it only takes 1 frootcord dataminer to piss you off.
>new oc oppurtunity
Though you are right about this one


Call it, dutchshitskin or shartynig


Speaking of oc, they just get forgotten or replaced with new ones, no matter the effort in them.


STILL you cannot get pass that 1 dataminer


What are you even talking about


You guys make all of these OC about zellig and agugu, put effort into it, story too, also have a good internet history. Only to be btfo'd by 1 frootcord dataminer. Yes, you guys might be amazing people in art etc. But you just cant do anything past that 1 dataminer.


>>zarty dominance in zelligsphere
Agugu is being reposted all over, zarty is in control of this massive cultural symbol
>>its fun
yeah, if you aren't enjoying yourself posting online making art and 'tosses you are doing something wrong.
>thats really all you value?
leisure and humor are the most effective tools at achhieving great things, agugu emboddies the message we give it.
>they just get forgotten or replaced with new ones
So has there never been a point in producing anything? what's the point if it is just forgotten and replaced? Why care to make anything at all if everything is doomed to die and be forgotten? This is your mindset.


>that 1 dataminer
WHO the fuck are you talking about nigger



>Agugu is being reposted all over, zarty is in control of this massive cultural symbol
You mean only like 2 websites? And also some shitskins making zellig content? Sure have that control
>leisure and humor are the most effective tools at achhieving great things, agugu emboddies the message we give it.
So i guess ifunny.co is the internet superpower then? Not everything is about humor, the best example is sharty. If humor really meant power then this meant sharty wouldnt had any power to dox and raid pedos, but they did? How?
>So has there never been a point in producing anything? what's the point if it is just forgotten and replaced? Why care to make anything at all if everything is doomed to die and be forgotten? This is your mindset.
Eh maybe you are right about the oc arguement


Who gives a shit about Froot almost a year later?
We do our own things and left the sharty for a reason, yet you're the one obsessed about the orange self inserter


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I care


>You mean only like 2 websites?
on instagram agugu gets a few thousand views on some videos, agugu has cemented itself into the minds of offsiters, not 2 websites but ingrained in every offsiters conscious.
>If humor really meant power then this meant sharty wouldnt had any power to dox and raid pedos, but they did? How?
The entire success of sharty and the doxs and raids is based on the foundation of the humor of the soyculture, the reason people conjugate and display acts of power such as doxxing is because humor has convinced them to be in the sharty and follow the sharty's values and express their power. Humor as a tool of power is not to be underestimated.


>inb4 off-siters liking your stuff le bad
Following that logic, off-jakking is le bad too I imagine


Yeah the humor part is not to be taken lightly, after all the Trump Meme Wars changed the culture significantly


you seem to be misunderstanding what I am trying to convey. I don't think off-jakking is bad the same goes that off 'ligging isn't necessarily bad either. The fact that offsiters repost your stuff means you have cultural control which is good.


>we have influnce on media… here is a example… uhh…
>*proceeds to show an zog-controlled social media platform*
Also views doesnt mean power, if it was like that, agugu baits on the sharty would be full of zaryans because it has around 500 replies on average.
>sharty doxxed because of the pedos
never browsed /raid/ award


Warrior-Z ITT



Because of the humor*


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>on instagram agugu gets a few thousand views on some videos
>agugu has cemented itself into the minds of offsiters


Will be forgotten in a months btw


Too bad that /raid/ got nvked after the domain change and now /soy/ (which has been hot radioactive brimstone for at least 9 months now) is infested with
>dox this literal who my personal armerino!
/raid/ is without a doubt something that helped to kill 'jakking, say what you want about it
And you're right views doesn't mean power but influence, it means what we do resonates everywhere else and that was the original point of the sub-culture: denouncing the "sekrit klub, only I can enjoy a certain thing". With regulations of course


Raiding pedos and trannies are much more important compared to 'jakking though.


Without a doubt, but if I am not wrong the website is called soyjak.party or at least it was, and not raidcord.gov


STILL doesnt change the fact that raiding pedos and trannies are much more important


>Also views doesnt mean power
it's not a simple equation, but it does show we have cultural control which is good.
>because of the humor
The Sharty didn't gain it's cultural power postion because it has a /raid/ board, it's the connection with a cultural icon that is the soyjak spreading right wing values that has had the largest effect. the fact that with raids that cultural power is turned into something more tangible is a bonus on top of that.
if it is forgotten about or not doesn't matter, in the present we have cultural control, and the next thing we make will take that position once agugu has run it's course.


Again, I am not saying that's bad, TPD now thanks, but its "party" is over


It is up to someones personal values what they think has a larger influence, raiding pedos and trannies is tangible and has immediate effects, but the cultural power that has spread with jakking has a far greater long term influence imo


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The controlled culture in question:


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Diversity is our greatest strength bigot


operation 9/11 says the opposite though


>a black trans queen got the 1488 trips


I'm taking the bait, even if that was true, would you rather have a bunch of shitskins running lose left to their own devices as the alternative? that doesn't sound good to me.


So whats next? White supremacist indians?


Clittycels on life support
Something something mass immigration muh goonclown dox that killed the sharty, still gemmy though


Those already exist


if they voluntarily sterilize themselves, then that would be a good thing.
Also this discussion has reached it's end point, any further comments would be too unrelated to properly consider, it's best if we all agree on that.


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Agugu soopwafel


the real reasons are not even in this list:
1) because it's le funny
2) because i'm a 'tismDEITY


Still brimmy reasons


>taking irony seriously


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taking irony seriously


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>Still brimmy reasons



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Still brimmy reasons

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