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/zellig/ - Ongezellig

IAZ and soft NAZ
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File: 1715877704046.jpg (190.71 KB, 1080x1147, agugu.jpg)

 No.22609[Last 50 Posts]



File: 1715877982212.jpg (448.73 KB, 1080x1147, caca.jpg)



step 1 is agugu step 2 is soytan diaper porn. this is a slippery slope so be careful







Jartycuck sleeper agent #859382 on standby


File: 1715971424074.gif (1.97 MB, 299x373, baby.gif)



mods i am not affiliated with the agugu spammer on sharty


File: 1715977839079-0.png (156.61 KB, 776x745, 1715907126894l.png)

File: 1715977839079-1.png (384.9 KB, 576x553, 1715163872857p-0.png)



File: 1715992537055.jpeg (22.85 KB, 325x284, IMG_4098.jpeg)






File: 1716024870712.jpg (624.02 KB, 1080x1147, googer.jpg)



File: 1716056340531.png (48.61 KB, 778x892, 1702245655402.png)

wtf jannies stop deleting my soylita posts




File: 1716069319288.png (25.05 KB, 500x250, IMG_5411.png)


File: 1716072814514.jpg (25.96 KB, 704x832, tragic rapeson.jpg)

i hate this shitty thread so much


its like a gem 2x
stfu you soylita faggot


So I can post the 'zellig little girls, but not a 'jak one? Disappointing.


File: 1716657287949.png (23.01 KB, 855x762, IMG_5425.png)





File: 1716669816007-0.png (53.17 KB, 855x762, IMG_5426.png)

File: 1716669816007-1.png (43.12 KB, 855x762, IMG_5427.png)

File: 1716669816007-2.png (116.2 KB, 855x762, IMG_5428.png)

File: 1716669816007-3.png (65.72 KB, 855x762, IMG_5429.png)


Make the flashing version of the last one.


File: 1716693631726.png (39.2 KB, 855x762, 27b0ee14-2d6d-4268-8019-88….png)


File: 1716718974497.gif (52.78 KB, 855x762, nigger.gif)


File: 1717518260870-0.jpg (105.04 KB, 1080x1147, wah.jpg)

File: 1717518260870-1.gif (2.19 MB, 377x400, speed.gif)

File: 1717518260870-2.png (997 B, 14x22, dcc2da13c4024835a9352ed6db….png)



new slopjak dropped


File: 1717519229578.png (307.54 KB, 510x631, ClipboardImage.png)

>>26356 (You)


no arrow


File: 1717594176428-0.png (1.05 MB, 1062x703, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1717594176428-1.png (758.69 KB, 1062x703, ClipboardImage.png)


File: 1717601875407.png (890.49 KB, 1062x703, agugu2.png)



>>26477 caused total neuron annihilation award


File: 1717623242395.jpg (425.94 KB, 1080x1147, weh.jpg)



File: 1717696761492.gif (1.25 MB, 1080x1147, agugugif.gif)



please stop


File: 1717698342449-0.gif (187.7 KB, 380x380, 3dgifmaker54409.gif)

File: 1717698342449-1.gif (95.92 KB, 250x250, 3dgifmaker30433.gif)


File: 1717698513724.jpg (105.04 KB, 1080x1147, wah.jpg)

>please stop


File: 1717859566908.png (51.8 KB, 296x219, wawa.png)



File: 1717927329784-0.gif (5.04 MB, 370x376, swing.gif)

File: 1717927329784-1.png (627.84 KB, 1243x647, roblx.png)



File: 1717927759356.gif (5.37 MB, 1080x1147, crying baby(1).gif)



File: 1717988759160.gif (96.66 KB, 250x250, 1717839307571n.gif)

gaogogoaoga mmym fnny


embedded ohio btw


embedded orthoDOG cross


Nigger, orthodox are our brothers


File: 1718033781580.gif (85.12 KB, 855x762, blobgif.gif)



File: 1718048956601.gif (592.69 KB, 400x300, agugu.gif)



File: 1718224106488.gif (8.46 MB, 1080x1720, agugu bounce straight.gif)



File: 1718246055995.png (78.69 KB, 400x300, shot-2024-06-12_22-27-33.png)

I saw this
I did not make >>26456
Im on an amnesic browser


shit got the number wrong, but still marge


>>27192 (You)
i hope i resolved your confusion


File: 1718285814322.gif (64.01 KB, 38x40, tinyagugugif.gif)



embed of the week


File: 1718291176531.png (46.77 KB, 1176x780, IMG_5465.png)


thank you marioknoppers very cute and kawaii


File: 1718293338265.jpg (95.63 KB, 640x360, sadmaya.jpg)



File: 1718302316000.jpg (46.61 KB, 283x283, mayarun.jpg)



i just noticed the archive.md links inside the eyes, thank you for these gems :D


meds nigga


>>27350 i told you to come over here, where are you?


File: 1718309354771.jpg (84.72 KB, 250x338, cococlass.jpg)



File: 1718309634767.jpg (105.04 KB, 1080x1147, wah.jpg)

fuck off leave me alone >>27369


File: 1718309744114-0.gif (871.55 KB, 255x255, 1699957222859.gif)

File: 1718309744114-1.gif (365.78 KB, 255x255, 1699731052181.gif)

File: 1718309744114-2.gif (1.2 MB, 200x200, 1699628758918.gif)



can you post the other, less pedophilic one?


i am really curious about what i missed, what was it? agugu porn? zellig diaper porn? what could have caused this reaction


it was AI art of Mymy with more realistic toddler proportions, she was laying down and she was only wearing underwear and a sweater, the sweater was folded up and almost revealed her nipples
the person who posted this also posted less sexual art of the same design, which is what i was referring to in >>27373


so you were partially right about it being agugu porn, although there wasn’t any actual nudity


it was very clearly pedobait from an AIfaggot


File: 1718348928967.gif (978.34 KB, 240x254, 1000002408_animation.gif)



File: 1718398718361.png (51.22 KB, 297x363, IMG_5476.png)


canon baby mymy


File: 1718403777446.jpg (96.07 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault (6).jpg)

Heh, I thought it was xer xistuh Mimi


File: 1718447351647.gif (1.54 MB, 250x250, contentaware.gif)



File: 1718481498669.png (46.39 KB, 1030x933, IMG_5477.png)


best thread ever


jarvis, edit ongezellig deels so that there is no dialogue and instead all the characters suck on pacifiers while making maggie noises, and enlarge their pupils if possible


File: 1718556072399.gif (217.8 KB, 1200x600, 58671 - SoyBooru.gif)


File: 1718573230080.png (408.63 KB, 668x574, ClipboardImage.png)

>8 months ago
marge… coco was agugu before it was cool


HOLY SHIT I thought the zelligbooru was dead


File: 1718575061862.gif (7.35 MB, 600x488, carousel.gif)



File: 1718701545760.webm (2.22 MB, 1024x1024, aguggu.webm)


was the sound AI generated?


where do you make those gifs?



roblox studio


/agugu/ won


File: 1719159196196.png (87.02 KB, 477x520, ClipboardImage.png)

maya als ze cacafonie


File: 1719160245954.webm (623.94 KB, 1024x1024, 0d045d.webm)



cQming sVVn…………..


no fvckin way really??? massive ZEM inbound?


>inb4 it's just a massive embedder for 'p


File: 1719174690174.png (1.33 MB, 1080x1147, agugu (1).png)



>(1.33 MB, 1080x1147, agugu (1).png)


File: 1719177083833.png (21.45 KB, 430x508, 1719130196041.png)

poo fuck


File: 1719311342558-0.webm (1.37 MB, 1024x1024, gugudance.webm)

File: 1719311342558-1.webm (2.34 MB, 1024x1024, gugushark.webm)


>>29208 marge why the fuck is agugu throwing it back


is this considered 'p now


the 'p coal that killed the agugu thread


File: 1719501751022.png (302.46 KB, 1352x872, evil.png)



MAAAAAAAAARGE what are you talking about it's just agugu dancing


>>29517 the adult untermensch


Her eyes seem more like some gas mask lenses


File: 1719577247865.webm (9.52 MB, 1024x1024, gugufunk.webm)

agugu land


'p thread


File: 1719583894857.png (94.96 KB, 727x613, tiredagugu.png)


fail because the only time i don't want mymy abuse is when she looks like agugu


File: 1719664985589.png (641.43 KB, 720x720, ClipboardImage.png)


File: 1719665875179.png (25.75 KB, 572x584, ongepic.png)

Agugu Mymy




File: 1719666554587.webm (1.13 MB, 1024x1024, waving goodbye-a2cb99.webm)


Omg this thread is so gemmy


File: 1719677295218.png (61.48 KB, 177x217, Award-removebg-preview-rem….png)



pro-pedophilic my ass award


failquote + awards dont say that + projection + its a NAS website


its not a fail, it is what agugu mymy is


Sees everything as a pedo dog whistle because you're a mindbroken schizo award


tries to defend his age regression award


"""accidentally""" quoted extremely putrid brimstone award


>"""accidentally""" quoted extremely putrid brimstone award
this means that you already know that agugu mymy is brimstone in the first place and you thought no shartyCHAD would hate it? geg.




look who you replied to


>sharty"CHADS" projecting their pedophilia onto others and looking at a descriptive chart of the zellig girl's assholes
nusois I….


newGOD filtered out by not working formatting


It's supposed to work and sometimes it doesn't


it works only in a new line: ==not working==


File: 1719680606482.png (519.42 KB, 720x720, mymy carrot.png)

bunny mymy VVILL VVIN


nigga thats nuts


Needs more edits, i see potential


mymy bird is better than mymy rabbit


mymy bird hunting season is in summer, mymy rabbit hunting season is in spring


File: 1719682198414.png (524.68 KB, 720x720, mymychungus.png)


holy chungusrald


I might doodle this, gimme a sec


gem incoming


File: 1719697258471-0.png (41.16 KB, 700x900, 01.png)

File: 1719697258471-1.png (47.39 KB, 700x900, 02.png)


bunny WIN



File: 1719741028440.png (1.35 MB, 1024x1024, calm.png)





Hello there kleine maatjes.


File: 1720456148726.png (778.99 KB, 1080x1147, gugu plush.png)

Agugu plushie zarty merch store


File: 1720459260953-0.gif (190.4 KB, 417x417, 3dgifmaker58764.gif)

File: 1720459260953-1.gif (470.77 KB, 687x687, 3dgifmaker26864.gif)

File: 1720459260953-2.gif (530.37 KB, 417x417, 3dgifmaker99266.gif)


Is this the final stage of agugu?


one more………………….


her final form is 3d model/real life plushie of the beary agugu




File: 1720832642196.png (102.04 KB, 238x227, 1720798231866-1.png)


File: 1721005908810-0.png (781.42 KB, 1080x1147, 1721004727907-1.png)

File: 1721005908810-1.png (778.61 KB, 1080x1147, 1721004380838.png)

File: 1721005908810-2.png (669.35 KB, 1080x1147, 1721003949301-0.png)

File: 1721005908810-3.gif (485.79 KB, 1080x1147, 1721005401776.gif)


These edits were made by a 'cord user who makes baba torture pics on his server btw





File: 1721444365056.png (157.59 KB, 1512x1889, 1721444061973.png)


i used to like agugu but i hate these


I would shill so hard for these




Someone made agugufied version of a non 'zellig character on the shemmy. Can I post them?


NAZ belgianstone




File: 1722704775208-0.png (6.1 KB, 200x200, 1722621021544.png)

File: 1722704775208-1.png (8.28 KB, 237x226, 1722702471147.png)

i look like this


blud was born in 2024
blud missed EVERYTHING
"better late than never" ahh baby
blud is late, everyone is already born


File: 1722712823329.png (462.04 KB, 811x821, 2024-08-03_21-38-57.png)



nothing ever happens


File: 1723041135674.png (713.61 KB, 1423x799, ClipboardImage.png)


File: 1723041802666.png (1.04 MB, 1424x800, ClipboardImage.png)


File: 1723042908472.png (835.37 KB, 1422x798, ClipboardImage.png)


shiny glistening gemmingtons


File: 1723043411029.png (1.11 MB, 1422x797, ClipboardImage.png)


File: 1723043815217.png (424.1 KB, 557x624, ClipboardImage.png)


File: 1723044337616.png (489.46 KB, 709x767, ClipboardImage.png)


gleaming diamonds


File: 1723044644363.png (279.37 KB, 333x510, ClipboardImage.png)


haha let me post an image of a soyjak eating agugu…


File: 1723045156785.png (1.22 MB, 1393x986, ClipboardImage.png)


>*muffled blabber*


File: 1723045408456.png (1.17 MB, 1393x986, ClipboardImage.png)


>*higher pitched muffled blabber*
<mymy wat de fak
(or something i don know)


File: 1723045702582.png (425.44 KB, 588x711, ClipboardImage.png)


>*belgian muffled blabber*


the agugu cult 'cord is on full blast today


File: 1723045893435.jpg (8.25 KB, 226x223, download.jpg)

what fucking cult


File: 1723046216691.png (1.36 MB, 1315x1080, ClipboardImage.png)



File: 1723046721066.png (421.51 KB, 550x678, ClipboardImage.png)


muffled "kill all belgians" lol


File: 1723047181384.png (1.11 MB, 1422x799, ClipboardImage.png)


how many of those are you planning on making?


didnt realise i'm just going through all the deels from start to finish award


agugu everywhere
never lose your agugu


File: 1723047649427.png (1.24 MB, 1423x796, ClipboardImage.png)


funny how the road their ride is dirt and not concrete or sum. not like that here. all paved






File: 1723048082383.png (1.37 MB, 1417x797, ClipboardImage.png)


>even doe cocomelon is better than a discontinued boring 20 minute pile of slop


<he Mymy, hoe gaat t?
>*muffled mymy speak*
<o-oke.. eeeeh. Hoe was je dag, Maya?


i am not arguing about cocomelon


I am not arguing about a failed dutch cartroon about little girls


File: 1723048596220.png (920.76 KB, 1425x797, ClipboardImage.png)


agree to disagree then


mens erger je niet


agugukoord werd wakker


File: 1723197443356.jpg (72.24 KB, 1080x734, Screenshot_20240809_045434….jpg)


i punched it in its head in its soft spot really hard


File: 1723727081091.png (201.17 KB, 626x627, ClipboardImage.png)



>sees my own bot being shown on le zarty



Stated the most obvious shit ever award


Why do you follow feet fetish accounts on twitter?


i hate this thread i wish it got blown up


>he says hes 14
Zoot can we get a ban on this underaged retarded faggot shitskin swede? This is a 16+ site


meds? there is no such rule here


Get the fuck out of here you agugu-niggers.


Stay here you agugu-aryans


this artstyle seems familiar send cocos or something doesnt matter when the rest of them though i hate niggers.




File: 1726402961334.png (Spoiler Image, 281.73 KB, 470x627, ClipboardImage.png)

my AGU GU art


Zoot spoiler this it hurts my eyes


File: 1726674096393.gif (499.81 KB, 156x152, gug.gif)



File: 1726741944084.png (265 B, 6x9, verytinyagugu.png)




File: 1726782221470.png (7.42 MB, 4294x2788, cocoandgugu.png)



File: 1726782683306.png (669.43 KB, 758x848, 2024-09-18_18-57-40.png)

I'm making history! The Zaryans brothers!


File: 1726782800719.png (2.65 MB, 1920x1080, agugublox.png)

What an insane piece of bothered coal


File: 1726782959880.png (9.75 KB, 329x380, looky.png)

Can we have a regular 'zellig model uploaded to VRchat as an avatar??


kys cockvore


File: 1726783709665.webm (1.9 MB, 320x320, 6359274-f1eb35093608e773e….webm)

>Can we have a regular 'zellig model uploaded to VRchat as an avatar??




File: 1727016078750.png (202.08 KB, 3654x1147, 1726917998070b.png)

Agugu is doing something on Sharty's /qa/
+some agugu OC from the 'arty


File: 1727143557750.jpeg (141.23 KB, 512x384, 864.jpeg)


File: 1727145594338.gif (1.94 MB, 1280x720, 1726736123271y.gif)



File: 1727449475058.png (321.37 KB, 451x711, googrinder.png)



File: 1727577576656.png (1.73 MB, 1529x912, 2024-09-29_05-13-50.png)

she is in RTX now


File: 1727624189053-0.png (515.6 KB, 1168x1240, 1727356143479c.png)

File: 1727624189053-1.png (52.03 KB, 1099x773, guggle.png)


Agugu was a mistake…


It's the jannies doe, fetishist-chic tranny post.
Now the goyim know, gotta rape the europe tho.
Adolf clitler lost, brapstine is a fucking flop.
bolsheviks just won, now the goy will eat xheir slop.


bro saw gugu and started dropping bars


File: 1727628350860.png (43.46 KB, 300x250, 21c.png)

Das rite, goyim! Im smoking that agu-goyim pack rn in the drenthe!


File: 1727640274479-0.gif (8.25 MB, 720x720, standard_walk.gif)

File: 1727640274479-1.gif (3.52 MB, 720x720, jumping.gif)


File: 1727640475338-0.png (859.56 KB, 1174x1240, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1727640475338-1.png (871.56 KB, 1168x1240, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1727640475338-2.png (927.93 KB, 1164x1236, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1727640475338-3.png (993.09 KB, 1304x1390, ClipboardImage.png)


File: 1727640541137-0.png (581.8 KB, 1218x1066, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1727640541137-1.png (126.5 KB, 995x811, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1727640541137-2.png (9.73 KB, 281x241, ClipboardImage.png)


File: 1727640578069.png (33.79 KB, 448x414, Clipboardimage.png)




File: 1727640901513.png (11.43 KB, 191x255, 7B95C58D-F143-487F-9123-BE….png)


I don't even have a cord account, it is likely that this server has to do something with agugu posters doe


>source: because it just is


I’m thinking raid time boys


>soyzellig's QAfe
oh my oldfag it's just like old sharty


Baited everyone award


since when we have a rule against discord servers?


Since then only trannies uses discord
>inb4 i use discord


discord is the main pillar of ongezellig community, the second one is xitter


You see? Someone just made a xitter screenshot post, and that someone follows yosACK, as seen from the lock icon >>40812



File: 1727796437037.png (1.11 MB, 2048x2048, 1727781471365s.png)

New 'gu from the Sharty


File: 1727894811463-0.webm (809.54 KB, 960x960, Crush_it_seed3099995264.webm)

File: 1727894811463-1.webm (697.37 KB, 960x960, agugu_squish.webm)


Oh… that's gore of my discomfort character


Zoot do this


Zems, both of them


File: 1727936362642.png (1.63 MB, 2182x1258, ClipboardImage.png)

new 'toss from pol


Such a pity that /pol/ lost its culture and got immediately replaced by actual serioustrannies


File: 1727943632500.png (764.26 KB, 1500x1500, IMG_4948.png)

the natural end state of being terminally online is trooning out. Make sure you have a life outside internet places like the zarty, zaryans. Or you'll become a poltroon (faggot pedophile)


i dont want to be trans!!!!



Even doe somewhere around 80% of us is terminally online in discord


20% team rise up


Thankfully I don't use der 'cord, such a gay tranny rulecucked app


>natural end state of being terminally online is trooning out
Geggerald Trvthnvke


File: 1727990550470.png (2.49 MB, 2308x1857, cocoguguswing.png)

part 2


fuck yea aguguabuse


This, but she's juggling them with ropes tied around their necks


Can the mymyabuseDEITY come back and make an agugu abuse drawing


you will never understand the true appeal of mymy abuse because you are simple-minded. you have a very narrow understanding of mymy abuse. there is love and passion in it, it goes beyond crude malice. there is great joy to be had through mymy's suffering


I wish Coco would handle me like that


Now add ropes and ACK face and its perfect


what's stopping you or me from becoming the -NUmymyabuseDEITY?


He lacks the skill required to draw stuff
>evendoe not much is needed anyways


File: 1728068870365.webm (1.71 MB, 960x960, zootpleaseallowmp4simbegg….webm)





agugu wabag


i like the ones where it gets blown up or turns into powder. the agugu spammer needs to make more like that


Too bad the agugu spammer is a 'lita self inserting pedophile


File: 1728584901052.png (66.84 KB, 349x178, ClipboardImage.png)


all goog


File: 1728586059519.png (1.12 MB, 1665x912, Screenshot 2024-10-10 at 2….png)


File: 1728586742630.png (623.6 KB, 1050x774, Untitled47.png)


File: 1728817324791.png (498.1 KB, 1122x1146, seriousgugu.png)


>when you're having your weekly age regression session with your xisters on agugucord and a shartycuck calls you a pedophile
<hold my binky… i gotta teach this shartyfail that age regression is a response to childhood trauma and has nothing to do with pedophilia!



refill your milky… you'll love this next soopwafel


This desperately needs a picrel


aguguGODS, I call upon you, make this happen.


C'mon, aguguGODS, do it


File: 1728863936461.gif (3.35 MB, 600x850, 1728863470023.gif)

Agugu wants a cookie!


Now make her fall off


The cookie jar actually contains acid



Baby Coco snitch on her


File: 1728868147230.png (1.44 MB, 1023x1089, 1728852890926.png)

MtF agugu says trans rights are human rights!


She doesn't say that, she can't say r she's like 2 years old


FUCK I forgot to replace the r's with w's


agugu abuse is gemmy


File: 1728900836028.jpg (1.72 MB, 4032x3024, 1728900715602.jpg)

gug is REAL


this is agugu's final form, we finally reached it after months of aguging >>31116


Now burn it


Put it in a jar


don't do this


File: 1728906274521.webm (10.46 MB, 853x480, 785.webm)

agugu 720s 'em


File: 1728910715063.png (539.96 KB, 1878x1000, ClipboardImage.png)

from the 'gulandy


i recognise this car. obsessed but gemmy reference


File: 1728915792803.gif (26.4 KB, 255x188, 1728586742630.gif)


gugu sized image award


File: 1728929712419.png (1.47 MB, 2000x2000, refillyourmilky.png)

<Your request looks automated; Post discarded.


i didnt enjoy the binky


Sir, President 'Gugu has been subject to a third debinkyfication attempt


File: 1728932428722.jpg (527.8 KB, 2316x3088, IRL Jartycuck Slopjak.jpg)


File: 1728932562706-0.jpg (59.46 KB, 600x800, 1715890461821w.jpg)

File: 1728932562706-1.mp3 (5.1 MB, zart(5).mp3)


seethed because of 'gugu spam on sharty award


File: 1728933109942.png (370.45 KB, 773x824, dsl.png)

>spams his age regression on places he is not wanted
>"noooo why they are seething at us o algo"


File: 1728934123298.jpg (716.17 KB, 1253x1147, gugugug.jpg)


File: 1728934903396.png (669.35 KB, 1080x1147, 1720981223169.png)

<waah you can't spam my spam website waaah


you would do the same thing if i spammed this website

quit whining


oh crap, an obsessed 'teen is back


Hi pet nigger


i think he’s trying to say that the ones spamming Agugu on the Sharty aren’t the same posters here, so you have no reason to be upset over them.


File: 1728938211492-0.gif (3.37 MB, 1280x720, 1728894087136.gif)

File: 1728938211492-1.jpg (3.17 MB, 4032x3024, 1728912899747.jpg)

File: 1728938211492-2.png (190.5 KB, 1455x1305, 1728919436985.png)

File: 1728938211492-3.png (350.12 KB, 3654x1321, 1728737828361.png)


File: 1728938444137.png (439.7 KB, 793x653, ClipboardImage.png)

I'm thinking about making an agugu roblox game



File: 1728942398012.png (283.99 KB, 605x564, ClipboardImage.png)

Improved model


She later trips and gets sucked in the machine and turns into a fine red paste


File: 1728951940704.png (16.11 KB, 502x502, Untitled586_20241014145348.png)

Agugu face


I hate the body, it shouldn't have a body


File: 1728981284770-0.png (42.92 KB, 1010x628, 1728980965057.png)

File: 1728981284770-1.png (65.91 KB, 420x482, 59008 - SoyBooru.png)

>Me eat cookiegugu!


<Agugu yummwmwmwmw tasty like niggews


Actually rat poison is mean to be tasty because rats literally eat any trash


File: 1729059055504.png (7.84 KB, 802x477, 1729058697630.png)

Me eat too many cookiegugu…


Are cookies good for you


Someone just posted an edit of this on the sharty /qa/ where she gets cut in half


Yes, always


>agu gu


File: 1729070311329.png (9.37 KB, 489x361, ClipboardImage.png)


File: 1729070688390.jpg (82.91 KB, 1080x1147, 1729007346644.jpg)

Is falsenukegugu


kys frenchpedo


Meds I'm American



she's a baby she physically can't say that. she can't even pronounce R yet


Chris Chan Medaillon creativity brimstone gem


File: 1729219324412.png (27.18 KB, 567x617, Untitled587_20241017194136.png)

Glippy goo


put a drill through agugus head


drop a cinder block on this baby


What's wrong with you?


What's right with you?


File: 1729271246068.png (114.26 KB, 470x686, ClipboardImage.png)


File: 1729271337953-0.png (23.68 KB, 497x555, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1729271337953-1.png (47.4 KB, 1010x628, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1729271337953-2.png (161.65 KB, 802x477, ClipboardImage.png)


BMBT (Baby Mymy Blender Torture)




File: 1729274309552.png (64.2 KB, 1046x1040, gugush.png)


File: 1729274341691.png (146.21 KB, 1280x720, getout.png)




File: 1729346099671-0.png (86.68 KB, 1000x932, crazygugu2.png)

File: 1729346099671-1.png (106.91 KB, 1000x1042, crazygugu.png)

File: 1729346099671-2.png (115.23 KB, 1000x932, crazygugu3.png)

File: 1729346099671-3.png (122.43 KB, 1000x932, crazygugu4.png)


File: 1729346800340.png (19.02 KB, 386x613, whatiswrongwithyouyoumean.png)



Now get out


File: 1729349297950.png (19.02 KB, 386x613, whatiswrongwithyouyoumean.png)

This will take years of therapy to get over!


refreshing overboard every minute award
obsessionbrowsing again award


File: 1729349960329.png (590.11 KB, 1280x720, neighborprettymuch.png)

You seem to have forgotten all about it, but you love toy story as much as me!


File: 1729350636122.jpg (36.4 KB, 500x816, 500px-Evilson.jpg)

Where are you now? Play hide and seek! But I'll always find you out
Now get out


File: 1729350926194.gif (3.46 MB, 498x281, neighborrape.gif)



File: 1729392938651-0.png (72.03 KB, 1557x761, 1729370295445.png)

File: 1729392938651-1.png (49.74 KB, 760x728, 1729370303595.png)

File: 1729392938651-2.gif (54.82 KB, 1362x1101, 1729370312390.gif)

File: 1729392938652-3.png (137.96 KB, 1644x1389, 1729370330088.png)

>a short 4 picture story


The new ice cream has rat poison


File: 1729472718860.jpeg (32.89 KB, 467x623, GYdJrf2b0AAO_cQ.jpeg)




File: 1729888033312-0.jpg (65.61 KB, 3000x1687, PLUSHREAL1.jpg)

File: 1729888033312-1.jpg (96.65 KB, 3000x1687, PLUSHREAL2.jpg)

File: 1729888033312-2.jpg (117.56 KB, 3000x1687, PLUSHREAL3.jpg)





Despite not being the biggest fan of agugu, I have to admit this is very zemmy.
Did you make it yourself, or is it a commission?
What size is it? The scale is hard to tell by the pictures.


Not the guy but from the photos I would guess it's somewhere around 10 cm in height and 5 cm in width, so pretty small.


it was commisioned, its 30cm in height


It’s surreal looking at this, knowing it’s 30 cm, it’s almost life sized


really good recreation, agugu win


Finally real guuuuuuuuuuug


The supreme lifeform
i kneel


File: 1729978460936.webm (8.85 MB, 1598x710, Agugu Car.webm)






Do this irl


File: 1729979187077.png (669.8 KB, 551x649, ClipboardImage.png)

this looks funny, may I help you work on this?


Gemmy 'gugu hit and run, TAD


Did you make the car script yourself?


File: 1730033578113.jpg (27.74 KB, 500x500, 500px-Lee_goldson.jpg)

This one reminds me of lee goldson


File: 1730054727663.png (62.04 KB, 1534x862, gugguh.png)


File: 1730063210396.webm (3.16 MB, 1024x1024, brrr.webm)




File: 1730240017902-0.png (1.98 MB, 1592x1360, gugukickingguguball.png)

File: 1730240017902-1.gif (6.86 MB, 753x1129, guguball.gif)


I wanna kick agugu's head off its body too


Agugu artist, I like your googs, keep making them.


historically accurate version bump




File: 1730309794864.png (391.15 KB, 785x433, ClipboardImage.png)

I don't have any plans for a game at the moment. I'm just messing around in Roblox Studio.




File: 1730316087637.gif (3.26 MB, 1614x1288, gugurollinghill.gif)


incredible kino



>The year is 2025. Every janny has left, shartycucks invade the site and the only OC made is about Agugu.


File: 1730401536164.mp3 (2.61 MB, monkeys.mp3)

>theme song of this thread


File: 1730466761635.gif (2.6 MB, 1240x1192, agugubop.gif)


File: 1730481277472.png (489.92 KB, 954x479, Screenshot 2024-11-01 1013….png)

More agugu




>fnf sprite
What the fuck are you doing


vs agugu coming on december 15th


Kane add an immense fucking floating text just saying "FUCK NIGGERS" whenever you open the mod, thanks


Do this @Kane


File: 1730503108899.png (321.49 KB, 775x991, 1725511804350.png)

>What's Kane's tag in 'cord so I can contact xim


File: 1730662591945.mp4 (283.15 KB, 496x528, vidu-high-performance--4-2….mp4)

i looted this #loot


>stealing content from sharty


>do not repost saar


File: 1730675680740.png (19.15 KB, 560x547, 1730568649269.png)



File: 1730684504468-0.png (45.85 KB, 862x606, 1729789910849.png)

File: 1730684504468-1.gif (405.31 KB, 1080x1080, 1730144313692.gif)

File: 1730684504468-2.png (599.81 KB, 3654x1321, 1730192379397.png)

File: 1730684504468-3.png (246.02 KB, 974x1356, 1729607770079.png)


File: 1730684805653-0.png (20.94 KB, 500x250, 1730218650825.png)

File: 1730684805653-1.jpg (283.45 KB, 1280x720, 1728665987941.jpg)

File: 1730684805653-2.png (48.7 KB, 774x1018, 1728837604572.png)

File: 1730684805653-3.gif (58 KB, 774x1018, 1728837320403.gif)


File: 1730836361219.png (617.74 KB, 791x758, tinygugu2.png)


File: 1730836561756.png (993.09 KB, 1304x1390, 1727640475338-3.png)



i lost my faith in humanity when i saw what was embedded within this image. i wish i wasn't curious


File: 1730837567892.gif (3.5 MB, 400x385, 1720641147784.gif)




File: 1730837790963.mp4 (905.46 KB, 132x254, DOCTOSSS.mp4)





File: 1731343961603.png (44.03 KB, 188x164, ClipboardImage.png)



File: 1731421844711.png (4.76 MB, 3000x2283, cheekstretch2.png)


File: 1731538390716.jpg (432.02 KB, 1072x1250, GT-Yw6iWkAAdwZi.jpg)

>embedded within this image
How do i see it, i'm retarded sorry


File: 1732210200412.png (86.62 KB, 1458x992, agugi.png)




how did nigga predict the future 💀


looks like a snail for some reason


post was so gemmy that the admin named an entire website after it


File: 1732223814476.webm (Spoiler Image, 2.68 MB, 1100x422, 1732123259454.webm)

Agugu hungy, agugu eat cargugu!


this is what happens in real life when you don't feed your kids


File: 1732224416353.png (25.98 KB, 600x800, markiplier traumatized.png)


Almost as bad as the Sneed Balloon Maya


zoot shut it the fuck down


File: 1732229277950.gif (31.67 KB, 255x219, 1700696137291.gif)



a tiger doesn't change its stripes


File: 1732230103283.png (30.3 KB, 600x493, 1730818777598.png)


File: 1732230175642.png (797.88 KB, 1080x1147, angryplush.png)



File: 1732231817670.jpg (171.01 KB, 1023x1089, 1728852890926.jpg)



File: 1732363762848.png (4.99 MB, 3298x1917, fnaa2.png)

i cant find that FNAagugu1 image i swear theres a rogue janny deleting random raisin


File: 1732364438074.jpg (50.02 KB, 894x894, 1714921067637n.jpg)

>rogue janny deleting random shit


File: 1732443392351-0.png (684.57 KB, 1588x1808, guugy.png)

File: 1732443392351-1.png (644.94 KB, 1588x1808, firststeps.png)

File: 1732443392351-2.png (1.38 MB, 2484x2648, dawingugu.png)

gems exclusively from the agarthy


well drawn googs


she is so adorable!


File: 1732591441300.png (3.97 MB, 2160x2160, 1732586006083.png)


File: 1732592367823.png (8.26 KB, 237x226, ClipboardImage.png)



files catbox moe 88vr4e png award


File: 1732656654219.png (74.85 KB, 1410x1010, 88vr4e.png)


File: 1732657432491.jpg (96.34 KB, 1120x1447, 1732630182641.jpg)



File: 1732657639520.png (102.78 KB, 1920x1080, sockgugu.png)


why is she so fat?




That's fun to her


It's cuter and gemmier that way


Babies are fat o algo


Where was this drawing originally posted?


agugucord specifically the #age_regression channel


Found it, thanks


They found it, shut it down Zoot




File: 1733087958770-0.png (611.94 KB, 1588x1808, WAAAAAAAAH.png)

File: 1733087958770-1.png (607.85 KB, 1588x1808, sad baba.png)

'gugu drawGOD won btw


aww why she sad :(


I will take care of gugu 🙏




your reelsclitty is showing


File: 1733243385605-0.png (294.75 KB, 1000x674, WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.png)

File: 1733243385605-1.jpg (242.28 KB, 1000x1000, googincar.jpg)


Why is she crying I DEMAND an explanation


xer binky fell off


shes driving the goog car


File: 1733410208816.png (71.05 KB, 1088x1054, magugu.png)


shiny glistening gleaming gemerald


bumping peak zartey khulture so zarty goes /calm/





File: 1734041273909.jpg (428.32 KB, 1268x950, rare tiny gugu discovery.jpg)


10/10 gem rating
shiny glistening gleaming gemerald


why are there so many baby mymy here


Because of the baby mymy agugu generator


File: 1734118107726-0.png (12.37 KB, 355x294, dguugu.png)

File: 1734118107726-1.png (31.34 KB, 674x498, AGUGU STOP.png)


File: 1734180750839.png (258.91 KB, 586x496, flying.png)




File: 1734270505588.gif (405.31 KB, 1080x1080, 3dgoog.gif)

agugu is so gemmy i just adopted a baby and dyed its hair orange


agugu is killing zellig


*saving, sorry typo


File: 1734292924879.png (221.54 KB, 426x364, 1733349396875.png)

the agugu folder from agugulandy + up to date


the goog folder


upload to the booru


>Sir, a second agugu dump has hit the zooru


how do i bulk upload


nvm got it


File: 1735053357694-0.gif (2.72 MB, 537x537, 3dgifmaker07274.gif)

File: 1735053357694-1.gif (4.71 MB, 756x756, 3dgifmaker81288.gif)


File: 1735053526794.png (19.1 KB, 677x505, agugudog.png)



File: 1735053568239.png (780.11 KB, 1080x1147, aguguplushhead.png)


File: 1735151580870.jpg (57.44 KB, 1080x1147, gugusmas.jpg)

merry googsmas


File: 1735211860690.mp4 (4.43 MB, 480x640, IMG_0087.mp4)



GEEEEEEEEEEG agugucels, if agugu isn't coal why is it burning???


this is O9A initiation ritual btw


File: 1735218366289-0.png (Spoiler Image, 43.91 KB, 171x173, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1735218366289-1.png (Spoiler Image, 211.02 KB, 1023x763, ClipboardImage.png)

nigga got that primate, ancestral gripper has xis hand


Looks like hyperflexibility to me. My left thumb is hyperflexible like that too.


>pink lighter
>pink sweatpants with literal discord logo on it
>black air force 1s with pink stripes
>mouth breather
spiteful jewish transexual hands recorded, prepared and shared this video. trannies hate agugu because she reminds xhem that xhey will never be a cute orange dutch girl.



File: 1735222210601.png (375.05 KB, 817x471, 1729273735408n-png.6674539.png)


You caught me, im transgender

I've been using both Zarty and Nieuw Japsterdam Staad and for three months now and i gotta say its really easy to blend with you. so called Zaryans


Made it up on the spot award


File: 1735224489741.jpeg (24.11 KB, 535x640, 1729461578901.jpeg)

>wearing pink sweatpants with literal discord logo on it


File: 1735225000610.png (2.81 MB, 1080x1920, googsmas.png)

merry googsmas and have a goog year


>pulled a shitcord screenshot
>this proves I am trans
?????, whatever floats your bait Zaryan


this plushie is what saved the zarty… so gemmy Zaryan


Why are you trying to do damage control for me? I'll ask you on Japsterdam Staad later because honestly idk who you are


File: 1735227746790.webm (272.2 KB, 540x540, is this real.webm)


File: 1735254407481.png (1.56 MB, 2000x3550, duetthis.png)

#duet this with your baby!




File: 1735255808884.png (1.81 MB, 1280x1280, ClipboardImage.png)


Great. Kino criticism: I would've made agugu look AWAY from vera, even if vera isn't technically next to agugu. It would help with driving the point across that vera is scaring agugu.


'cord gem


oh yea true


Mirrorald… Chest pocket switched places……. </3


Fuck my chud life


File: 1735256916342.png (1.56 MB, 2000x3550, duetthis.png)




File: 1735308988381-0.png (37.26 KB, 674x498, agugu dust.png)

File: 1735308988381-1.png (35.69 KB, 674x498, agugu electrocute.png)

File: 1735308988381-2.png (31.34 KB, 674x498, AGUGU STOP.png)


non-linear storytelling gem


File: 1735309350500.png (521.75 KB, 893x989, ClipboardImage.png)



File: 1735310717209.png (50.39 KB, 674x498, ClipboardImage.png)



File: 1735331466931.png (39.28 KB, 674x498, boogu.png)



File: 1735397667261-0.png (431.06 KB, 651x523, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1735397667261-1.png (454.07 KB, 633x506, ClipboardImage.png)





File: 1735500945284.png (582.15 KB, 1812x2176, biggestgoog.png)


File: 1735501110560.jpg (13.99 KB, 532x540, IMG-20241229-WA0000.jpg)

Saar, please redeem the error, top 0.001% zems


File: 1735517383779.png (367.92 KB, 490x493, i_hate_niggers.png)


File: 1735517451657-0.mp4 (1.68 MB, 960x960, Crumble_it_seed2255559710.mp4)

File: 1735517451657-1.mp4 (1.18 MB, 960x960, Poke_it_seed3953099544.mp4)

File: 1735517451657-2.mp4 (966.63 KB, 960x960, Eye-pop_it_seed3163889919.mp4)


Agugu inflation is real…



File: 1735517864724.mp4 (1.13 MB, 960x960, 1bp4tk (1).mp4)

>>>53798 (You)
>Agugu inflation is real…


aguguflation gem




File: 1735656576867.gif (1.49 MB, 250x250, ezgif-4-7fba9c2a66.gif)



File: 1736006784917-0.png (1.13 MB, 801x719, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1736006784917-1.png (833.63 KB, 618x675, ClipboardImage.png)

plasticine agoog


File: 1736006911073.png (963.28 KB, 744x639, ClipboardImage.png)



File: 1736006941778.png (964.87 KB, 733x662, ClipboardImage.png)


Now throw it onto a wall




File: 1736007042506-0.png (886.64 KB, 722x636, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1736007042506-1.png (1.18 MB, 779x711, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1736007042506-2.png (627.9 KB, 581x568, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1736007042506-3.png (866.09 KB, 1080x1147, sadplush.png)


Mysterious homogeneous agugu ball


File: 1736010289083.png (57.04 KB, 1124x785, google.com.png)


File: 1736011523115.jpg (97.32 KB, 546x470, jebenteendumbnigger.jpg)

Hello Swarthy, Vantablack Niggers. I Would Like To Ask You All Why You Have Distorted Dietsland's Empress Into The Fetishistic Vision Of A Schizophrenic Chilean Felon. Do You Have No Appreciation For Mymy's True Form? Do You Have No Sense Of Awareness That The Feds Will See Your Rapid, And Frankly Suspicious Slopposting? What Turned You All Into This? You Came Onto This Site After Watching The Most Glistening Series Ever, And You Turn Both This Site, And Ongezellig's Community Into A Worse Place By Age Regression Larping With An Edited Image Of Mymy. Are You All Proud Of Yourselves?

Simple questions I would like answered.


File: 1736011848699.png (833.63 KB, 618x675, ClipboardImage.png)

look at this image and tell me that im age regressing/larping


Fell for the obvious bait award


combining the first letters of each word reveals a magnet link for a torrent, i checked and it's a 85GB file of filipino snuff tapes + child porn and torture videos, do not interact with it




File: 1736011985160.png (65.91 KB, 420x482, ligtos.png)


File: 1736012117889.png (325.91 KB, 512x512, 1732713003532.png)

Thank you for information, now I gonna check it (for soyentific purposes only, ofc)


File: 1736012292846.mp4 (5.12 MB, 640x520, 535rmy (1).mp4)


>>55041 Erm, CHUUUUDDDDDD, it is actually the 'Niggerrape' dialect, invented in the holy land (Dixie) during the 'Peak Niggerrape Renaissance', a time notable for its gemeralds, geggeralds, art, music, literature, and connection.


File: 1736035733367.png (111.01 KB, 1259x539, ClipboardImage.png)

Agugu vs Hydraulic Press


File: 1736036034670.png (627.9 KB, 581x568, 1736007042506-2.png)

Mold agugu into a ball


File: 1736036043321.png (71.73 KB, 227x222, 329 - doctos edit mymy nig….png)



Send some ‘gugu abuse


File: 1736059674126.jpg (610.47 KB, 1362x1507, 1648336737381.jpg)

this image was posted on March 26, 2022
it’s possibly the first edit of Mymy with a binky


File: 1736060886132.png (106.61 KB, 1171x578, ClipboardImage.png)


Always do this


Children should not play with knives like this




File: 1736085612570.jpg (205.98 KB, 630x300, 1666256239510.jpg)

I'm not a baby


File: 1736090239644-0.png (288.35 KB, 614x324, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1736090239644-1.png (247.63 KB, 614x324, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1736090239644-2.png (164.84 KB, 614x324, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1736090239644-3.png (60.92 KB, 614x324, ClipboardImage.png)









how do i use the google emote


File: 1736090749432.gif (2.75 MB, 282x282, pattern.gif)

gem gem gem gem gem gem gem gem gem gem gem gem gem gem gem gem gem gem gem gem gem gem gem gem gem gem gem gem gem gem gem gem gem gem gem gem


File: 1736090811696.png (13.69 KB, 381x248, Screenshot 2025-01-05 at 1….png)




it's getting googer


make a hecking emote suggestion thread to turn this site into a discord I MEAN make posting funnier or something


File: 1736091147921.png (1.35 MB, 1183x951, agugunuke.png)



there is a request thread already doe


meds where



thats for features i meant stuff to put as emotes (thats if you wanna make emotes a thing)


File: 1736091887855.png (1.36 MB, 1183x951, agvgvnvke.png)

wait its a gem now


the only 2 emotes we need are goog and queen of spades symbol we dont need anything else


trvke + made me geg award


i mean all kinds of request can be put there, no need for a separate emote thread especially knowing it will just be "add coco", "add gem" etc.


it could be made as a submission thread like how you could submit banners to be used


yes of course if someone wants to submit a banner, a theme, an emote, it can be posted there too






File: 1736187859150.jpg (64.76 KB, 750x748, gaguuuuuuuu.jpg)





File: 1736275615347.gif (8.92 MB, 592x640, goog_in_yah_eye.gif)


File: 1736279623867.jpg (7.04 KB, 400x275, 1718120486911j.jpg)


beware of embedded goog in this image



File: 1736437100925.png (70.64 KB, 1135x848, bubis.png)


File: 1736438634440.png (43.48 KB, 821x740, aggu.png)


aguguball rald


File: 1736439471355.png (62.62 KB, 999x847, agullac.png)


File: 1736440189924.png (367.92 KB, 490x493, i_hate_niggers.png)

can you draw squinting


File: 1736458713994.png (206.53 KB, 2000x950, nutsgugu.png)


Neger dat's noten!


File: 1736458987451.png (77.42 KB, 1179x1557, peeb1.png)

my heart melted when I saw this… This is too wonderful Zaryan…


Zoot its infected


peeb is aryan, shemmycuck


Peeb is forced cord variant, it was created on discord and was pushed by it


It literally looks like cock geg


What does "forced variant" mean, maybe you will be able to tell me


>Forced variant is whatever I seethe at


I genuinely have never seen a variant that would not be called "forced" by someone who dislikes it. It seems the word has no meaning in itself.


When small offsite grup pushes meme instead of it growing in popularity spontaneously. Peeb was made on discord servers amd was popular on xitter of the people who participated in creating it or people who were their cord friends. Rest can be connected


Truth is, very few "variants" become popular on their own, even agugu had to posted for a while before it really dug its roots in


But peeb being a 'cord variant? There's no doubt about it, literally made on discord by a 'corder and if you post peeb you only spread the disease


>When small offsite grup pushes meme instead of it growing in popularity spontaneously.
But how do you know that without access to IPs?


Peeb was made on discord, was admited by offsitters related to discord only and by reelcattle disconnected from the soy culture. These type of memes that were breed in these offsite discord communities are obviously always forced offsiter coal


i look like that because i am agugu and i have orange skin and blue eyes and i wear a white onesie with a red bowtie



File: 1736524485771.png (298.38 KB, 1179x1557, ClipboardImage.png)

total peeb death


File: 1736543773195.png (1.76 MB, 2000x3320, one googillion agugus.png)

agugu will definitely always be a gem but I feel like ive been seeing it too much on this site, its brainrot you know, I thought about an agugu detox but maybe im the one thats just too obsessed


footage of the agugu mindvirus spreading


Embedded clay goog iti


that makes sense I get it now


File: 1736618179970.gif (22.61 MB, 720x1296, FLYING.gif)


ascension to aguguborea


File: 1736709082637.mp4 (1.35 MB, 720x720, jump_attack.mp4)


File: 1736709140220.mp4 (513.29 KB, 720x720, running_jump.mp4)




File: 1736772426901-0.png (598.05 KB, 736x736, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1736772426901-1.png (265.54 KB, 447x500, ClipboardImage.png)

>agu gugu?
<soowafle numnum


gemmy gemerald


soowafl nuumnnumumnm abubububu


Had a stroke award


File: 1736805473313-0.png (835.09 KB, 622x767, claycolorgu2.png)

File: 1736805473313-1.jpg (413.92 KB, 761x837, claycolorgu1.jpg)

File: 1736805473313-2.png (70.62 KB, 533x552, colorgugu.png)





File: 1736809615261.png (786.28 KB, 1455x999, this 'gu is so talented.png)


Goog lore is expanding, she has toys now


dude its literally so scary i turn around and its looking directly at me its possessed


Do not build the agugu vessel at 3 am


File: 1736934548274.png (1.54 MB, 1080x1147, ALIEN.png)

zipzipzipzip glirpglurpglurpgupupupu numunumummumum zoowafal


File: 1736952563878-0.gif (11.2 MB, 800x382, RAGE.gif)

File: 1736952563878-1.gif (9.93 MB, 720x720, CAR_ACCIDENT.gif)


words cannot describe how gemmy these are… shinier than a star. gem so shiny i got blinded by it


File: 1736953490296.gif (2.3 MB, 500x203, freakout.gif)


poor maya doesn't deserve this… why does mymy have to be such a greedy bitch?


tsmt. her greed digusts me


disgusts* Fuck


Became bald award




File: 1736972441232.png (1.11 MB, 3548x1596, flingagugu.png)


vanquishing the demon after it has possessed an agugu doll


>Vade retro agugu




File: 1736982334302.gif (5.76 MB, 320x320, PSYCHO.gif)


agugu becomes class representative and leads her classmates like a true leader


contender for the gemmiest post in zarty history


File: 1737051846656.png (266.13 KB, 1100x1108, mayagugi.png)


finally, maya gets the kruidnoten


File: 1737058862354.gif (235.03 KB, 2000x844, guuuuu.gif)





baba agugu is insane


zemmy zem zem agugurald


File: 1737132105594.png (59.46 KB, 757x616, retard.png)


File: 1737231625211.jpg (495.18 KB, 2893x3288, Carbuncle.jpg)



File: 1737232116254.png (10.52 KB, 255x353, agugu chud.png)



File: 1737248459685-0.png (1015.66 KB, 1846x1268, family.png)

File: 1737248459685-1.mp3 (1.88 MB, goodnight.mp3)


gem that made me emotional


File: 1737327650483.jpeg (328.61 KB, 2048x1536, 185_1_1_1699804182331.jpg….jpeg)



Someone should make a goog out of this




File: 1737667167116-0.png (32.51 KB, 317x252, agigigiaiug.png)

File: 1737667167116-1.png (21.95 KB, 317x252, aguaugua.png)

File: 1737667167116-2.png (124.47 KB, 627x627, gggggggggguuuuuuuu.png)

i colored a


File: 1737668120073.png (136.08 KB, 561x578, goog toilet.png)


Skibidi gem


File: 1737731478656.png (77.77 KB, 951x917, veragugu.png)


Not even the Veracels can escape the AGP treatment


File: 1737731662938.png (465.91 KB, 775x991, brimstone2.png)

>AGP treatment


File: 1737751141801.webm (13.36 MB, 1080x1440, Agugu-declares-total-war.webm)

new soopwafel


Googborean Zem


File: 1737897541939.png (1.58 MB, 1080x1147, aguguburning.png)

wahhh me no want to die and be killed wahhhhhhh stop burning me wahhhhhhhhh me want binky wahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh


quote should never have stopped ddosing that shit website


The demon rightfully burning in hell after being vanquished from the Agugu vessel.


quote ddosed aguguland? i didnt notice


the shemmy, it's infested with chinnypedos and the local administration seems to enjoy that state of the things


because theyre also weird tranny pedos from what heard, birds of a feather


I read some shit from the 'farms, then immediately closed it as soon as I understood it was essentially 'cord drama


File: 1737899724948.mp4 (1.48 MB, 960x960, Cake-ify_it_seed923648558.mp4)

cake gugu


File: 1737899919703.png (58.55 KB, 266x385, ClipboardImage.png)



>1 hour ago
>Still up
Zarticacas… This is a new low…


File: 1737991771295-0.mp4 (1.25 MB, 960x960, Deflate_it_seed3003537360.mp4)

File: 1737991771295-1.mp4 (1.3 MB, 720x720, Inflate_it_seed3724848756.mp4)

guguloon bagoog gugloon agugoon aguloon


File: 1737992342767.png (130.26 KB, 379x380, ClipboardImage.png)




Bleed out inflationcuck


Right! Stop inflating the zarty currency, inflationigger!


Make a goog memecoin


Do this.


File: 1738150025085.png (10.02 KB, 490x339, biggest bowtie award.png)

new soopwafel





Pet Nigger
700 replies award(USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST)


this picture is so gemmy..oh my god its so gemmy how is it so gemmy ehat the fuuuck oh my god its so gemmy whoever made this is a genius mastermind and needs awards its so gemmy…


File: 1738269582270.png (6.57 KB, 261x244, quick goog.png)

1 minute goog
draw agugu in one minute


File: 1738269793368.png (14.79 KB, 500x250, Oekaki.png)

gem gem zem zem
this is my attempt at the 1 minute challenge


File: 1738356259046.png (394.93 KB, 490x493, ClipboardImage.png)


File: 1738357501732.png (48.26 KB, 707x566, Untitled386_20250201040224.png)

Do you think she understands?


Holy glistening goog
Also she's the daughter of Adolf Hitler, she would definitely understand


Why is Chud teaching a literal toddler about sex


Oh nonononononono….


Zartypedos are we really like that…


Don't blame us, blame the artist who leaves embedded fpe crap


Chud-tranny horseshoe theory is real, both will try to teach children about sex


hallucinated it award


File: 1738358518309-0.gif (13.82 KB, 180x255, 1717024179394.gif)

File: 1738358518309-1.png (33.42 KB, 180x255, 1717071850711.png)

>teaching dutch children about sex (gay and decadent)
<teaching dutch children about BLEACHED.CQM (trad and based)


they're both the same, but trans folx are supported by the government and chud/nazi not


>showing literal toddlers race porn
zelligniggers, I…


embedded bleachbooru link btw


didnt gussy draw this image


bincky wawawa


File: 1738361560399.png (1.89 MB, 1080x1147, ClipboardImage.png)

me wan bingy me wan bingy


the best posts on this website


>>59544 >>59549 >>59553 >>59560
Bruh, it doesn't have to be sex. It can just be Chud teachiny agugu thr basics of other races and being with them in the long-term. Also, if you guys are still obsessed with
I think it's much better to see it as his father teaching his child the body and how to properly care for it. It's best to learn these topics from your own family from love than from literal who teachers with indoctrination.


Translated: the drawing is a joke, if a cacajak was there no one would have bat an eye


>we zaryans think about 'P all the time even when it's irrelevant o algo


File: 1738424257280.mp4 (5.69 MB, 1160x852, bandicam 2025-02-01 16-36-….mp4)

i tried the agugu map in AI redditcraft




File: 1738535349947.png (43.76 KB, 537x365, 3437 - binky mymy variant_….png)

agugugu agugugu




according to ‘ZelligBooru, this was created by LidlyArts, the illustrator of Maya’s Conversation, meaning that this gif is the closest we have to official Agugu art.


except it wasn't. it was made by that xitter/cordfag lildrawingboi


File: 1738633521848.png (160.22 KB, 569x763, 3511 - artist:lidlyarts ar….png)

the art style doesn’t seem like hers, LidlyArts doesn’t use such bold lines. it’s likely whoever edited the tags made a mistake because both of their names start with li.
the ‘ZelligBooru also has this drawing, which resembles her art style better, so this could be the actual closest thing we have to an official Agugu drawing.


Oh probably a mistake on my part, these googs were made by lildrawingboy and NOT lidlyarts


>official agugu art
massa will pick up ongezellig when a studio picks it up but instead of a big channel it will be BabyTV so he will make babyzellig instead and the show will be about mymy getting her soopwafel and maya getting her kwuidnoten and coco will have a single brain cell barely able to breathe on her own and the only dialogue would be agugugugu and binky sounds


official because massa was once a baby too




In the Netherlands cartoons are primarily produced for children. So Aguguzellig would have had a more successful pitch and higher likelihood of becoming a full season show that Ongezellig.


File: 1738669136273.png (69.67 KB, 1197x2709, IMG_5740.png)

>Coco-poster coming in to say Agugu is probably the gayest shit I've seen in a long time. Sue me and seethe, Mymy bros.


meds and binky, no one has ever said this


He is right. Agugu was never funny and now it is forced everywhere by a small minority of posters.


File: 1738669889872.png (293 KB, 900x1021, zew.png)

>a small minority of posters


File: 1738670124073.png (265 B, 6x9, verytinyagugu.png)

>small minority


File: 1738670182286.png (1.1 MB, 1144x748, the 5 agugu fans.png)

>small minority


Come on, shun me down for speaking truth clittycel.


How come Zaryans are only 0.2% of the soysphere's population but are responsible for 85% of all gems?


The zew post wasn't quoting you retard, lurk more.


I know, I'am also responding to the agugu spam that I recieved below my post.


File: 1738671746430.png (394.93 KB, 490x493, highgoog.png)

>seething about agugu in the agugu thread


>I'am also responding to the agugu spam that I recieved below my post.
Then why only respond to my post? That was a severe failure in communication on your part, you should have just posted without referring to an posts or all of the recent posts to convey the message you wanted to.
>do not post agugu in the agugu thread when promted with a shitposting oppertunity… because… uh … you can't okay it makes my clitty leak!?


I won't make that mistake in the future.

And I only said that Coco-poster was right.


>the Coco-poster
'liggers stop making new boogaymen up


aguguu i wan soopwafel auguuu gugugu binky and soopwafel


gemmiest post since the prehistoric era


File: 1738704952197.png (1.92 MB, 1600x1080, agugu mindvirus clinic.png)

Excessive or involuntary googing might be an early sign of the Agugu Mindvirus. Sometimes, googing goes away on it's own. But if you still have googing issues after three days, you should call your healthcare provider. Over-the-counter (OTC) medications like Zolpidem or ibuprofen (Advil®) may be all you need for mind relief. But in some cases, your provider may prescribe soopwafel theraphy as an alternative. Repeated googing attempts can increase the risk of Fatal Agugu Syndrome.


gemgemgemgemgem gemmy zemmy gem gem goog gem


This should be studied.


I am patient zero, I’ve been infected for way too long, doctor Soystein gave me 6 months left to live, there is no hope left for me, but heed my warning, seek medical help as soon as possible when you start noticing
>oy zey, stop noticing zoyim
symptoms of googing.


New Zarty lore just dropped


Oh my world building this is just like Soyhammer 40vax


File: 1738782541642.png (1.49 MB, 1080x1147, ClipboardImage.png)


a brand new binky


File: 1738782937040.png (1.49 MB, 1080x1147, ClipboardImage.png)


File: 1738783272069.png (1.47 MB, 1080x1147, ClipboardImage.png)


File: 1738783370519.png (1.47 MB, 1080x1147, ClipboardImage.png)


I fear no man, but this thing… It scares me.


woah! this is incredible


File: 1738783564761.png (794.31 KB, 1104x1080, 3616 - ack axel bert black….png)

>I fear no man, but this thing… It heckin' scares me!


File: 1738783603110.png (821.19 KB, 1080x1147, gug plush.png)



File: 1738783743340.png (19.42 KB, 409x430, 1722014273909.png)

>I fear no gussywussy, but this soyzellig… it scares me.




terra wrote this


Jesus, what the hell tells you it's similar to terra's manner of speech?


just thought it seemed "reddit" but youre right


File: 1738865016716-0.png (575.05 KB, 3600x1080, snibedi snab kaksoispiste ….png)

File: 1738865016716-1.mp3 (4.93 MB, schnappi.mp3)




spurdo gem


zemmy bost :DDDDDD


mymy speaking german is so incredibly cute


File: 1738940081674.jpg (46.4 KB, 1040x948, gugi.jpg)

agugu before agugu was goog:


File: 1738954423352.png (2.04 MB, 1077x1920, GjM5hWMXwAE1qt7.png)

Xitter loves the Reddit agugu baby


File: 1738969010661.png (1.64 MB, 1080x1147, ClipboardImage.png)



File: 1738969098720.png (898.67 KB, 797x726, ClipboardImage.png)



File: 1738969162559.png (870.17 KB, 1005x726, ClipboardImage.png)



File: 1739029201420.mp4 (2.21 MB, 360x640, agugu gemerald.mp4)


Gemmy political commentary


File: 1739047200746.mp4 (11.59 MB, 640x360, I am a shiny gemmy colorgu….mp4)

Agugu colorwafel


File: 1739057694643-0.png (2.11 MB, 2376x1461, 1739045321341.png)

File: 1739057694643-1.png (1019.16 KB, 2283x1521, 1739045799352.png)


Banner material


zoor do this please gemmy banner


wawawa bababawawawa


what's the deal with this agugu stuff? is it like ageplaying?


sharty demoralizer dni


take your meds im just asking a question


its posted, because:

>its le cute

>its le good bait
>because i am a pedophile
>because i love zellig

Its either 4 of these options


So that's a 3 in 4 chance it's brimstone.



File: 1739357607008.png (71.05 KB, 1088x1054, magugu.png)

>its powsted, because~
>('rans space)
>>its~ le cute~
>>its le good bait~
>>because i am a pedophiwe~
>>because i wove zewwig~
>('rans space)
>Its~ either 4 of these options~


You cant make a better list compared to one i made


I can.
>provides new opportunities of oc creation that aren't possible with regular 'ligs
>it's fun to spam and post everywhere making mixed reactions
<but.. bait is… LE BAD
>pro-natalist gemmies, will save the Aryan race btw
>furthers Zarty dominance as cultural center in 'zelligsphere
>the absurdity of agvgv makes it fun to create and post
>most importantly there is only so much you can do with Ongezellig
Any future of 'ligposting will necessarily become more absurd out of survival of the genre.


in other words we moved from 'ligposting to 'guposting?


It's an evolution of the genre, something else will come and replace it eventually when this has been exhausted.
How often do you see muh wife mymy posting these days, it used to be massive but it got stale and completely exhausted, so it wasn't interesting anymore to post.


>gugposting is not ligposting
So agugu is NAZ from now
>inb4 it was from the very beginning


File: 1739359608591.png (283.67 KB, 645x651, gigachad_pondering.png)

muh wife mymy


File: 1739359750036.png (87.87 KB, 1080x1331, ZartyCHAD.png)

muh daughter agugu



File: 1739359833785.gif (735.04 KB, 232x192, cooming-coom.gif)

Mvh bvll Zvvt


File: 1739359999522.webm (5.79 MB, 720x1280, video (1).webm)

muh bibisiqueen coco


muh soopwafel and muh binky




File: 1739360299658.png (102.04 KB, 238x227, agugogegagig.png)

Hoi Maya, soopwafel und binky das ist gut?


all snca compared to the list i made


File: 1739364259269.png (484.21 KB, 1024x960, retarded tranny.png)

>a comprehensive and nuanced understanding of a topic is snca


>we will save muh aryan race
Kekistan and frogposters are already doing it. Check out what trump is doing. Otherwise, this is just a fairytale.
>it makes people seethe
So i guess /co/ edit threads are good too? Because they make you seethe.
>its fun
Yes, and, thats really all you value? What happened to being white? Killing niggers killing kikes?
>zarty dominance in zelligsphere
You cant do shit, we saw how inffective you are against a 14 black girl. Not speaking of soysphere, it only takes 1 frootcord dataminer to piss you off.
>new oc oppurtunity
Though you are right about this one


Call it, dutchshitskin or shartynig


Speaking of oc, they just get forgotten or replaced with new ones, no matter the effort in them.


STILL you cannot get pass that 1 dataminer


What are you even talking about


You guys make all of these OC about zellig and agugu, put effort into it, story too, also have a good internet history. Only to be btfo'd by 1 frootcord dataminer. Yes, you guys might be amazing people in art etc. But you just cant do anything past that 1 dataminer.


>>zarty dominance in zelligsphere
Agugu is being reposted all over, zarty is in control of this massive cultural symbol
>>its fun
yeah, if you aren't enjoying yourself posting online making art and 'tosses you are doing something wrong.
>thats really all you value?
leisure and humor are the most effective tools at achhieving great things, agugu emboddies the message we give it.
>they just get forgotten or replaced with new ones
So has there never been a point in producing anything? what's the point if it is just forgotten and replaced? Why care to make anything at all if everything is doomed to die and be forgotten? This is your mindset.


>that 1 dataminer
WHO the fuck are you talking about nigger



>Agugu is being reposted all over, zarty is in control of this massive cultural symbol
You mean only like 2 websites? And also some shitskins making zellig content? Sure have that control
>leisure and humor are the most effective tools at achhieving great things, agugu emboddies the message we give it.
So i guess ifunny.co is the internet superpower then? Not everything is about humor, the best example is sharty. If humor really meant power then this meant sharty wouldnt had any power to dox and raid pedos, but they did? How?
>So has there never been a point in producing anything? what's the point if it is just forgotten and replaced? Why care to make anything at all if everything is doomed to die and be forgotten? This is your mindset.
Eh maybe you are right about the oc arguement


Who gives a shit about Froot almost a year later?
We do our own things and left the sharty for a reason, yet you're the one obsessed about the orange self inserter


File: 1739366513723.gif (2.85 MB, 600x375, 1737802094282z.gif)

I care


>You mean only like 2 websites?
on instagram agugu gets a few thousand views on some videos, agugu has cemented itself into the minds of offsiters, not 2 websites but ingrained in every offsiters conscious.
>If humor really meant power then this meant sharty wouldnt had any power to dox and raid pedos, but they did? How?
The entire success of sharty and the doxs and raids is based on the foundation of the humor of the soyculture, the reason people conjugate and display acts of power such as doxxing is because humor has convinced them to be in the sharty and follow the sharty's values and express their power. Humor as a tool of power is not to be underestimated.


>inb4 off-siters liking your stuff le bad
Following that logic, off-jakking is le bad too I imagine


Yeah the humor part is not to be taken lightly, after all the Trump Meme Wars changed the culture significantly


you seem to be misunderstanding what I am trying to convey. I don't think off-jakking is bad the same goes that off 'ligging isn't necessarily bad either. The fact that offsiters repost your stuff means you have cultural control which is good.


>we have influnce on media… here is a example… uhh…
>*proceeds to show an zog-controlled social media platform*
Also views doesnt mean power, if it was like that, agugu baits on the sharty would be full of zaryans because it has around 500 replies on average.
>sharty doxxed because of the pedos
never browsed /raid/ award


Warrior-Z ITT



Because of the humor*


File: 1739367031643.jpg (180.02 KB, 1280x1192, IMG_20250212_135336_252.jpg)

>on instagram agugu gets a few thousand views on some videos
>agugu has cemented itself into the minds of offsiters


Will be forgotten in a months btw


Too bad that /raid/ got nvked after the domain change and now /soy/ (which has been hot radioactive brimstone for at least 9 months now) is infested with
>dox this literal who my personal armerino!
/raid/ is without a doubt something that helped to kill 'jakking, say what you want about it
And you're right views doesn't mean power but influence, it means what we do resonates everywhere else and that was the original point of the sub-culture: denouncing the "sekrit klub, only I can enjoy a certain thing". With regulations of course


Raiding pedos and trannies are much more important compared to 'jakking though.


Without a doubt, but if I am not wrong the website is called soyjak.party or at least it was, and not raidcord.gov


STILL doesnt change the fact that raiding pedos and trannies are much more important


>Also views doesnt mean power
it's not a simple equation, but it does show we have cultural control which is good.
>because of the humor
The Sharty didn't gain it's cultural power postion because it has a /raid/ board, it's the connection with a cultural icon that is the soyjak spreading right wing values that has had the largest effect. the fact that with raids that cultural power is turned into something more tangible is a bonus on top of that.
if it is forgotten about or not doesn't matter, in the present we have cultural control, and the next thing we make will take that position once agugu has run it's course.


Again, I am not saying that's bad, TPD now thanks, but its "party" is over


It is up to someones personal values what they think has a larger influence, raiding pedos and trannies is tangible and has immediate effects, but the cultural power that has spread with jakking has a far greater long term influence imo


File: 1739367789181.png (25.14 KB, 800x534, Flag_of_India.svg.png)

The controlled culture in question:


File: 1739367820924.png (116.94 KB, 679x424, 1703970573038.png)


Diversity is our greatest strength bigot


operation 9/11 says the opposite though


>a black trans queen got the 1488 trips


I'm taking the bait, even if that was true, would you rather have a bunch of shitskins running lose left to their own devices as the alternative? that doesn't sound good to me.


So whats next? White supremacist indians?


Clittycels on life support
Something something mass immigration muh goonclown dox that killed the sharty, still gemmy though


Those already exist


if they voluntarily sterilize themselves, then that would be a good thing.
Also this discussion has reached it's end point, any further comments would be too unrelated to properly consider, it's best if we all agree on that.


File: 1739368387522.png (70.64 KB, 558x379, image-202.png)



File: 1739368406260.png (811.48 KB, 2009x1728, 1739333131757.png)

Agugu soopwafel


the real reasons are not even in this list:
1) because it's le funny
2) because i'm a 'tismDEITY


Still brimmy reasons


>taking irony seriously


File: 1739371965113.gif (2.5 MB, 600x441, 1735903755105f.gif)

taking irony seriously


File: 1739373081810.png (871.41 KB, 706x941, seething shartycuck.png)

>Still brimmy reasons



File: 1739374027626.gif (2.3 MB, 250x255, from the get.gif)

Still brimmy reasons

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