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/qa/ - Question & Answer

IAS and sharty culture
Password (For file deletion.)

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Someone made agugufied version of nia from I Can't Sleep.


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 No.1416[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Dear friends, enemies, coals, and gems.
Today is the day where I found out the true meaning of "the goyim know". My mother has been informed by I DONT EVEN KNOW WHOOO about my internet activities (specifically on imageboards) through email. All my IPs to access the sharty with are banned, either way. My days, at least for the next 3 months or so, on imageboards are OVER. I'll come back when its safe, and when I can. Goodbye (for now). I am unsure if I'll be replying in this thread. Thats for fate to decide.
285 posts and 46 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


Could someone marge me in here; please?



died award


drawkleki and joel are the same fucking person btw


I never knew Kleki used this site
<drawfag space
Where is she now?

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What are some good voice cloning sites


Weights.ai but Applio RVC mogs them all.


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>this thread


There isnt much of a thread to begin with


Ai is good for trolling with so i like it

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Life got the best of me tbh :/


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Oh nee, xe isn't an unsociable (sic!) hyper schizo with social issues… You are not a real Zaryan, sorry.


Every Zaryan is a loner chud that will die for the Zaryan race and commit TND. If you do not respect these conditions you were never a Zaryan

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Anyways here's a zem I guess

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jigaboo ahh /qa/

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There are three types of sexual paraphilias, they are:

pedophilia – sexual attraction to prepubescent people.
hebephilia – sexual attraction to people in early puberty (from 11 to 14 years old).
ephebophilia – sexual attraction to people aged 15–19.

Why am I writing this? Because I think it should be explained that some people who like the sisters and their friends too much are called wrongly. The correct term is simply a pervert, not a pedophile.
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what the sigma


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>Why did mods delete my soylita pic? Bit rulecucky if you ask me.


Did I get banned.


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Her second pair of arms disappears on the bottom

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Broke ass lolpoor here

Any way to take advantage of the banks shutdown due the CrowdStrike update?

I don't wanna be lolpoor anymore and maybe there's a change to take advantage of that recent event.



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Hey, would anyone here spend own time saving all that content amassed up on the Zarty (I mean, every thread in the 'log)? I don't think it would be sooo hard to do, thereby I have the plan how we can perform it:
>We will appoint people who are responsible for archiving boards (one zaryan = one board). There will be no namefagging, so every participant in this action will be named like “Zaryan [name of the board]”.
>Every participant will have time to save all the content of his board which was amassed from the beginning of the site itself until July 20th.
>Deadline to complete work — before August 1st (mutuable?).
And yeah, surely I know the Zarty will functionate yet for two months, so, I hope, in the last week before closing of the Zarty, every participant will save the rest of the content that will be amassed in these two months (August-September) on his board.

This plan is in case the purchase of the sute will be not guaranteed. But for now, we have what we have…
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according to >>>/zellig/32707 the zarty weighs only 10gb including all text and active content, archiving it is not that big of an undertaking


Seems like even one person alone can archive it in a few days


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Chvds how to archive a video


right click, save video as


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See my problem:
>“My url is alive and I want to archive its content”
>domain of the .webm file
>Saved as a shitty broken link

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I didn't save the official zellig illustrations, and due to recent news about HYPOTHETICAL closing the site I understood that I would not find those illustrations later as easy as I could by making this post, so post them all ITT (as far as I know there was the folder with all zellig related stuff made by Massa in February, but I don't certain that I would find it myself).
2 posts omitted. Click reply to view.


Screenshot them


Then a lot of the quality will be lost.



Thank you


Thank you all for attention.

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