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/qa/ - Question & Answer

IAS and sharty culture
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 No.1416[Last 50 Posts]

Dear friends, enemies, coals, and gems.
Today is the day where I found out the true meaning of "the goyim know". My mother has been informed by I DONT EVEN KNOW WHOOO about my internet activities (specifically on imageboards) through email. All my IPs to access the sharty with are banned, either way. My days, at least for the next 3 months or so, on imageboards are OVER. I'll come back when its safe, and when I can. Goodbye (for now). I am unsure if I'll be replying in this thread. Thats for fate to decide.


>My mother has been informed by I DONT EVEN KNOW WHOOO about my internet activities (specifically on imageboards) through email.
What exactly did she find?


I thought you took your own life, happy to know you're doing better




froot deleteed all my threads so she wasnt able to find much, it was more like somebody TOLD her about it
thank you

lol im literally typing this on kindle. my mom took my personal computer :/


Wait were you doxxed?


There was a /raid/ post on her but it never got much done


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Marge, dont leave meeeeee
my wife kleki gone
im trans btw


i will try to post on the zarty (but its quite hard…)

ill come back to the sharty one day.


i dont even know.


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There is no escape from this worst gangster police state


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Also is this true? Were you ever attempting suicide?
and I turned 14 today


the Worldwide Communist Gangster Computer God keeps trying to opress autists like me. silencing me. because theyre scared. HA! ill teach them. once im older and stronger
i have a lack of supplies, also i will be burning in the depths of niggerhell if i kill myself


im 15 rn, not turning 16 in a looong while doe because im barely 15


Pull a william afton
(Even >though you've technically already done that)


Seems to me your parents are just looking out for you, why do you contradict them?
>"the goyim know"
>my mother knows


Even though kleki hasnt done anything wrong apart from breaking rules in the sharty


who i william afton and what did he do?
>your parents are looking out for you
all my friends live on the internet :( by taking away my stuff theyre making me sad
yes that was the joke.


Kleki i think uh they got a picture of your face
I tried to fill nate with random drawings you did but got lazy and just put 2 and uh
is this you?


Why must SOYTODDLERS post their face on a website full of doxxers and pedophiles I don't get it, make friends in real life


marge im not caught up on this lore


meds there is no lore
this is a psyop


He found it on /nate/, it's still there if you're willing to dig trough the racemix porn. Reverse image search came back empty handed so it could be real. Funnily enough yandex dug up some guy when I gave it this geg


literally front page rn


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>curly hair
This is you isn't it?
You should stop seeking attention albeit


face seems to be more round on this pic
+ the curly hair as >>1496 pointed out
so yeah thats most likely her
also missing mark near the chin


kindly resend the deleted picture


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I found something ITT but it doesn't look like Klekis hair
Looks more like Klekis hair, might be posted by xer actually


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This is it, looks kind of arabic and has Klekis skin, but not xer hair


>looks kind of arabic
No in the slightest, but yeah there's 0 chance it's her


thats not me LOL
that looks like a male


>this is what zoomer/gen "alpha" males look like
Oy vey, someone needs to looksmaxx and OD on redpills.


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what did kleki mean by this


nigga if you think anyone evn remotely "feminine-looking" is a female, you need to injest a whole month worth of red pills…now
i drew that a gazillion years ago where are you getting all these old ass pictures……??


Looks like you got a crazy fan now lmao


>Wake up one day
>What if I archive every single kleki image that I can find
I transheart internet archives
also kleki you should see /nate/


ive archived a few of my late kuz/early doll era /incel/ threads but how are you getting stuff from after that? lol you might post a few kleki drawings that i forgot even existed! also /nate/ is just spam, what is there that i have to see?
p.s. you know that picture with the curly hair? where did you find that and how did you find out that was me????


Bruh you are an oldfag of that site?


>late kuz era is oldfag now
oh no no no


If you're talking about the picture that got deleted, I found it on nate
As for me telling you to check it is erm that I did a catalogue wipe!!!! mostly with tranime stuff


no, i mean the one thats still up. curly hair. no face showing.


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this one?


Why teens hate you so much? I thought you were cool or something
And also the kleki account on the booru (that now is banned) it was yours?


because der 'cord or something


im not sure why im so hated, and im not sure why froot has beef with me. i realy dont do much, other than avatarfag nd namefag and have conversations on comfy/slow boards. Maybe its because im female, or because soyteens hate users that stand out. who knows?? no the banned booru account isnt mine, tht was a falseflag. my true one is still up because i rarely use it
when i first started avatarfagging the cord actually hated me becaise i rejected a groomer named "catsik" and he got butthurt about it "WAH WAH I WANNA RAPE THAT STUPID DRAWFAG TO DEATH". i was always anti cord :)


well i didnt exactly know it was you
I just guessed that it was 50/50 from the filename and the lack of the mark and the curly hair
you mentioned having the overbite but didnt mention the mark which would be strange I guess


i do not have a mark, yes. that picture was from some blogpost thread. i never wouldve thoight it would be traced back to me snce i posted it on /soy/


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Btw I have Froot and other Jannies on Matrix if you want I can ask them uh their opinion on this matter


Oh yeah btw froot is fine with people namefagging/avatarfagging on /nate/
but overall I doubt froot would give amnesty to kleki


Are you Joel?
I never seen your namefag before on the Sharty or any imageboard I use


froot kept rejecting my matrix dms LULZ
it would be very kind of you if you asked
froot hates me, and i dont know why. i was considering asking DOLL to unban me but i doubt h would knowinh that froot's shadow will still loom upon the sharty, the sharty that he has shat on, calling his absolute INSULT of an "ownership" "gemmy"


Joel already has a tripcode here I believe, I never did much apart from posting on 'ru and replying to kleki threads
although i did made a wiki page for the emanuele raid


glass joe used to go by another name but i forgot it


>hes a wikiGOD


I dont have much thoughts on froot since im a newfag
but he's making a shop soon so thats cool


Chuddust was the name I picked when i made the tripcode thing
saw a thread on /mtv/ and decided to test it


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I made ONE page and it got a twittertroon flair


Froot is a massive dick he would prob give me a shitty response or just ghost me instead,idk I’m gonna still try
Btw you should try to email Doll he is a nice guy :D
<emanuele ràid
That shititalian tranny shitlita poster? Keyed wiki page ngl




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my bad I meant /sci/
Yeah that guy. I made it because no one else bothered to and I didnt want it to get forgotten, fun fact:The picture of his face on the page is a compressed version of it taken from the preview image that you normally get. I asked for the full pic on /r/ and got it but never bothered to update it


froot is the worst sharty owner ever, unless you count fucking MAX who doesnt care for anything or anyone but his shekels. froot comes off as a offsiter newfaggot to me.
oh yeaah
DOLL is the kindest guy ever…but froot is still owner. i fucking hatr froot. he thinks hes so funny and cool when in fact hes just an asshole
i want to get GNUschiO unbanned i miss his /sci/ spergouts


Idk if the other owners just casually talked in threads whilst /soy/ was getting spammed and talking about why it even is an issue that wasnt fixed
Oh and btw froot said "Problem is I dont happen to have all the 'p in the world" when I asked about an image filter which is funny

Flair isnt wrong since i DID find the sharty and the 'ru through twitter


I have some friends in Italy in Milan (where that faggot lives) I can ask them if they want to do a lil visit to xhim xdddd like sending some presents or a letter
I fucking hate that bitch too,idk why newfags worship him,he never did a good thing! He creates shitty boards that nobody asked such as (tct,ck,art) and deletes good boards such (ohio,bait,sneed)


he deleted shitty porn from the 'ru though… and uhhhhh did other 301248492 bad things to compensate for one good thing


>he deleted shitty porn from the 'ru though…
I can still find some of them such as that one where a lot of girls from different games twerk and there is plier in the middle saying “I ❤️ butts” or something like that



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did froot just fucking delete the name space from /qa/


Yeah xhe did that




I wonder if joel has perms to remove stuff from the 'ru


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just write it in notepad and take a picture of it

In other news it appears that froot has been blown up


whats a perm
yes he did this and when i made fun of him for it,he banned range banned me and deleted /incel/ that bastard…


im typing on a device without a camera and this web browser dosnt support file uploads becaue my mom took my computers away :(


/incel/ was shit doe full of ‘cord niggers attention whores and such
Xhe can


Did epik ditched soyjak dot party?
Xdddd deserved


i hate how the sharty is becoming the next kiwifarms…
raiding with jaks is fun
doxxing random trannies is not sharty culture in the very least…it has nothing to do with soyjaks


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getting the dumb bot thing aswell


true but it was the only place i was allowed in


imma just send him a pm to see if he can remove that post


Thoughts on the tcoal raid?


froot doesnt feel like a true soyteen
he acts like an offsiter


it had nothing to do with soyjaks so COAL


This is just gonna kill the site lol, and that faggot even likes to dox he would never ban doxxing from the site
/raid/ is just populated by twitter doxer kids that care about stir drama,imagine trying to dox some Korean (minus8) because from an old tumblr more old then 95% of the Sharty
He is sleeping rn


well he's gonna see it when he wakes up


it was cool tho….
rev says desu dox was a must, he's a pedophile so :P


all doxxfags should be banned and sent to >>>/kiwifarms/ i dont een care of theyre doxxing tranny nigger pedophile that eats babies the website nme is soyjak.party not raidfag.clitty anybody that uses the sharty mostly to raid or bitch about pedophiles should GO BACK to TWITTER


The rev say desu video dox was gemmy ngl the soundtrack was banger


whos rev and desu? desu ka…?


They don’t even care about soyjaks they just use the site for doxxing “trannies” wich trannies for soycacas are people that they don’t like


twitter guy who's a lolicon and uh he was pissed about the tcoal dox so he was targeted for that aswell
>insert neutralplier


wouldnt this also apply to the goonclown stuff?


I even remember a while ago that someone from 4chan catty wiped /raid/ and a lot of doxs were lost forever XD


am i becoming a bitter oldfag
goonclown was pretty gemmy but it set off a chain reaction. i wonder if the spike in doxxing came from the Turkey Tom viewers that immigrated?


he was going to burn in hell anyways, why not let God do the punising?


the pipeline

Keyed. But that takes time and its annoying having to outlive someone


I bet half of /raid/tards are also turkey tom fans


hell is eternal, my friend :)
all porn addicts should repent before its too late
KEK i wouldnt be suprised


Religious kleki scares me
do you think we'll get the 2000 GET on this thread in like a week?


What denomination of Christian you are?
I’m gonna steal the GET :P


kleki can you do a vera drawing please


>religous kleki scares me
youre lucky you do not know me in real life. im very religous irl, the internet is where i loosen up a little
>will we get the GET?
im positive
it would be very cool if you stole the GET :D


i cant really draw anymore, my mom took my computer :( ill draw vra the moment i get it back


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Well time to get waiting


You also owe joel(?) a drawing of a godzilla character i think


ill see if i can snag some kids phone or computer to do it
theres always a way ;)





yo gemmy


I’m both Catholic and Orthodox I guess cuz I frequent both churches I prefer catholic ones doe cuz they have comfier seats
Btw the 2000 GET will be a Beary pink!


where dere is not a path yuo must forge your own n stuff


if I may ask what was your moms reaction to you being snitched on



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iss true


i never used [s4s] so i dont get beary pink. whats th meme about her about?
there always VILL be a path
her pinched up face became even more pinched up, and i felt nothing but great shame. she didnt yell at me but the way she talked to me was worse than yelling


anwyays imma go snooze since its 4 am here


good night ameriGOD


bad night muttfag albeit


improve yo sleep schedule


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/s4s/ is a cool board for Niceposting she is nice and that’s it prob the last OC that 4chan did kek


Bruh you have school tomorrow


i sleep 3 hours a night and im happy
i dont lurk 4chinz other than like /his/ i do like looking at old 4chinz memes and threads doe


out of school, 9th graders get out early at my school




it is rather pink so accurate name


You should use /i/ there are a lot of teens making drawing threads there very wholesome most of the times :D


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Idk why teens hate her


too many boards on that accursed thing how does anyone use it


triggers gender dysphoria


She is cis no cap fr ong
Some of them are gemmy only the popular one are shit


dat is why zhe triggers da dysphoria

still not gonna use it anyway


Kleki you’re a euroGOD?


kleki if I may ask whats your timezone


She is not gonna dox herself lol




Fair enough (i forgot to attach the fed image anyways)


kleki what is your opinion on yiik please tell


kleki what is your opinion on jaiden animations please tell


kleki PLEASE post your tummy before killing yourself




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Bruh most of the girls on that image are underage such as Cirno she is 13 if I’m not wrong


well the cirno image is just the fumo one and not straight up porn so idk


I might remove it


whats yiik
i never watched her
im not going to kill myself because id rather suffer on earth than burn in hell :)


Didn't you like live in California or something


warlock, is this your same name on the 'ru? cuz like i found 2 more posts that might break the rules


No, I'm Joel
Anyways what are they


imma pm them to you


They're dissaproved




yiik is the greatest, most slow-burn and bone-chilling post-modern rpg ever


piss pretend i replied to 1624 w/ da one above bloody nfukinj


i never played yiik but i do play some nintendo 3DS games, i wanna play ace attorney but i dont have enough space on my SD card :(


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Lucky bastard I only ever got a 2ds since my eyes would be le "strained" by the 3d or whatever


The 3ds is gay… real ones had a pink ds with nintendogs and no other games


>im not going to kill myself because id rather suffer on earth than burn in hell :)
PLEASE post your tummy xister


albeit all da 3D actually did was give you a migraine, useless feauture


Neat, my 3DS broke years ago and is sitting in a box somewhere but I spent ages on the thing way back when


is it open source doe?


Just delete some games ez


i dont know
my nintendo is slowy breaking, i think..
i used to play nintendogs but i nevr had a DS. The 3DS supports DS games iirc
i have a 2DS but i cal it a 3DS so the 3DSnegros dont beat me up. same software anyways


Kleki, thoughts on fnac?


What do you think about kaijus


why are we just asking random questions to kleki doe
Meds, Sproke and BBC IN THAT ORDER


the only good thing froot ever did.
i never watched a kaiju film, but they look cool.


Kleki what are your thoughts on the color purple


the book was boring as hell and i hate how they started it off with a fucking rape scene. imagine opening a book and the first words you read are "daddy stuck his thingy in me and squeezed my titties aad i screamed". i dont like it at all, i didnt even finish it


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Froot also banned Soylita, Catjak and I think Spadeson


spadeson was banned before i think
soylita and shoyta were good bans Catjak was ok


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cant have shit on /nate/


why are you not sending a picture of your tummy?
i took da bbc ONLY i do NOT need ANY meds


i dont think banning any kind of variant is necessary, just ban the people who use said variant in malicious ways


Soylita and Shoyta are NAS brimstone that deserved it
Catjak is just Feralteens forced NAS brimstone
Spadeson is unfunny cord spam coal
It's deserved


The ru's "brimstone" is what makes it gemmy doe
leave out pedonigger dust and nudity for the sake of gooning but that's it. That's what I would do


Everyone always says soylita and shoyta are brimstone but no one ever explains why. They're soysphere characters that can be used for making gems (like that one adventure thread about nate a while back). I understand there was a pedo controversy but don't throw the baby out with the bathwater or something.


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>NAS that looks way too clean to ever be IAS, also just unfunny af
>You can replace them with other variants and get way gemmier results
>>/caca/ win over NAS brimtone


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look at him doe, hes like FDJ or something


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Joel I haven't killed myself yet and I hope to go another month without doing so


based snitch


>banning soylita le good becauue i dont have to worry about getting a boner whenever i scroll through da shardy anymore
>banning catjak le good even doe it just draws more attention to attention seeking namefags and it was only forced by like 3 kids
>banning spadeson le good because i can finally stop feeling inferior about my tiny whiteboi clitty
i have to consult with my lawyer to do stuff like that but im too scared to meet with him because i owe him money


Catjak wabag
spadeson and soylita were ok

kleki what are your thoughts on touhou


no :(
i used to use soylita a lot because she was easy to draw and pissed nusoycacas off


Except I don't think any of that
Banning Soylita le good because it's NAS and brimstone for niggerpedos to self insert and jerk off to
Banning Catjak le good because yes it was forced by 3 kids, and now it's memoryholed
Banning Spadeson le good because it's a cordniggerslutta self insert like Soylita


what even is touhou

btw thoughts on legend of zelda?


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>i used to use soylita a lot because she was easy to draw and pissed nusoycacas off

Would you happen to have the full quality versions of these?


soylita is great to bait, luring especially sensitive 'teens like you. also pedo jokes being banned just shows how rulecucked the site is, a jokes is a joke.
catjak didnt do any harm, in fact people who care too much about it are the problem
nobody self inserts as spadeson…


Majoras mask was peak and also wind waker. Breath of the wild bad because items break.
Also i've never been too invested on zelda games, mostly watched my dad play them


sadly not..
i play ocarnia of time, and i plan to play majoras mask afterwards, i think its a realy cool game


What about being "good bait" makes a variant good?
Actually it was pretty fucking annoying to see that brimstone variant spammed during september, even Flartson was ok
Spadeson is self insert because everyone that posts him is a maniacal tranny who thinks "BEING A TINY CLITTY CHUDCEL" is why no one likes xheir forced memes


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>sadly not..

All the archived ones are low res previous since i took them from archived threads (The actual threads were deleted off /qa/)


Hey joel, can reposted stuff be removed off the 'ru?


Yes, if the duplicate is too similar



because i am an asshole who likes seeing people chimp out over a mere drawing of a (not sexualized, mind you) blonde 8 year old girl. soylita is 100x more pleasant looking and AHEM useful than flartcoal.
i literally post spadeson that is not my mindset i cant believe you actually get offeneed by spadeson keeeeeek
i wish i had the original versions and all my first/old klei drawings but theyre all on a broken phone


You drew on a phone?


>soylita is 100x more pleasant looking and AHEM useful than flartcoal.
Not really, I actually like Flartson till I found out the creator was a shitskin botnigger
>i literally post spadeson that is not my mindset i cant believe you actually get offeneed by spadeson keeeeeek
I probably wouldn't care if it was spammed by cordsluttas all day


Anyways do you mind if i make another drawing request? (I am a selfish little fuck)


i always drew either with a finger or a shitty mouse
how is flartson actually useful? what MAKES him a gem? every GOOD soyjak has a signature use.

i dont use cord but i spam spadeson because i find it funny

i dont mind but i cureently cant even draw…


Flartson is iron, at least he had some unique qualities and can actually be used to make fun of people unlike Soylita


Kleki due drawings (homework if you will)

Don Quixote from limbus company

Godzilla thing or something i forgot


His name is Rodan




peple like who? flartson has no sovl or personality or proper usage.
thank you


Well he has all the soy characteristics which I can give him. I would argue the worst IAS variants are Coinjak and Seriousjak, because what soyboy would actually feel called out by them. Soylita and Catjak are at least NAS


Kleki have thy wisdom teeth started growing yet


flartson isnt soy in the very least, and has no greater purpose. he was born to die.
no, have yours?


Yeah mine are growing already, mostly on the lower part of my mouth, top ones are a little bit far away from growing
Hell i can even touch one of them a little bit


Still has the excited eyebrows, wrinkles and feeling a soyjak should have. Worst variants are ones with
>neutral eyebrows
>no wrinkles
>variant:unknown-esque iris
>unfunny gape
Or all of the above
For example, most variant:unknowns haave those qualities
I have all my wisdom teeth already


I dont remember you saying your age in the old thread. Kleki is a month younger than me if i remember correctly


I just turned 14, but I've grown fast, for example I'm already about 5'11




ive always been a late bloomer
thats not the point. a soyjak is more than his gape and wrinkles.
im 15, i turned 15 on september
im 5'5


Neat x2
Anyways, lovely datamining uh im 5’7. Imma go to sleeep since im way past my bedtime, gn tetris and Joel


One time some guy asked if he paid 40 dollars would I show my penis and I had to tell him I'm 13


You are too young for imageboards albeit


I've been using 4cuck since I was 10


good night!!! im going to sleep too
i wouldnt hang around the gay pedophile types


Good night klekek


It was an accident it was an adult who was shorter than me


nah. i have nothing else to do rather than play video games and use imageboard (inb4 homework and hobbies)



What AltChans you usually use?


>The night has fallen or something


Do you*
Fuck I’m retarded


I wasn't hanging around with him he just randomly asked me when I was talking down the street by myself


Cool. I was exposed to porn when i was 5 years old




How does this even happen




i prefer to keep them a secret


Actually I was exposed to porn when I was like 8


Fair enough
Me from when I was 14 cuz EPI groomer niggers from shitcord


ive had my share of experiences with pedohiples and coomers but i dont really care to much about it


I hate being called a pedophile


Coomers are everywhere on the internet lol
You can’t stop pornography here on the web


youre 13 and according to the DSM 5 you cant be considered a pedophile until youre 16


Who calls you that?




I must admit that drawing porn just for troll art,for the lulz or just to piss someone is pretty keyed and funny ngl


i totally agree
this is exactly how i feel about soylita, she is a gem because of the seethe and just overall lulz


Some people don't know my age and they think I'm a pedophile trying to groom Kleki, even the booru faggot Satoko thinks I'm a pedophile despite knowing my age
Also some kids irl think I'm a pedophile but I hope thats a joke, also I've already mentioned I'm 14


Same thing about the boymoder,Nate X Yotsuba and other baits that makes nusoicacas mad


I have him on telegram he seems a pretty chill guy to me idk he still active on the ‘ru?


Yes, he's more of a pedo than I am, he jerks off to some loli girl "Samatogou Koudju" or whatever


That’s nasty ngl


Mfw youtube was fine with gameplay from five nights at anime and it appeared on my recommendations


>they think I'm a pedophile trying to groom Kleki
thats some schizo shit.
groomed to draw Rodan


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MarioMan is literally in the fucking 'cord. Do your thing, Zoot.


is he in the after.party?


Probably not, but I remember seeing an image leaking a cord server with groups like "HERES YOUR ONGEZELLIG FANS" "HERES YOUR FROGNIGGER" "HERES YOUR BRONIES" etc.


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>1488 more blank discord profiles with mymy avatars and we can finally gaslight newgods and have froot ban zeiling or however the children cut themselves for me


Yeah that's the one I'm talking about


Feralteen? You weren’t doxed or something?


>lack of supplies
If you have any knives you can stab yourself and bleed out and die but that will probably be painful as hell


i did click an ip grabber but i'm not DOXXED doxxed


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i will be taking a leave for a few days for personal reasons. in the meantime, i noticed that Zoot has seemed to remove the namefield from many boards. so i want to know if you guys would rather stay on /qa/ without tripcodes, or if moving to /bant/ would make you guys happier.



I think using /bant/ would be easier yes, I can use my email but anyone can use it here. Zoot said he might revert the namefield change


Its all a conspiracy to get us to use a board in which the only topic is politics, which we wouldnt really discuss thus we would break the rules by using the board in a wrong manner or something


Also wouldnt that be a selfdox since it would display the flag of the country we live in?


Probably not


Heads up btw, im not making an email
In the worst of cases the best way to know that its me instead of some impersonator (Doubt I would be impersonated to begin with) Ill avatarfag with tomodachi life stuff, mostly the soylita mii that I made


You can also just pm me on the booru


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Joel stop fucking sharing too much information on the zarty. No one needs to know when you first saw porn and no one cares


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Merry Grinchmas


Klekis been gone for a week now, hope she comes back soon


elderly art form political commentary from hit artist stone toss


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too busy sleeping


never wake up


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I am not kleki, i just so happen to have a lot of her drawings


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make this kleki and joel


what does Joel's self insert look like though
besides rodan or whatever


usually represented with tan skin, brown emo or hitler hair and a grey shirt


Soyzellig dot party


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oy vey


boohoo nigga


good you fucking deserve it


For what exactly?




Marge why did you bump this i didn't need to read all that


kleki wabag




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Could someone marge me in here; please?



died award

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