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/qa/ - Question & Answer

IAS and sharty culture
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 No.1416[View All]

Dear friends, enemies, coals, and gems.
Today is the day where I found out the true meaning of "the goyim know". My mother has been informed by I DONT EVEN KNOW WHOOO about my internet activities (specifically on imageboards) through email. All my IPs to access the sharty with are banned, either way. My days, at least for the next 3 months or so, on imageboards are OVER. I'll come back when its safe, and when I can. Goodbye (for now). I am unsure if I'll be replying in this thread. Thats for fate to decide.
238 posts and 32 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.




I must admit that drawing porn just for troll art,for the lulz or just to piss someone is pretty keyed and funny ngl


i totally agree
this is exactly how i feel about soylita, she is a gem because of the seethe and just overall lulz


Some people don't know my age and they think I'm a pedophile trying to groom Kleki, even the booru faggot Satoko thinks I'm a pedophile despite knowing my age
Also some kids irl think I'm a pedophile but I hope thats a joke, also I've already mentioned I'm 14


Same thing about the boymoder,Nate X Yotsuba and other baits that makes nusoicacas mad


I have him on telegram he seems a pretty chill guy to me idk he still active on the ‘ru?


Yes, he's more of a pedo than I am, he jerks off to some loli girl "Samatogou Koudju" or whatever


That’s nasty ngl


Mfw youtube was fine with gameplay from five nights at anime and it appeared on my recommendations


>they think I'm a pedophile trying to groom Kleki
thats some schizo shit.
groomed to draw Rodan


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MarioMan is literally in the fucking 'cord. Do your thing, Zoot.


is he in the after.party?


Probably not, but I remember seeing an image leaking a cord server with groups like "HERES YOUR ONGEZELLIG FANS" "HERES YOUR FROGNIGGER" "HERES YOUR BRONIES" etc.


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>1488 more blank discord profiles with mymy avatars and we can finally gaslight newgods and have froot ban zeiling or however the children cut themselves for me


Yeah that's the one I'm talking about


Feralteen? You weren’t doxed or something?


>lack of supplies
If you have any knives you can stab yourself and bleed out and die but that will probably be painful as hell


i did click an ip grabber but i'm not DOXXED doxxed


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i will be taking a leave for a few days for personal reasons. in the meantime, i noticed that Zoot has seemed to remove the namefield from many boards. so i want to know if you guys would rather stay on /qa/ without tripcodes, or if moving to /bant/ would make you guys happier.



I think using /bant/ would be easier yes, I can use my email but anyone can use it here. Zoot said he might revert the namefield change


Its all a conspiracy to get us to use a board in which the only topic is politics, which we wouldnt really discuss thus we would break the rules by using the board in a wrong manner or something


Also wouldnt that be a selfdox since it would display the flag of the country we live in?


Probably not


Heads up btw, im not making an email
In the worst of cases the best way to know that its me instead of some impersonator (Doubt I would be impersonated to begin with) Ill avatarfag with tomodachi life stuff, mostly the soylita mii that I made


You can also just pm me on the booru


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Joel stop fucking sharing too much information on the zarty. No one needs to know when you first saw porn and no one cares


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Merry Grinchmas


Klekis been gone for a week now, hope she comes back soon


elderly art form political commentary from hit artist stone toss


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too busy sleeping


never wake up


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I am not kleki, i just so happen to have a lot of her drawings


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make this kleki and joel


what does Joel's self insert look like though
besides rodan or whatever


usually represented with tan skin, brown emo or hitler hair and a grey shirt


Soyzellig dot party


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oy vey


boohoo nigga


good you fucking deserve it


For what exactly?




Marge why did you bump this i didn't need to read all that


kleki wabag




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Could someone marge me in here; please?



died award

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