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/q/ - The Zarty

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Howdy everybody, long time no see!

I haven't been active on this site for a good while. I will try to make a YT livestream this weekend. The key word is "try", since my schedual is a bit "unorginised" when it comes to internet activities. I tried to livestream last weekend, but i only did a private test, nothing public.

Please use this thread to post your questions about me, the site and other topics (keep in mind that i wont necessarily answer all questions). I will also try to answer question in the chat during the livestream (or interact with chat in general).
44 posts and 11 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


do you still have plans to create a webcomic (as stated in the Zigle Zogle description)? You have a great creative mind and I want to see other works from you with similar humor.

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Please try to keep cord drama (and any other type of drama that isnt connected to the site) away from the zarty (or atleast dont post it on /zellig/).

This is an image board site, not der cord.

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It hasn't been a day and I'm already sick of it. Delete this brimstone thread please >>>/zellig/33967, save the zarty!


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Tsmt. Whose fucking idea was it to let it continue after the blatant vore (NSFW).

>Oh but it's the coal thread, you're supposed to send coal

I am going now to open "Yuri thread general" and somehow be able to post 'zellig smut? No. Why is that thread any different? Why is it still up? Or at least cave the actual porn.


Went too far definitely, sorry about that guys.

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Zaryans, my fellow workers my fellow countrymen, I’m sure most of you have seen the thread on /zellig/ by now.
So, what happened, and what will happen?
A bit of background history first doe. September 2023, Zoot, with the help of the first 3 mods, created the IB we all cherish to this day. The domain is hosted by a company called godaddy, zoot entered a contract with them on the 26th of September determining that the site would be in his hands for 1 full year. Zoot had no experience coding, he had no experience with IBs, but he pushed through and we all live to tell the tale.
But as we all know, all good things come to an end, in timely perspectives, faster than others. When Massa cancelled Ongezellig, it went nothing but downhill for Führer Zoot. Slowly, he’d be on less and less, he told me that he was living life; staying away from social media when he could. Eventually, 1 day inactivity grew to 2, then to 3, then to 4, then to 5 and periods happened where you’d pray he wasn’t mauled by a bear in the Bulgarian mountains.
I thought to myself: “when summer rolls around he’ll be back!”. Yet that possibility seems less and less likely by each day, hence why I make this thread.
He gave admin to his most active and experienced moderator, and we hear from him not as often as you’d expect from an IB owner.
We’re now soon done with July, September is approaching, and as much as I want you all to stay blissfully ignorant I want you all to be prepared for the unlikely, yet possible, scenario where the site never goes up again.
Zoot is a good man, I’ve known him for almost a year now and he’s one of the best leaders you could ask for.
I don’t like speaking for Zoot, after all he isn’t dead yet, when he comes back I will tell him to talk to all of you and your questions specifically in this thread.
All the selling shit will be done through Zoot himself, I really can’t give reliable answers on the possible sale of the domain. I’m considering purchasing it myself so you will all be in safe hands, but I’m to give this thought some more consideration.
Thanks for reading and listening, ask your questions for Zoot and/or me in this thread and God bless all of you.
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if zoot or anyone else from the moderation acknkwledges this discord tranny in any way that is not calling him a faggot they should kill themselves. we should do our best to stay away as much as possible from the cringefest that is soyshitty.discordy


>zelligjews are shutting down because trumpflare BTFO them

Baited no one award from your -1 PPH site


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>Xe doesn't know




Baited me award, but your site is used only by tumbleweed

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zoot what are you going to do when one of the 4 mods you allowed to see IP's and posting histories inevitably go rogue and leak everyone's IP and 150+ pages worth of posting histories from those IP ranges


OP is mymyabuser


bruuhhh ong this site from ohio



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> I'm your overboard boardlist. You can put here anything and I reside in templates/boardlist.html
Remove this plz




zoot you nigger


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Goudeavond my zartyGODS,

Right now I am playing fortnite save the world to get some goodboy points for the battlepass and I wanted to listen to some politics, to my dismay the internet is generally very left-wing biased, demonizing anything slighty to the right of the spectrum.

Call me a fed, glowie or whatever, but I want to ask you about websites/forums/alternatives where I can get some quality neutral opinions on politics or right-wing biased politics, doesn't matter if europe or america.

Thank you for reading,

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I miss the old 8chan.



Thanks man, I'll go check out 8chan.
Twitter is just full of goonerslop.
Yeah yeah "free speech" in europe yeah yeah, sure, free speech as long as you agree with the leftie retard government IM SO MAD, IM SO MAAAD


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PVV on top


You can't. The old 8chan is dead and there is nothing to take its place that I'm aware of.


sad stuff

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Add /coco/ board for racebaiting.


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add /coco/ for TND


>>2337 tsmt

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7 weeks of relatively stable growth.
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The first spike was /v/, what's the second?



has anybody uploaded the zarty on the wayback machine?


Someone has uploaded it not that long ago, but apparently it has been removed. It was available at https://archive.org/details/soyzellig.7z

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zooty zoot, can we have an /r9k/ board for truecel zaryans?
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Sadly, every adventure has an end.


many such cases


TSMT xista




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Zoot… Don't leave us. Sorry for this thread, we won't do like this anymore. WE SWEAR.

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