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/oc/ - Original Content

Sharing Original Content and organising community OC projects

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Since forever, there have been talks of the idea of expanding /v/. I think it's time to do it.

Please present your proposals here and if it's approved by me and other zaryans, it shall be added.

The game could either be send to me (if its small in size) or a link to the game (if hosted on another site) could be provided.

For now, only zellig games shall be permitted. We shall allow games, which do not follow the theme of ongezellig, after we have figured out decent enough criterias for their inclusion.
I shall edit this post with the criterias soon enough.

1st Edit: The Vidya page has been created https://soyzellig.party/v.html
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yes as a .sb3 but it's 117mb


Looks like it can be packaged to be runnable from browser. 117 MB is not that much, I don't remember exactly, but the schoolocaust game is even bigger. So, if he wanted, it could be hosted on the zarty.


on the chrome network tab it says 20-30mb



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This board shall be used for people to share their creations and to organize community OC projects.

The "artisan" role, mentioned in /q/, shall be created soon. If you wish to attain such a role, please contact me at biohazardmaker332@gmail.com and send some of your works to be approved.


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A thread dedicated to the documentation and discussion of Zellig fan projects currently in the works. Mostly just a bunch of nothingwaffel that will be put on "indefinite hiatus" or however the project is acked in 2 months.
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Embedded video from DA COOOOOORD about the game, looks to be an expansion of the map + new objects and a new objective


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The mystery deepens itself
The same account that posted the FNFvenezuelan animation now posted these two videos and changed the gimmick of the account from Mymy to Coco. Whatever this is, I doubt it's just engagement farming, this is someone who is clearly hyping for something and leaving breadcrumbs for us obsessed Zaryans to pick up and piece together


my theory on this is that the Coco USB drive has hundreds of terabytes of blacked bbc porn


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 No.1040[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Hello Everyone!
As most of you may know, i decided to stop continuing the zigle zogle animation.
A few may know that i said that i may be working on a comic.
Now, i wish to announce to everyone that Zigle Zogle shall continue as a comic! The only difference is that the characters will be changed to be more "original".
I tried to re-use the script for the animation as the script for the first comic. However, i had to heavily change it, as a lot of the dialogue felt forced (i dont promise it wont for the new version) and the ending wasnt really finished (now i am happy with the ending). Overall, the script is way better than before and i hope that you guys will enjoy it, even if little.

The first character that i wish to show is Peter. He is the MC of the story. Basically a uni student from the balkans, studying somewhere in Holland. He spends a lot of his time on the internet and is quite "ongezellig" as my fellow zaryans say ;D. Unfortunately for Peter he has to live with two other people, who are quite… "gezellig"!!1! öÖö
Will show the other characters as time goes by.

Feel free to ask questions!
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Built for BWC


Built for BWC


Woah sisa!


That's daisy. She is supposed to be the character in my animation inspired by the mayamails. I am half way done with my HRT so I will soon start with animation.


It's sweet you're making a new animation, I look forward to the kino in Ϫ months.

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i was going through some old project files and i found the source code for a desktop buddy similar to that konata dancer thing. it was never finished because i cant into art or anything like that. supposed to play a gif at the corner of the windows taskbar.

would anyone be willing to do some gifs and help me finish this? should be quick to roll out once i got some art gifs to work with. 207 x 243 seems to be about the res i found perfect and is the res of the placeholder gif i have right now. i would prefer 8bit or whatever so retro thing but anything would honestly help and i cannot be picky.

current idea was just to have the 3 sisters for now unless someone suggests any further ideas in this thread.
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ideas: if multiple 'ligs allowed, mymy hitting maya with rifle and coco throwing paper at mymy, maya hugging pillow, mymy spinning or rolling on the chair, picrel


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Zellig Drive icons, Zellig desktop dancers, Zellig wallpapers. How can I achieve more Zellig? Can someone make Zellig Operating System? I need more fuel for my obsession


new zellinux distro


you can make your own desktop icons by converting images to ico files


is it ovar o algo

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 No.1626[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Quite literally did not watch Zellig until July of this year out of pure spite against the Sharty.

But I watched it and I like it, the ‘tism has me fixated on the show and community right now. So currently working on a project semi-related to Zellig.
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Zaryan, if you're free you can help out in the mayamails project, the storyboards are now done


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Thank you for the offer, but I respectfully decline.

Anyways, two of two done


It's alright, also zemmy


what is this drawdeity's name


MrAryanPie for friends and MrAsianPie officially

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Howdy neighbors! I took another little break to spend time with my family and away from the internet. It felt great but now I'm back and there's nothing to do but make shitty oc.
I saw this funny image and wanted to zelligify it as a warm up.
I'll get back to the request thread and maybe post a doodle or two I did while I was away. Expect big things soon™.
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>I gigaheart saying facts
hoi genius


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mewee rigihtght nooww!! D:D:D


boob the fartisan is my favorite zartyan user


*Blob the Courtesan

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Build the Ongezellig house in MC

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/AI/ general thread
Post AI zelliged 'zarty-saving audio, image and video gemeralds and also teach me how to do them too since I'm a selfish little fuck and I can't learn elsewhere
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>Zaryan don't you know that truecelcore is literally fact checked to cause violence


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Falling Zellig


Needs more tuning at the start


not wrong, I simply could not figure out how to make it sound better, probably needed a better mymy model


I guess you're using Applio, try these models
And if you can't really find a good solution, go to weights.gg set the Consonant protection to Safe and it should fix it

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 No.587[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Here is a thread, dedicated to the craftsmenship of art. Post your drawings here and share techniques/books/tips that you think may be useful.
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Erm… It’s “o algo” now


he sounds like an obsessed fat faggot, therefore amerimutt quote


"of zoiets" actually


Wait a minute, Z aryans don't like Russia? So what does Z stand for then?


Z stands for Zellig

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since Zoot refuses to do a Mayamail animation collab, I'm making a thread for us to do it ourselves, how are we going to coordinate this Zaryans?
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>Eh, it's easier to have a 1:1 talk there
Sorry if it read like I was imposing on the project with presumptions on how I think it should be. I'm enthusiastic about the project.
>The cat is still alive btw, it was transferred to Maya's grandparents
I conflated the cat dying episode idea from the Q&A and it being given to her grandparents as it being put down. My fault.
>Mymy is more of a one dimensional character even in the mayamails
Yeah, but the mayamails are from Maya's perspective. She was more focused on how disruptive Mymy was being rather than why, and how dismissive people are of the why of her antics seems like it could be expanded on. The Q&A had Mymy raceswap herself to hide from her sister and primarily hate Belgians (both coal doebeit), so I thought it would make sense to have Mymy do something as a prelude to the comic and idea where her sister looks for her. It was really just a poorly worded suggestion because I had a misplaced caution that it would be tempting to use her.
>We actually used this
>See above
I had a feeling my sentiment about their placement was common. Maya would have commented on her imaginary friends or meeting them in her journal if they were before mayamails. Still, I thought they'd be a good idea for characters to use for when Maya imagines things.
>trvst the plQn
I'm looking forward to it.
>he's going to be a bc
I didn't write that idea with him as a main character. Something like him throwing paper or blowing spitballs at the back of the heads of other students in a classroom scene or doing something devilish for comedy in the background of Coco's party like pour punch on a houseplant would get the message across.


>I'm enthusiastic about the project
I know you are, I don't get mad if people are curious or want to help, I think this was a fun way to get lurkers to read on how some things will be
>so I thought it would make sense to have Mymy do something as a prelude to the comic and idea where her sister looks for her
Well she does ONE thing that's vaguely related to that, but again not the main focus
>for characters to use for when Maya imagines things
Oh yeah the Zaryan assigned to do those will have lots of fun
>I didn't write that idea with him as a main character
Of course, those are like the "little details", which will get added later. After all, you can't really decorate a house that is yet to be built



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adam mentioned


The storyboards are done

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Never died and never will


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>Rhodesians never die!


What a good thread. I wonder what could ever derail it into something depraved…



>The Cuddled Coco threads and replies immediately stop after USAID gets ACKed
Who would have thought

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Maya PSX-like model a friend sent me, I can't seem to find who made it. Any help?


Tell your friend to check the metadata of the image, it might help to trace back when it was made


Looks like a runescape model have (((you))) tried to make a game with it yet?

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Belgian mymy and some exoteric japsterdam shit


gem of a margerald


The 'tch to save the 'per


Who the fuck say Belgia

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post your pajeet memes in this thread
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It's a Harry Potter Anglo, so most likely a very swarthy scrawny Celtic man


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i gooned to maya so es false o aalgo


>>3289 The worst thing about this (if its real) is the british guy who fucks Pajeeta. I mean how low you must stoop.


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hello zellig community i bring forth a drawing


Gemmy art still


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Brilliant gem


The girl who sold the board

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Did some fanarts to create propaganda
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NS Albanian crusaders I guess



Not a real flag, it comes from my friends group.
Basically a HRE flag with a 3 head eagle


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>it comes from my friends group


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>hasn't ever had an irl friend group award


That's Zarty culture newfag

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Maya ackerald after she saw all the brapstone posted this week


Welcome back MazutGOD
>inbefore kys oldcuck not everyone who draws irl is him


Everyone who draws on paper is MazutGOD

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For me I think it's probably Takyon and The Money Store.
De Week van de Mode (Fashion Week)
Exschutter (Exshooter)
Bodemloze Angst (Bottomless Anxiety)
No 'lig Deep Web
The Waffel Store
Jaar van het Deel (Year of the Deel)
Interview 2018
Asociale Borden (Unsocial Plates)
The album art I made: >>3281


Obviously the waffel store, Maya after all listens to really generic stuff (Weezer fan award) and that album has the most "simple songs"


Presentatie Dag (Presentation Day) would fit Fashion Week more as a replacement.

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Hello negros, drawfag here, I have decided to make this thread to accept requests and post the random zellig drawing I'm doing at the moment or however the likes are botted
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request: agugu soopwafel


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Mandatory drawfag update

This is more or less how things are going to look, just needs some color and shieet
Been busy with life, thankfully I got a freer schedule now


>Horizon line is tilted


zemmm………… im soying over this rn


Do this but to niggers' villages

File: 1727029868137.webm (3.1 MB, 854x480, ongezeltypilot.webm)


New 'toss
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Upload to the 'ru then


you don't need to bump here, infinite pages


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when is the next episode king


I'm trying to make something, I dont know how much time its going to take though


im rooting for you, good luck with it

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should I make more? if so, what should they say?
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I'm not home right now but I'll do these


She don't appreciate big boer cock? Oh she needs to undergo a correction



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Ongezellig has music.
Massa uses a DAW (digital audio workstation) for music making.
Massa used FL Studio, a DAW, to make zellig's music.
This Google Sheets is here to document the sounds and instruments used in zellig's soundtrack.
And this thread is here for me to sperg and post findings since I'm sure it'd interest at least one of you to know what was used to make the music and audio of Ongezellig. So here it is.
I'll also probably post any project files for anyone who's interested in my recreations or wants to pitch in and post anything you might find interesting about zellig's sounds.
Some things of note:
>Massa seems to mostly use pre-built/default presets that came with FL Studio or whatever 3rd Party plugin he may happen to use. So that's something to keep in mind when looking for 'lig instruments.
>From the few 3rd Party plugins we do know he uses (Sonatina Orchestra, Synth1, M-Box), they all seem to be hosted on "PLUGINS 4 FREE" (https://plugins4free.com/) when searching them up. So it may be possible that's where Massa got most of his music plugins from.
As a bonus, here's a download link to all of Ongezellig's songs transcribed and turned into midis: https://files.catbox.moe/1tqko2.zip (If you happen to get a warning that this folder is full of computer viruses, it's not. Your computer is giving you a false flag, it's all midi files. And if you don't trust me: https://www.virustotal.com)
They're not perfect, but it should be a decent start to anyone who wants to mess around with making covers/remixes/recreations of them.
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bumping this 'gunnerGOD gem


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why is no one praising this holy shit op deserves a medal


i know right, this document has all the samples, this is some amazing work

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I can't stop drawing her




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this is possibly the best thing I have ever drawn


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And it is

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Mymy in chudframe


Biblically accurate Mymy
Of zoiets

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zelligfanx here

I am making a new ongezellig videogame on scratch,
this time it will be an ongezellig themed peggle clone.
you will play as one of the characters,
each will have a special power like in the original peggle.
so far i've built a proof-of-concept physics engine,
it works but it's a bit janky so i'll improve it.
the game will also have a level editor,
when you build a level you can save it as text and load it by pasting the text ingame,
infinite user generated content potential.
feel free to post your suggestions on what to add

regarding ongezellig hit, it's not dead, it will be updated soon.
i've had a burnout, then started working on this, so i didn't have time to work on the update
hope you understand
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strange, should've appeared on my desktop
will fix sQQn


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some demos
>crazy slide and other splashes added (including unlucky)
>new peg despawn system like in the original game
>sound effects
>particle effects showing points
the main goal right now is to get the gameplay loop working
then i could focus on art and everything else
<multiball shown
probably not getting added, they have to collide with each other otherwise they can converge in one point which will suck for an already suboptimal power
it's another pain in the ass to implement apart from base physics
and i have other plans for what powers the girls will have


glistening shiny gleaming zemerald


How do you detect which brick to delete?


in the demo you're quoting every brick had a health bar
if the brick collides with the ball for enough frames it dies
right now the game uses a different system
when the ball is stuck or is offscreen the game starts deleting bricks in order they've been lit up
but i'll probably reimplement the health bar system but only for bricks that are very vertical or horizontal
because that is how it pretty much works in the original game

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 No.1843[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

I'm currently working on a visual novel inspired from Ongezellig. I'll post progress reports in this thread weekly on Sunday from now on as well as on my YouTube channel (https://www.youtube.com/@KudzuMedia)

10/20 Progress:
Began background art for protagonist's room and Vera's classroom (both unfinished) (pictured)
~230 added lines of character dialogue
Minimal progress on animation script
Character art, music, translations, and GUI customization not yet started

I'd like to do as much of this as I can on my own since I find it to be a good opportunity to gain experience for professional projects in the future. However, I also don't want it to take several years, nor do I want to burn myself out on something I'm making for free. I'm confident I can do the background art and script on my own, but I am considering reaching out to others for character art and music, and I will definitely have to do so for translations. I still need to figure out how I want to approach it (basically my options are to commission people, collaborate with others who aren't strongly incentivized to follow through like commissioned people, or be super resourceful with how I'm spending my own time and energy). If you're interested in participating, though, let me know and I'll keep you in the back of my mind (even if its something I said I could probably do alone). I still intend on finding a way to do direct communication.

Also, the frame from the original thread was basically just a concept that won't actually be in the game.
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fuck off xitter pedophile


stay here xitter gerontophile


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hmmm not sure you're the op


He's not, in fact, but he should still be given a shot
>inb4 xitter IP


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another xitter nothingdiarrhea

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Hello there people of Zarty I’m Danny-Boy you might seen me around twitter sharing and using the Ongezellig hashtags if not then I just want say hello there good to meet you
<xitter space
I’m a Ongezellig fan through and through I only wish to make something for everyone can enjoy, im making a visual novel for Ongezellig and I want to bring the community into a new era of prosperity
<xitter space
I hate that even a fandom small like us we are in this red vs blue bullshit I simply wish to enjoy the show without gooners freaks and power tripping assholes being a part of it
<xitter space
So in order to take the first steps I’m willing to have people from zarty join me im in need of progammers or coders who knows Ren’py
<xitter space
I want to state I’m not with any sides I’m just some dude who dive into this loving this funny Dutch show if anything I’m in the middle and I have a goal, ever since update 130 I felt motivated to give maya mymy and coco their endings and a proper send off massa might turn his back on them but I won’t not till their story is made and shared
<xitter space
Let’s try to work together and build a better future for the Ongezellig community
<xitter space
(Telegram group, your phone number will be recorded)


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what is this trannyware


Trans rights matter


It's the programming language used to make visual novels


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>your phone number will be recorded)

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in the process of drawing maya on my cards, for good luck


Zaryan, oh my collectible cards…
You WILL make a card for each character


i've got a playset of these so i'll probably put coco and mymy on the other two. skipping vera bc coal. will be back


rapier one looks great


bring out a box of soylent Zaryans, game night at my house!


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>this thread

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How do I become zaryan? I just joined and I want to be zaryan. I want to be converted
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Decided to spice it up this time by drawing someone other than Mymy, here's Coco defending the white race in a unique way eh


>>3059 marge




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Gonna do it for her


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>Gonna do it for her

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