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/oc/ - Original Content

Sharing Original Content and organising community OC projects
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This board shall be used for people to share their creations and to organize community OC projects.

The "artisan" role, mentioned in /q/, shall be created soon. If you wish to attain such a role, please contact me at biohazardmaker332@gmail.com and send some of your works to be approved.


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did not expect zarty archive saw this when i didnt post it here so i guess i'll post it here
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became a zaryan through the most discordiest way possible award


The ai covers were gemmy ofzo


All Zaryans who have explored zellig not through IBs but Jewtube are physically unable to perceive the series without ai cover flashbacks


Has anyone archived zellig ai thread after /qa/ is wiped out?


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Trans rights GET
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Inb4 moved to /qa/


Jannies wouldn’t dare to move my 1488 GETerino


You should have done it in an existing thread, this will likely be moved or deleted.


for xitter immigrants, yes


Eh we’ll see, Idrc as long as I got the GET. But cmon jannies, you wouldn’t do that.

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New 'toss
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>zow-effort and zigh-effort at the same time
>zoal and zem at the same time
>zringe and zeyed at the same time
Ongezelty will always be a… ehh… will always be zomething, I guess.


>>zow-zeffort zand zigh-zeffort zat ze zame zime
>>zoal zand zem zat ze zame zime
>>zringe zand zeyed zat ze zame zime
>Ongezelty zill zalways ze za… zehh zill zalways ze zomething, Zi zuess.


>So vnbothered xhe didn't even add picrel


Just imagine there is a soyjak, or a gigachad, or whatever quite frankly. It's up to (you).

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 No.587[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Here is a thread, dedicated to the craftsmenship of art. Post your drawings here and share techniques/books/tips that you think may be useful.
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>no self inspection
Double fail


She's ORANIAN actually


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In yakubian lore Yakub is responsible for the creation of all the non black races, albeit Mayer has indian or indonesian ancestry this only account for yakubian citronoid and rubidoid heritage


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Hello Everyone!
As most of you may know, i decided to stop continuing the zigle zogle animation.
A few may know that i said that i may be working on a comic.
Now, i wish to announce to everyone that Zigle Zogle shall continue as a comic! The only difference is that the characters will be changed to be more "original".
I tried to re-use the script for the animation as the script for the first comic. However, i had to heavily change it, as a lot of the dialogue felt forced (i dont promise it wont for the new version) and the ending wasnt really finished (now i am happy with the ending). Overall, the script is way better than before and i hope that you guys will enjoy it, even if little.

The first character that i wish to show is Peter. He is the MC of the story. Basically a uni student from the balkans, studying somewhere in Holland. He spends a lot of his time on the internet and is quite "ongezellig" as my fellow zaryans say ;D. Unfortunately for Peter he has to live with two other people, who are quite… "gezellig"!!1! öÖö
Will show the other characters as time goes by.

Feel free to ask questions!
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No, he made this point from himself


>I am interested to know what you dont agree with (and what you do)
Sorry for ignoring for a long time I just was in holywar with homo mauritaliano, idk when I'll find time to reply you.


Zoot is busy rn sweetie


Iirc, the pilot (and massa art) hinted at Coco doing great at school.
This could be a misremembrance on my part, since it was a long time since i saw episode. Atleast what i remember for sure is Coco having the necessary skills to study effectively and do homework tasks.
Massa did say that Coco is the antithesis of Maya, so it would make sense if my statement was the case.
no worries, not that it's that important. i just wanted to hear opinions. i wish you luck with your endeavours.


Zoot is streaming again or something like that

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> Well, Mymy, I made it- despite your directions.
> Ah. Miss Vera. Welcome.
> I hope you're prepared for an unforgettable lunchen.
> Yeah…

> Oh, V O C ! My soup is ruined. But what if I were to purchase market food and disguise it as my own cooking? Delightfully devilish, Mymy.

> Ah-

Ik ben het maar.MP3

> Mymy!

> Teacher, I was just- uh, just testing my nerf on the windowsill. Defense against the Belgians. Care to join me?
> Why is there smoke coming out of your pot, Mymy?
> Uh- Oh. That isn't smoke. It's steam. Steam from the chicken soup we're having. Mmm. Chicken soup. Whew.

Post too long. Click here to view the full text.
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>Vera pregnant with twins niglets
The zarty has fallen




Vera's womb is far beyond the point of incubating anything…
Not only are you a racebaiting coon, you're also retarded.


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>2 mixed race art suggestions
>yo tengo, mi hecking 'zellig woahjak site just fell, we are aryans an mierda o algo
zoyim chudcells really do act like xhis


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worthwhile effort?
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it MIGHT not be over


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>full Massa lore drop and mayamails
Requires work to make that lore drop actually useful
>more gemmy stuff
Not really.
>games everywhere
Soyboy/Soycuck obsession.
>collab done
It was all just for some minutes of animation with constantly changing artstyles.
>the doom mod getting some news
Zellig community already had games like it.

do better or just give up
Also I'm a trans formerly jartycuck dilating my neovagina by being mindbroken


Bait or bait, call it


mental retardation


100% bait by a african nigger warlord

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my Ongezellig videogame is finished bros
here it is:
you WILL play it
you WILL tell everyone about it
you WILL heart and star if you have a scratch account to promote it

thanks to everyone for the support who's been on the development thread:
tell me if you want to see updates for the game
i have some ideas which i put aside because i needed to finish the game first
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update never ever o algo…


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zelligfanx here
sorry for no updates
i had some personal projects going on
now that im mostly done with them i will continue working on this
heres whats getting added in a future update:
-new skin select layout (see attached)
-3 new skins
-trail effects
-5 achievements
-and a secret…


if you're a scratcher (old account) on scratch, go to this studio:
and promote ongezellig hit in the studio comment section
that way zellig ends up on the front page of scratch and the show is shilled to the max


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>promoting 'zellig to hundreds of autistic 12 year olds


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>>promoting 'zellig to hundreds of autistic 12 year olds

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 No.2[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

What if we did one of those collabs where one person each reanimates a scene and it all gets spliced together? We can do Deel 1 for this

>any style goes. you can animate in scratch, gmod, real life paper. creativity is key
>no porn/fetish obviously
>characters HAVE to be maya/coco/mymy

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Can't wait for the immense seethe from nusoicacas who have no idea what they're talking about


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Vantawhite gemerald straight from the frozen peaks of agartha
wonder what the 'sacord has to say about this geg

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Not finished yet but whatever.. 😪😪


Wait I'm goated


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Da foek is this…


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Moved to >>>/zate/315.

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With the reanimated collab coming to a close soon, I thought of doing an YTP collab, since zaryans are better at editing than animating, but it could create the biggest piece of coal ever. Tell me your thoughts and if we should organize this
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^Deel 7 era


So you're saying that the ytp creation process will last until Oktober 4th 2094



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Made my day award


zoot you better participate you fucking chud

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Here's the link if anyone wants to check it out!

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Yeah I thought it was just the door breaking as intended and Mymy rushing in because the game thinks the door is completely open, I hope it's not the case




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issa rubyrald, very iaz and some ias, i like it a bit
half the fun here is looking at the cameras and exploring the house and finding the zellings in goofy poses, albeit i couldnt find maya, the other half is just listening to the sound cues and spamming the door, occasionaly fixing either the wifi or door for the entire night, i think this is fine for a scratchcaca game but i could barely hear the phone call with the door sound and on night 5 the phone call and ambience just stopped playing
overall i liked the effort and i wasn't bored even after i get jumpscared by the tnd girl, so issa shiny gem, the story was fine but it takes a lot to not feel forced in a game like this, and the glitches make it sovlful or something
keep making gems and who knows maybe we could work together to make something new


can somebody post what the other texts say? some of it looks familiar to me.


I also got killed in the "The End…?" screen by Coco, lots of glitches, and very simple gameplay loop, I wish the ambience didn't break every 2 minutes

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Comic I made!!! Kate thingz forever
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caca gem


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>13 years old browsing soyzellig


on Twitter xe said this was drawn in school, so there’s a chance xe’s talked about us with xer fellow elementary schoolers


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gemerald lmao
also obsessed yurifag thread, coal



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Ongezellig has music.
Massa uses a DAW (digital audio workstation) for music making.
Massa used FL Studio, a DAW, to make zellig's music.
This Google Sheets is here to document the sounds and instruments used in zellig's soundtrack.
And this thread is here for me to sperg and post findings since I'm sure it'd interest at least one of you to know what was used to make the music and audio of Ongezellig. So here it is.
I'll also probably post any project files for anyone who's interested in my recreations or wants to pitch in and post anything you might find interesting about zellig's sounds.
Some things of note:
>Massa seems to mostly use pre-built/default presets that came with FL Studio or whatever 3rd Party plugin he may happen to use. So that's something to keep in mind when looking for 'lig instruments.
>From the few 3rd Party plugins we do know he uses (Sonatina Orchestra, Synth1, M-Box), they all seem to be hosted on "PLUGINS 4 FREE" (https://plugins4free.com/) when searching them up. So it may be possible that's where Massa got most of his music plugins from.
As a bonus, here's a download link to all of Ongezellig's songs transcribed and turned into midis: https://files.catbox.moe/1tqko2.zip (If you happen to get a warning that this folder is full of computer viruses, it's not. Your computer is giving you a false flag, it's all midi files. And if you don't trust me: https://www.virustotal.com)
They're not perfect, but it should be a decent start to anyone who wants to mess around with making covers/remixes/recreations of them.
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A snapshot of the Scholocaust project files that Massa posted recently


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After 7 million years, it's here.
Not perfect still, but should be good enough for others to play around with.


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now this is Real nigga hours

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