In the AI MEGA link, you can find instruction for using the google colab.
At this point, most of you know that Google has been doing some crackdowns on AI voice colabs, so I will give some instructions as to how to download a local program. Note that there is currently an effort to make the instlation and usage of RVC programs more user-firendly.
Firstly, you will need to download a RVC program. I will recomend Mangio, since it doesn't crash 99% of the time. Here is the Git page: you are having toruble with the download, you can always type "RVC Mangio download" on youtube to find some help.
Once you are done with the download, run "go-web.bat" to open the web UI.
You will only need to know about three files:
audio - this is where you put the audio that you want to be edited by the AI.
weights - this is where you will put the the .pth file of your AI mvoice model.
logs- this is where you put your .index files. Note that here you will have to first creat a folder with the name of the voice model and then put the .index file inside that folder. For example:
As for ny other information as to how to use the UI, you will find links in the AI MEGA file folder "ai tools" or you will learn about it in the youtube tutorials.
Here is the AI mega link: No.1885
Apparently you can use this program called Replay to make AI covers, if any willing to try it go ahead because it not work on my laptop No.1886
>>1885I will try it out.
I think that a zaryan already made a AI cover with replay.
>>1885>>1886I have installed it and wow. It's pretty easy to use! Here is a Coco vocal test using the AI model.
We should tell about it to other teens. I will make a tutorial on how to use it.
I was going to do a thumbnail, but I have little time for that.
The midi was not edited by me, but another zaryan. It uses the sound sources from here:, I originaly intended to sing it myself. It turned out decent, but then a friend sent me a better singing record (maybe taken from Guitar Hero).
>>1881hey guys i downloaded rvc-mangio 2 days ago and i started working on some ai covers
as you might have noticed by pressing the mp3 file the voices my pc generated are absolute trash could someone help me in making the voices sound less robotic and more "human" sounding??
i used the web-ui (go-web.bat) in the RVC-Mangio folder and used the voices with the most epochs
also my graphics card is a bit old and my computer crashed a few times if the mp3 sound file was too long
>>1889You could try to thinker with the options. Try upping the voice tone higher (6-12). That usually fixes the lowpitch robotic sounds.
Some people have used some addobe programs or audacity to edit the voices.
If you still cant get good results, then the original voice could be the problem. Try singing yourself the parts that sound bad with AI.
>>1890hey man i finally got the opportunity to work on smth again i listened to your advice and made this
if you have some tips on how to make the voice sound better even with another program that would be helpful
>>1893(might have fucked up the voice sync)
>>1894>>1893It sounds pretty good!
Don't try to make it perfect, since AI has it's limitations.
I like it doe!
I don't think I have any other tips. Just experiment with editing and you will get great results.
>>1900I think that the pitch is too high. Tone it down a bit.
But I bloody love the idea!
>>1901lower than that it sounds robotic
>>1901actually wait i'll see what i can do
>>1904I think it's better, even if it has some parts that sound a bit robotic.
Gem in the rough.
>>1904>>1900Most glistering gemerald all week, and likely for many more weeks to come
how do you people make this
also mymy is shorter than maya and coco is the tallest (if i'm not wrong she is supposed to be like 1,8 meters tall)
>>1907i think it was some sort of ai, not sure what was the name. check the ai zellig thread on /qa/, i think that you may find the name somewhere.
>>1909Shining, glistening, zarty saving 'rald. I hope you finish it.
New Coco models trained with new data from ElevenLabs. Still in a bit of a testing phase, but this song used 180 epochs
DL: No.1914
>>1913shining gem!!!
also question how did you get the voice to sound so clean??? i tried to use both RVC and Replay but the damn voice keeps sounding robotic
also could someone explain what difference has a model with low epochs and one with many epochs?
>>1914Might just be the instrumentals doing a good job covering up the shittier parts of the voice + mixing and reverb.
Epochs is just how long a model is trained to "sound" like the voice, the two I have available for download where ones I think were at a good stopping point before it went on to overtrain too much.
Made a model of Deel 6 Vera when her VA (Kayleigh) dropped out after Deel 3 and Joyce (Mymy's VA) decided to take her role for Vera. I used ElevenLabs to generate a bunch of voicelines for data. might do something fun with this, who knows.
>>1919what song is that? its kinda of a bop
>>3454Fact checked by multiple peer reviewed studies to be something she'd play and sing
>>3475This should be uploaded in video format on jewtube
>>3501This one worked out really well.
>>3576Zaryan don't you know that truecelcore is literally fact checked to cause violence
>>3579Needs more tuning at the start
>>3580not wrong, I simply could not figure out how to make it sound better, probably needed a better mymy model
>>3581I guess you're using Applio, try these models if you can't really find a good solution, go to set the Consonant protection to Safe and it should fix it