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File: 1728175902528-0.png (7.76 MB, 4696x2976, IMG_9360.png)

File: 1728175902528-1.png (7.45 MB, 2254x3002, IMG_9344.png)

File: 1728175902528-2.png (3.61 MB, 2969x1695, IMG_9390.png)

 No.1626[Last 50 Posts]

Quite literally did not watch Zellig until July of this year out of pure spite against the Sharty.

But I watched it and I like it, the ‘tism has me fixated on the show and community right now. So currently working on a project semi-related to Zellig.


fuck yeah bro this is goed!


nice work and welcome to the Zarty


neat, good drawings except coco looks a little steven universey


Your drawings are quite good, they have sovl for sure. Welcome newdrawfag.


File: 1728203733393.png (370.45 KB, 773x824, dsl.png)

>calling our artists fags is how we welcome people o algo

why cant be respectful?


low quality bait


>project semi related to zellig
>new to the zellig community
Is it ROY?


your community is centered around artists anyways

so it will be your problem when you discrespect zellig artists. not mine.


newdrawfag means new draw faggot if you wonder


Pet nigger! I would recognize that ESL style with closed eyes.


If someone can't handle being called a fake insult they don't belong in the zarty. If someone is even somewhat active in the soysphere, they'll be insulted frequently with genuine insults. The fake insults toughen our users and filter out those who don't belong here.


File: 1728209328482.png (145.06 KB, 776x745, zartymutt.png)

>mom you dont understand i need to allways say insults to people i met on internet so that everyone can goon to my favorite 16 year olds o algo


>except Coco looks a little steven universey
It’s Joever, killing myself (real)

Unfortunately not, the project is a one man show




can you tell us more about this project of yours? do you need any help with it?


sorry OP this is my pet nigger, he sometimes posts "funny" things like this but he is harmless, he might be annoying sometimes, but he is all heart


Actually I've changed my mind

You guys are disgusting


Least obvious falseflag


File: 1728219606406.png (4.25 MB, 2944x2080, IMG_9412.png)


why did you draw all the words except y in uppercase?


because its just is ok?


Where did you even find similarity with it? Get "obsessed about the jewish cucktoon gaywork goyslop for kids" award, idk.


They are almost the same doe


File: 1728220585915.png (40.48 KB, 520x600, 1705724686679.png)


File: 1728220843628-0.png (7.45 MB, 2254x3002, 1728175902528-1.png)

File: 1728220843628-1.png (695.54 KB, 1024x1021, Screenshot_2024-10-06-16-1….png)


File: 1728220977794.png (41.86 KB, 512x512, file_149464697.png)

Can I call a physician for you?


truly schizophrenic


Meds, now


Let's check if the features are similar.
>face shape
You need to up your dose of meds.


I said "almost" not "exactly" same thing, you need brain surgery immediately for your stupidity


Read this >>1658


I said "almost" idiot


No arrow therefore


Almost word is NOT means its 100% sure


he’s arguing that it doesn’t even “almost” look like Steven Universe


Its 50/50


No, she doesn't look like that curly untermensch, /calm/ down please.


In this thread: falseflagging as OP and arguing about whether or not xher drawings look like Steven Universe


File: 1728222158449.png (24.08 KB, 640x934, 1696000164802.png)

Only in this thread:
>Coco stevenbait


The project is more autistic than the majority of this community.

In terms of help, I do have a close deadline but hope I’ll get it out on time. Though thanks for the offer.


Okay but umm… Can you add me in discord pls?


>more autistic than the majority of this community
Are you making a fnf mod or something what could be more autistic than us


What’s your ‘cord?


You better tell me first sweetheart


File: 1728228722931.png (21.84 KB, 948x1547, 'apesonshadow.png)


You like Ghostbusters?

Ladies first


File: 1728229086421.png (477.24 KB, 1400x700, ClipboardImage.png)

oh no what did I do to this thread
>Where did you even find similarity with it?
she reminded me a little of this character because of the stressed bags under eyes overly friendly look. it's almost cute but it unsettles me kind of
>Get "obsessed about the jewish cucktoon gaywork goyslop for kids" award, idk.
I am obsessed with what the jews are doing to our kids yeah
Ignore this schizophrenic >>1652 pretending to be me




He's finally took his meds


>I am obsessed with what the jews are doing to our kids yeah
Alhoewel you have no kids
>she reminded me a little of this character because of the stressed bags under eyes overly friendly look. it's almost cute but it unsettles me kind of
Okay, thank you for explanation. Now it doesn't look that schizophrenic.


File: 1728241509887.png (5.61 MB, 3024x4032, IMG_9404.png)

I’m stuck at work for the next eight hours. I’ll take suggestions for anything to draw.


draw grandma mymy


Request: Coco burning down a data center due to her sheer computer incompetence.




The only White person on the Zarty


File: 1728242867616.png (4.32 MB, 2000x2000, 698c403479404864695f964f3d….png)

this already exists


draw Coco but its Raiden from mgs2


i have never seen this, this is awesome


there’s text to it too
>Maya would be the quiet grandmother who gives you valuable life advice and tells you hour-long stories about her crazy youth adventures with the other two.

>Coco would be the nana who gives you money behind your parents' backs and defends you from them when you screw up.

>And then Mymmy would be the "Stop crying, get tough you bitch" and "This niggers are ruining the country" tipe grandma.


evendoe maya would ack before 30


>crazy adventures
even though she never leaves her room



Old scriptures says it will happen in June 2025
Aryan GET
>hour-long stories about her crazy youth adventures with the other two.


File: 1728246421023.png (5.38 MB, 3369x2483, IMG_9411.png)


There's something about the way you draw that makes them stand out in a gemmy way


Zem, classic Coco moment
It's because this artist has put SOVL in their drawings.


I love it!


Another request idea: Mymy giving a passionate speech as leader of the Netherlands.



You know these are similar to Cam's doodles
>OP is Cam


File: 1728260305174.png (6.26 MB, 3434x2638, IMG_9414.png)

(Ignore the fact I fucked up the perspective)


very nice.



>Fucked up with the perspective
Welcome back, Adolf Hitler


>Total Brazilian death
>inb4 its total belgian death o algo


My double dubs says its fact checked by snopes


File: 1728493600988-0.png (1.63 MB, 1920x1080, Busters Real 13.png)

File: 1728493600988-1.webm (328.18 KB, 1920x1080, Busters 11.webm)

Hopefully this will be out by Hallooween, it likely won't though.


Gemmed and saved


File: 1728493929992.webm (7.3 MB, 640x360, 1705471912272.webm)

i wish you the best and bless you to finish this


wtf this looks gigagemmy


So this is the project. You're animation sketches look great so far.


The zem to save /oc/


Sketches are very well, will this be THE zem to save the zaryan race?


File: 1728777866122.png (5.16 MB, 2940x2169, IMG_9442.png)

“Eighty Years War”


fine art


File: 1729461061087.png (5.92 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_9484.png)

Update: Project on hold right now. For mostly two reasons, I got cold feet. Also I have a YouTube channel that is my prime dedication. Once I finish the video I’m currently working on, I’ll likely go back to working on this, salvaging what I feel matches my expectation of quality, and starting everything else from scratch.

I’ll still take drawfag request and likely digitalize my current drawings.

(NAZ coal to prove it’s me)


File: 1729464386606.png (294.47 KB, 1686x2060, 1725037192849.png)

The NAZ is drawn so good though
It makes a chud shed a tear. Take as much time as you need


File: 1729869532653.png (1.64 MB, 2050x1600, lig 1.png)

Here is this drawing digitalized.

Last drawing I'll post for a little while, since I'm busy.


>the instructions say to press "ON"


File: 1730214654958.png (9 MB, 3780x2681, IMG_9532.png)

We should bring back national personifications (to be fair though most are just women in togas)




File: 1730675619708.png (8.45 MB, 3611x2927, IMG_9549.png)

Turns out South Africa doesn’t have one outside of a literal sea-hag


File: 1730720868932-0.png (1.04 MB, 1215x2160, (2020-01) CocoBoerin.png)

File: 1730720868932-1.png (1.04 MB, 1215x2160, (2020-01) CocoBoer.png)

File: 1730720868932-2.png (573.29 KB, 1255x1425, 1698420369468322.png)

>Turns out South Africa doesn’t have one outside of a literal sea-hag


Kill yourself bbc lover


File: 1732152680557.png (377.35 KB, 1920x1080, Berlin 4.png)

NAZ coal to support Zoot's OC agenda (I'll post the link to the full video once it's done, likely mid-December, and go back to doing Zellig stuff)


File: 1732490518457-0.png (2.82 MB, 1854x1980, IMG_9587.png)

File: 1732490518457-1.png (3.64 MB, 1617x2530, IMG_9641.png)

File: 1732490518457-2.png (4.27 MB, 2731x2887, IMG_9644.png)

Killing time at work and school. Couldn’t think of an idea for Mymy which is why it’s not as good.

(I’ll make digital versions of these eventually.)


Can you stop mogging us with your gemmy art, thanks.


File: 1732491265655.webm (7.3 MB, 640x360, 1705471912272.webm)

Great work Zaryan


conspicuous short vertical line present on the second image……..





In my defense it was a poorly erased.


File: 1732509861183.png (42.49 KB, 299x417, vnw96jks1ukgsfa3spwi7t3amr….png)


But she's 16 o algo


male brain be like "imma goon to a line" (im trans btw)




File: 1732584049784.png (494.7 KB, 600x800, ClipboardImage.png)



>inb4 inspect element
>inb4 screenshot
>inb4 fail


File: 1732604784692.mp4 (430.89 KB, 320x322, 9cc4b10beae78f4ae8b94244f9….mp4)

>>>2627 (You)
>>inb4 inspect element
>>inb4 screenshot
>>inb4 fail




File: 1733692208672.png (4.48 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_9720.png)

Guess who’s bored at work?


Literal who or explain yourself


Erhm what? You're white? Zoot, ban him immediately. It's slavs&shitskins only site, being white is forbidden here.


look at the OPost, overboardGOD



File: 1733692321809.mp4 (2.34 MB, 464x464, 1733103580711.mp4)

>Erhm what? You're white? Zoot, ban him immediately. It's slavs&shitskins only site, being white is forbidden here.


I wish


Looks amazing, keep it up!


Try drawing a relevant 'toss, with your skills and the current climate (You) could make it big


Talking about the Zarty of course


I’m open for request right now


draw agugu being tucked into bed


No Agugu, sorry


Anything from this thread please
It's the one where Massa leaked the requests which never made it to paypig art status


File: 1733696147841.gif (727.93 KB, 536x706, selfish little artist.gif)

>No Agugu, sorry


Kill yourself pedofaggotnigger


File: 1733700576980.png (6.61 MB, 3927x2544, IMG_9726.png)

I did “Coco doing Lab Work” (being honest, not my greatest)


>Maya, we need to cook stroopwafelsap


Also zemmy of course, if it isn't too much of a hassle, could you try making some of the rest?


Currently trying to finish an unrelated project (which I’ll probably shill here once it’s posted).

After that is done, I want to redo the Zellig drawings I have made in digital form. Was also thinking of turning one of the MayaMails into a comic.


I used to be an artist. But alas, this society simply misunderstood my artwork, and I was shit, thus I was cast aside o algo. Great work doe!


Don’t feel bad, everyone starts as shit.


well, when you work at it for years, you start to realize you aren't cut out for it. I dunno, even Hitler was called a bad artist, and his stuff was pretty ok.


File: 1733707539541.jpg (67.1 KB, 1280x720, MV5BMTU1MTYxOWEtYzI0Yy00OG….jpg)


this is true, I used to be awful at drawing but I'm getting better every week


File: 1734273135543.png (437.7 KB, 1600x900, Berlin Thumbnail.png)

Shilling my YouTube video here.



Dont you shill for north korea though


I did?


One of the videos i remember talked about mrasianpie having a weak spot on north korea for their anti-americanism but i might misremember something


>I already watched some videos from this channel
Such a small world


Damn, never really considered myself as anti-American.

I'm anti-interventionist abroad (except for annexing Canada).

Thats incredibly interesting


So idk, then maybe it was one of the videos of your fans and not of you directly


File: 1734525414370.png (866.09 KB, 2050x1600, lig 2.png)

>Go on to Zarty

Anyways this is NOT Coco :p (I'll finish this later, I'm currently out of town)


Holy shiny glistening gemerald
FYI jannies this is a NAZ OC we made called Koko, dont delete

Be careful not to anger ANONYMOUSE. Remember, they do not forgive, they do not forget…


Also welcome back


Holy fucking zem, the artstyle is the same as Massa's


He is massa and he's saving us from this froot-tier event



>Be careful not to anger ANONYMOUSE. Remember, they do not forgive, they do not forget…
Holy larp, just unlock the fucking board already


You've emulated massa's style very well, I look forward to your zemmy zems.




Was originally going to make an entire background, but fun fact I'm lazy.

Currently working on Mymy and haven't even got an idea for Maya.


File: 1734722872467.png (999.4 KB, 2050x1600, lig 2.png)

Image didn't upload for some reason


>inb4 it's just Massa under an alias


trve 'assa never left us and is hiding from mossad


I want to believe…


MrAsianPie… huh.


File: 1734750530752.png (463.92 KB, 990x1848, lig 3.png)

Progress on Mymy for tonight, no updates for tomorrow since I'm driving for ~12 hours kek


Yep this is actually massa zaryans we are so back



Good video. I wonder why didn't the russian reply to this one with a wall of text
>inbefore he replies


I think we should hire MrAsianPie as the next creative director of future Ongezellig projects since he's the one who could replicate Massa's style the best. ?


Isn't he massadonie shiller?


File: 1734791577571.png (342.87 KB, 598x542, ClipboardImage.png)

only truezqryans can recall any frame from the show and redraw it exactly as how they imagine it


Yos-ACK yaki could approve of this


File: 1734900612270.png (543.63 KB, 990x1848, Mymy.png)

I was thinking of turning one of the Mayamails into a comic

??? no.

Anyways, Mymy is done. One more xister left.


Maybe you're terracord shill i dunno


Big ass pens
>I was thinking of turning one of the Mayamails into a comic
Interesting, maybe you could help in the main effort


the pens are ok, it's just the chest that is very little (and flat) that you compare them to


Hell nah, this pen is higher than your penis


Zelligmails enlistment officers should knock on this Zaryan's door


File: 1734903789583.jpg (50.96 KB, 613x460, p14593_v_h9_ab.jpg)

Holy. Fucking. Keyed. Falling Down is my favourite movie. Great job!


I :chudheart: chuddy movies


I agree, MrAsianPie did a great job doing honour to Mymy's small, flat chest <3


Zoot ban this nigger NOW!!!


File: 1734914202924.jpeg (189.37 KB, 627x750, IMG_0253.jpeg)

You browse this site??


we're making an animation for all the Mayamails incase you somehow didn't hear about it, there's a Telegram link on the Trello


File: 1734931076372.gif (392.74 KB, 232x232, I kneel.gif)

falling down gem


File: 1734958031494.png (436.24 KB, 1350x1700, lig 4.png)


I know about the animation collab, thought of joining it

Anyways, what you all actually care about (I'll finish later today or Christmas Eve)


Oh… My… Omgsisa….


she is so attractive without her pants


Gooner above


tsmt o algo


File: 1734971689623.png (269.76 KB, 1341x1266, 1734958031494_1.png)


Thank (You)


File: 1734991453281.png (508.81 KB, 1100x1800, Maya.png)

Last but certainly not least. (I'll probably post these on my Xitter)

Merry Christmas!


Second Coming of Massa


File: 1735003093752.jpg (116.46 KB, 1100x1265, Picsart_24-12-24_01-45-24-….jpg)


POV: >(you) caught her alone in her room with her hand down her panties


tranny 'cord humor ahh image actually


Bedankt for being around, MrAryanPIE


>POVcacas have discovered the Zarty


Hello zaryan, can I contact you somehow?


Just DM me on Xitter, I’ll send you my ‘cord




Just watched it, massa-like history educational higheffort gem


File: 1735162380794.png (153.73 KB, 580x595, ClipboardImage.png)

lorenzo is lurking here no joke




File: 1735480721241.png (1.54 MB, 2400x1750, Spirit Xisters.png)

Not my best work, if I spent more time on it, this could've been way better in quality. Wish I thought of this before Christmas.

This will be my last digital drawing for a while.


But not last zarty post, right? Amazing work, asianon.


File: 1735481231042.jpg (114.01 KB, 1200x822, 118187715_p0_master1200.jpg)

reminds me that xitter AIshit I had seen in April


A shining zem in a sea of indian threads


>Posting kaslabam on de zarty


As long as they aren't NSFW gooneralds, what't the problem?


you sound like a seething lorenzo


Zemerald that made my day



You will never defeat me ?


As if I cared about the author lol


>lorenzo still lurks the zarty


Imagine larp as lorenzo in order to bait nucacas geg




Well I mean he puts some effort editing the AI slop so it doesn't look as bad unlike the rest of AI zellig gooners I guess?


File: 1735485912414.mp4 (658.6 KB, 722x720, 1794 - agugu binky coco ed….mp4)

>>>3035 (You)


File: 1735834085574.png (453.52 KB, 1020x1080, lig 6.png)

Ya know when I said I was taking a break?

I guess I lied. (This was just me screwing around with a different style and I guess I felt like drawing Maya.)


Welcome back drawGOD and happy new year


File: 1735834606427.png (53.37 KB, 523x525, 1718402858700t.png)

Let me prove why MrAsianPie is ACTUALLY white and aryan

"Pie" is an acronym for "Proto-Indo-European", i.e. stands for "Aryan"

"Asian" refers to Asia, certainly Central Asia, the place of inhabitance of ancient Aryan nomands called Scythians

And thaaaaaat is how he's indeedly our guy with a huge BWC


Virgin Islands award


File: 1735834850744.png (18.58 KB, 299x149, ClipboardImage.png)

>Let me prove why MrAsianPie is ACTUALLY white and aryan

>"Pie" is an acronym for "Proto-Indo-European", i.e. stands for "Aryan"

>"Asian" refers to Asia, certainly Central Asia, the place of inhabitance of ancient Aryan nomands called Scythians

>And thaaaaaat is how he's indeedly our guy with a huge BWC


kuurwa chiken wi aur aryan


File: 1735834972345.png (72.01 KB, 932x1608, 39477 - SoyBooru.png)

kuurwa chiken wi aur aryan


>Monsieur Z


File: 1736715567347.jpeg (1.64 MB, 3024x3365, IMG_9987.jpeg)

We’re hagmaxxing today


The 0 verachuds here will love this


File: 1736722273575.jpg (449.46 KB, 1577x1080, vera_with_fnf_pedo.jpg)

'STEEN, us verachuds finally getting drawfag attention……..


>veraGODS are so content starved that they can only use the FNFshitskinpedo art as picrel
Oh nononononononononono….


File: 1736723123360.jpeg (2.08 MB, 2228x3981, IMG_9990.jpeg)

Eiko, could’ve done better being honest (last drawing for tonight)


File: 1736747531740.png (110.39 KB, 432x308, depressed_vera.png)

it is so incredibly over for verachuds


File: 1736749831570.png (432.9 KB, 840x1113, ClipboardImage.png)

Verademoralizers are pedophiles because they rather obsess over teenage GIRLS rather than a mature, strong grown WOMAN btw


File: 1736751509430.png (21.5 KB, 878x956, vera_hits_grimmy_in_the_ba….png)




File: 1736851428614-0.png (11.04 KB, 122x94, Screenshot 2025-01-14 2141….png)

File: 1736851428614-1.png (437.33 KB, 708x600, vera_mymyfied.png)

Ob-sessed w/ me


Hags > children




File: 1738513470015.png (1.03 MB, 1600x900, Rudy Thumbnail.png)


Embedded 'tan and 'co


marge what is this why does it look like judge holden and hello neighror?


File: 1738517707451.png (6.8 MB, 2048x2048, ClipboardImage.png)

>judge holden and hello neighbor


it does doebeit, its a very weird and esoteric thumbnail


also zellig is there gem


The Hello Neighbor reference was a promise I made for a friend months ago. I originally was going to put it in the Rape of Berlin video, but it didn't fit in.


File: 1738518199422.mp4 (17.05 MB, 742x540, 1731626885564s (1).mp4)

This video is like the perfect combination of Sam 'o nella Academy and Bigbunjee, it's crude but funny with it's jokes and punchlines. Brilliant, glistening, shining, commentary-saving tanzanite that will shake jewtube out of it's shekels.


I could go on about how good the video is but then I'd sound like an actual soyboy pointing out muh heckin' referinos.


File: 1738530370147.png (61.51 KB, 1080x1323, Thumbs up.png)

Zemmy video. Reminds me of old-school Sseth or Wilhelm Apologist videos.


File: 1738687610326.png (2.15 MB, 2400x1700, lig 7.png)

Currently working on 1 of 2


Is this related to the famous comic?


File: 1738691037272.png (27.95 KB, 132x133, 1696541335501.png)

This is literally what I imagined in the head in the twentieth days of December in 2023. There are only two plausible explanations for this "coincidence": we zaryans all either have one mind or are tulpas of the samefag /qa/ spammer from 2021.


File: 1738929253643.png (2.07 MB, 2400x1700, lig 7.png)

One of two done


File: 1738930047859.png (9.5 KB, 500x250, Oekaki.png)

Zhiny zemerald


Gemmy art


File: 1738932400265.png (136.62 KB, 800x600, Untitled265_20241217155625.png)

So zemmy


Did Mymy drink of zoiets


No it's a blush from the cold (ev&oe only aryans can blush)


Zaryan, if you're free you can help out in the mayamails project, the storyboards are now done


File: 1739277777472.png (481.2 KB, 1476x1350, lig 8.png)

Thank you for the offer, but I respectfully decline.

Anyways, two of two done


It's alright, also zemmy


what is this drawdeity's name


MrAryanPie for friends and MrAsianPie officially

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