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/zellig/ - Ongezellig

IAZ and soft NAZ
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Found a bunch of old Google forms Massa made to let paypigs vote on what he should draw for the month, I'm thinking it would be a fun idea to use the options that didn't win as drawing ideas for our own illustrations.
>Just like my hecking alternative history art, WAOW!



currently reading allat


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remember what they stole from you


i would love to make some of these real. but im just not an artist. maybe i should become one


can somebody make a quick list of all the ideas that didnt get picked? (because im a lazy SLF)


never too late to learn




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very gemmy idea albeit it is possible a lot of soyzellig artists are busy with the community project at the moment. I would like to try drawing some of these after its done


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Last one's actually still available and I already went ahead and 'chived it. https://archive.ph/zT1pE
But damn that fucking sucks, Massa must've gotten tipped off when you people started entering in answers, snitched, or a janny was lurking here.
I've clicked through a few so I'll try to post what I can recall
>Vera trying to open a peanutbutter jar
>Coco practicing karate
>What Vera does on a saturday night
>(I think) Mymy or Coco in cooking class


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OK, not all hope is lost, I was able to salvage some options from old graphs Massa posted. This may not be all of them unfortunately, but this is probably about as good as we'll get from such a major fuck up on my part, I'm sorry guys.
>Maya cosplays as Senpai's waifu
>Mymy falls off her scooter
>Coco drinks chocolate milk
>Coco takes a computer course
>Coco as Witcher
>Zoey (Girl with the book) playing Bass


think about it, we really didn't lose much. these ideas are pretty basic and lore uninspired


Still would have been cool to have, albeit you're right. these voting options are all incredibly simple as ideas, and the options that had lore probably ended up winning


fucking 'assa 'leted xem. dutch bitch


I feel like something as simple and generic as "vera opening a peanut jar" would've had some sort of comedic punchline to it given how innocuous it is, but that's just me


You can get an extension like SingleFile to download web pages locally btw. Its easier, faster, and better if you do this then putting threads on archive.ph, since you can expand all images before saving a thread and you dont have to rely on an internet connection. the only thing archive.ph has that is better than what you can do locally is the fact that it is public. Otherwise doing it locally is instantaneous


massa hates us confirmed


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>Coco as Witcher lost
Remeber what they took from you


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Sorry to bump this thread, but der 'cord actually proved useful for once because I copypasted all of the links to a personal server before here and that ended up caching some images of what the forms looked like before it got booted. I'll post the ones that have new stuff and wasn't mentioned yet.
>Maya at the hairdresser
>Zombie Coco
>Coco doing lab work
>Mymy dressed as Peni Parker
>Mymy making a Valentines Day card for Kaptien Koek
>Mymy eating seminola pudding
>Stan and Roos Ice Skating
>Vera gives Cleo guitar lessons
>Maya paintballing
>Maya being happy (this could literally be anything)
>Mymy if she stayed in Japan (this might've been the Hikiko Mymy pic)
>Maya on a schooltrip to the zoo
>Maya making a snow devil
There might be more images cached given I posted all the links there, but I don't know how I would access those if I could, and even then I'd probably run the risk of fucking something up and lose my chance of getting them.


i have no idea how posting bare links ended up caching these images. did they end up embeding or something? anyways maya at the hairdresser seems like an interesting illustration

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