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/zellig/ - Ongezellig

IAZ and soft NAZ
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File: 1698779151725.png (5.53 MB, 1976x1908, 1696429351520.png)


does anyone have a new zip of good zellig?
the last one was 275 files and 1GB but was mostly coal
does anyone know of a new zip/can share their own collection?


Where is this "first zip" I would like to see it


Ye, a zaryan made a new file. Its ready, but he is looking for somehwere to upload it.
Check >>542


File: 1698785255909-0.png (779.28 KB, 1702x952, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1698785255909-1.png (827.85 KB, 1721x902, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1698785255909-2.png (486.69 KB, 1722x871, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1698785255909-3.png (229.37 KB, 1710x580, ClipboardImage.png)

picrel is all the files
my current folder of actually good ones is 250 files and if i get some from the 'ru, /qa/, /co/ i could probally get 400+ and ill make another thread with that


check out >>1855
that mega file has additional massa paypiggy stuff and more.


you are not ganna put porn, right? :D

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