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/zellig/ - Ongezellig

IAZ and soft NAZ
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What pastry do you like most?
i really like apple pie it goes great with custard


pain au chocolat is rly gud too


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I'm from Bulgaria.
We have a thing called banica (баница). It's basically a bunch of flour layers with white cheese in it. It's pretty good when you are eating it with yogurt.

There's also lucnik (лучник). It's basically a calcone - bread which is filled with onions (onions in bg is лук, hence the name), meatballs and tomato sauce. It's also good with airyan (yogurt mixed with water).

If you can make them yourself or if you come to Bulgaria, you can try them out.


its called chocolatine though


now that i think about it, these aren't really pastry, since these are salty foods, not sweet. So i guess i like French Country-Styled Cake. It's a must for celebrations.


im from england and thats just what its called here
its very popular here


looks great
Are their any other cool bulgarians food i can try if i ever visit?


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Yeah, there's a bunch of them.
You can try moussaka. It's like lasagna, but it doesn't have flour layers. Instead it has a top layer, which is made with eggs and yogurt ( and a bit of flour). The inside is with potatoes and meatballs. There is also the greek version, which is with eggplants, but i dont like it.
You can try shkembe chorba, which is a milk soup with sheep stomach. It sounds disgusting, but it's not that bad. You can usually add some red pepper seeds and garlic sauce to it.

You also have balkan bbq, with things like meatballs (кюфте) and kebabs (кебабче). Other than that, I'm not sure what else is exclusive to Bulgaria/The Balkans.
If i think of anything else, i will be sure to mention it.



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there is a search box available


yup i know but i found this way to be way more usefull and faster.


Jam tarts topped with raw fruit.


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For me, it's the kleina


unironically thought i was looking at a piece of dog shit for the better part of a minute



It's just a rhombus doughnut

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