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/zellig/ - Ongezellig

IAZ and soft NAZ
Password (For file deletion.)

File: 1707827629251-0.png (190.21 KB, 658x463, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1707827629251-1.png (264.73 KB, 879x720, 1682812668425.png)


That was quick…


File: 1707827989206.png (164.79 KB, 426x364, my little aryan.png)

why did this even existed?


The zemerald that made the troonz at newgrounds ACK


meds now mymy isnt white


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Because I wanted to post it on the 'arty and I knew posting soyzellig.party/v/ would get my lynched by jannies


If a fictional school shooting is too controversial for Newgrounds now, why does Newgrounds even exist?


niggergrounds users couldn't handle the zarty!!




zoot posted /v/ on new grounds and it get taken down

surprising but maybe links to other site aren't allowed or something idk


GEEEGGG they take down /v/ even doe Pico's School is the same exact thing and has been up for 24 years
do nuground trannies really?


>schoolocaust le bad! Even doe we have plenty of school shooting games or something


File: 1707841435427.png (96.94 KB, 800x789, 55308 - SoyBooru.png)

>But muh Pico in fnf pedo rhythm game!! It's Internet history!! Humans as a species have evolved past the need to make school shooting games!


It probably had something to do with having the site accessible through the game


I think so too. they probably gave a notice too zoot. ZOOOT WHA HAAPUH!?


Niggers, I was only the asset developer. The coder is behinde the Newgrounds upload. I'm gonna contact him and ask him what's up. But yeah, i think it has to do with the fact that the games sends you to the zarty




They didn't give me a notice, I'm completely in the dark. Maybe they were going to mail me but decided not to bother when they saw "retardincel@protonmail.com"
Could be, I didn't bother reading the tos


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I don't know the terminology but it seems like it


Yeah, that probably did it. An offense they took very seriously by the looks of it. I doubt I'll be able to pull anything


albeit in Pico's school you survive a school shooting not do one


Marge download link?

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