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/zellig/ - Ongezellig

IAZ and soft NAZ
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File: 1707800464735-0.jpg (148.49 KB, 1080x443, IMG_20240213_015740.jpg)

File: 1707800464735-1.png (203.11 KB, 630x300, 1704763867342.png)


What do you think about it?


Splinter of 4chan /co/? Hell nah ☠


If this is true, we need to somehow lure this person to us.


The thread was archived, he didnt have a name and he was one of the first people fo post on the /co/ thread. If we want to lure him in, best chance is making a /co/ thread after a while and waiting for him to pop up, maybe even leaving a post asking for him.


File: 1707822765955.png (30.89 KB, 600x600, got baited award.png)


I am almost OD'ing on hopium. Hoping is all we can do, there's nothing else. Have a little faith, will you?


reality only hits all the harder the longer you deny and bargain, anon


I'm not saying it's true.


I just need something to believe in

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