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/zellig/ - Ongezellig

IAZ and soft NAZ
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you VILL defend zellig while I go to sleep


ai ai captain


this thread has some retards. zellig is sharty culture. even if it is (it is tho), why should it be not allowed, while frogs (who are anti-sharty culture) are allowed on the site? this is madness, which could only be present. because of the waves of newfags.


we won case closed


yeah, at this point it's just a bunch of frogs arguing like shit and being hypocritical. I'm going to bed. We should be on /soy/. Frogs should be banned. Another zellig w. Good night.


We're already disignated to the /qa/ board, what more would they want outside of banning?


We should stop responding at this point, theyre no longer arguing civilised and its just became a bait thread


Present your arguments while being civilized. You cant just ignore this thread


an interesting point that was raised by a teen is that he wished for /qa/ to be a general NAS board (which it kind of is) but claims is unusable due to spam. this brings up the question, are the catty wipe wars and spam here because its a deadboard, or is it a dead board because of the catty wipe wars and spam? To me it seems to be the former, but regardless I believe that for the sake of coexistance and as a show of good will we should pull back on oranging the log, and focus more on making contentburgers threads as opposed to nothingburgers
<massa mandated discord space


i feel like the only reason people necrobump is because hostile offsite cultures like frogs try push everyone else out the catty with spam


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File: 1696958222657-1.png (146.79 KB, 734x289, FireShot Capture 154 - _so….png)

Ironically enough, /qa/ was actually pretty chill during Doll era sharty.

/qa/ was dead, because they increased the post time limit too much, but people actually posted good threads. It was during this time that the AI threads were created and were at their best.

Personally, Kuz era /qa/ was the best. You had a few good threads and then you had clashes, where people will spam IN ONE THREAD! Right now, it's just some useless spam.
You also had the fact that there wasn't this stupid "strict IAS only" rule on /soy/. There was this interaction between boards, that you don't really see in todays sharty. /soy/ was the main street, while /qa/ was this bar at the side of the road.

Also whats wrong with the caption?

people are necrobumping not only to keep up threads, but also to make their NAS appear prevalent.


File: 1696958533414.gif (31.62 KB, 255x219, bugjak smart.gif)

sometimes i check the caption and it keeps doing the fucking loading circle and i have to refresh the page


it's more of a problem with the captcha itself. I will try again to set up hCaptcha and see if we have the same problem. If we do, then i will presume that it has to do with the "quick reply" JS. I will report the bug, if that's the case.


wow this thread continues to be bumped. NewGODS act like they will prove zellig=/=sharty culture and will be able to ban it on the sharty. If they really want to do that, they will need another Doll/Red


It seems that the textwall guy really only has an issue with spam, and I can understand that
but theres almost no zellig spam at this point


right now i think we are entering a period where zaryans will be low in numbers. I remember when there was a lot of zellig during Kuz and then after a while there were only a few left. It's just a cycle i guess.

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