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/zellig/ - Ongezellig

IAZ and soft NAZ
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File: 1707721445471.jpg (2.49 MB, 4084x4096, Ligtoss.jpg)


A cancer that killed zellig



As anyone actually seen a troon in the ongezellig community?


in twitter



sometimes i dont like the fact that i constantly see the word nigger and nazi shit thrown around, but then i look at what the faggots do and i'd rather this then that


there are a lot of troons on shitter


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>sometimes i dont like the fact that i constantly see the word nigger and nazi shit thrown around


File: 1707724068757.gif (1.52 MB, 323x498, ok.gif)


man it must suck to both get offended easily and be a 'zellig fan


Yeah for >>9678


I used to be turned off by /pol/ stuff, but the longer I live the more right I realise they are


>troonquotes someone who doesn’t like troons
Why are berndjakbros like this..


i love this fan base i hope this show never gets mainstream so it can stay this way



im gonna be real im betting more of you are than youd like to admit


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>>troonquotes someone who doesn’t like troons
>Why are berndjakbros like this..

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