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/zellig/ - Ongezellig

IAZ and soft NAZ
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File: 1707640373547.png (408.16 KB, 492x512, dadad.png)


I'm getting an ongezellig tattoo on the left side of my chest. I need some ideas so send me pictures so I can contemplate


File: 1707641059193-0.png (423.76 KB, 1020x1050, 6620 - SoyBooru.png)

File: 1707641059193-1.png (813.8 KB, 1920x1080, vlcsnap-2024-01-02-01h44m5….png)

File: 1707641059193-2.jpg (10.06 KB, 249x242, 1634915610813.jpg)

File: 1707641059193-3.png (223.87 KB, 389x640, ClipboardImage.png)


File: 1707641354139.png (637.15 KB, 679x716, 2024-02-11_11-47-30.png)

this gem


File: 1707641563357.jpg (39.38 KB, 494x467, maya12.jpg)

you must be fucking nuts to get a 'zellig tattoo though


first off, don't.
stylized outline of Mymy's head with the niggerwiggle on top. I bet that'd look bretty gud.
either way, don't get a tattoo, but if you do, not on your chest.. that's just dumb. it would look stoopid.


File: 1707643111470.png (292.67 KB, 1500x1500, 1681181190357.png)

>Do this but don't do this and if you do do this then don't do this


I say this, but don't look like this. well, sometimes I do actually look like this, but it's just for special occasions, really.



get a ornage sun wheel



I love tattoos so I'll def be getting one, but where do you think I should get it? I can't do my back because I already have a giant spider there.



send picture


File: 1707686709064.png (134.46 KB, 316x354, ClipboardImage.png)





there is no way in hell im getting a soyjack stuck to me, ill consider the others I like the coco one



this is a good one


swolesome is pretty nas


File: 1707688993880.png (58.63 KB, 340x512, 1705697221786.png)

>you must be fucking nuts to get a 'zellig tattoo though


Bruh don't do that.



im namba 1 zellig fan!!!


File: 1707694032077.png (19 KB, 440x440, BlackSun.svg.png)

this but orange



thank you for the suggestion but fortunately i love the idea of having a job




why not tho


>>9636 you should have one of the states of the netherlands tatted on you lol



is that canon in zellig


fair enough


well they do live inside of the netherlands. or you can just get the prince's flag or VOC flag as a tattoo


File: 1707695458690.png (199.55 KB, 583x587, Screenshot 2024-02-10 1859….png)

Get a Tattoo of Mymy doing the zyzz pose
like this shit but not put together in 8 seconds



its…. beautiful



isnt the netherlands like a made up place? can you send me their flag, i've never really heard about them


File: 1707696313219.png (368 B, 250x167, Flag_of_the_Netherlands.sv….png)

i believe its this flag


i understand that you never heard of the netherlands it was created in 2023 when the napoleon movie came out


File: 1707696873663.png (2.88 KB, 1280x853, ClipboardImage.png)

yeahhh you can't fool me that just the french flag sideways



damn thats rotful


File: 1707697027406.png (564 B, 510x340, Prinsenvlag.svg.png)

ah my bad here is the flag of the netherlands (the colors represent mymy from ongezellig)



see thats what im talking about, true flag right there


fun fact: french people invented “belgians” to weaken the dutch people



those dirty low-life belgain lovin communists


File: 1707707891837.jpg (22.11 KB, 367x367, 3CVfPP5G_400x400.jpg)

get this one



I do want to get mymy, this prob will be it, or the one that >>9559 sent


godspeed if you're actually planning to get something like that tattooed lol.
maybe you'll inspire others to do the same (me) please god it would be so funny if you went through with it



I def am, and when I do I'll make sure to let you guys know, I think I'm gonna do a simple picture of mymy (she is best!). You should get one too, tattoos make you cooler.


File: 1707726298184.png (63.46 KB, 240x236, 1698611239918.png)

hello, do this. NOW. also send pictures please I would very much like to see a zellig tattoo. When do you expect to get it?



I will of course send pictures, and I except to get it sorta soon? Never thought of date, just wanted to find a nice image first. I think this one you sent my be it, theres not alot of background and i love mymy. I would like to get it on my birthday which is November of this year.


Honestly I think any of the pics from >>9513 would be good contenders


Most mentally demented cracka on this entire website


they hated the gems because they were coally, though


oh my fucking God you're right ow didn't i noticee

literally just a really fast spinning mymy


better show pics when you get it


File: 1707759864347.png (64.33 KB, 249x255, 1700160685557.png)

dont soil ur natural body with artworks


kill yourself obsessed faggot


xe's right doe



ermmm no!



of course friend



I'll set up a poll later and let the people decide


File: 1707781705452.png (166.79 KB, 332x597, really fast spinning mymy.png)

>a really fast spinning mymy


'lig smear frames are an enigma


zyzz mymy for the win

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