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/zellig/ - Ongezellig

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I'm almost 20 and I don't have any friends.
Can I find friends on trooncord or will it groom me or smth? Never used it doe.


Don't look for friends on the internet
Anyone you don't meet in real life isn't real


I am a refugee with no social skills zelligbro. How am I supposed to find "friends" irl?


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>I'm almost 20 and I don't have any friends.

It's over.


if theres one lesson you can take from zellig, its never over


I thought it was that racism is good


that too


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>>I'm almost 20 and I don't have any friends.

>It's over.

My punishment continutes to ellude me, and I gain no deeper knowledge of myself. No new knowledge can be extracted from my telling.


Oldtroon please kys


>I am a rapefugee


Haven't you heard of the war that is going right now in the Europe, sweetie?


just rape, you're literally living on easy mode


Discord isn’t worth it, that god awful platform is nothing more than a drama magnet. Unless you want to get involved in middle school gossip, avoid it at all costs.


I'm christian and white. (((They))) will not defend my ass.


Where do I socialise then? The only people I speak on the web are racists I occasionaly stumble upon. I am on the verge of going insane. All I do everyday is workout and read books and stuff.


Just take part in a local far-right group, or go to Ukraine to fight the neobolsheviks idk. Whatever, if you're a smart person, then you'll never find happiness in (((modern))) (((society))), so you don't have to worry about it.


>Just take part in a local far-right group
Trying to get this guy killed by a troon shooter?
Also I would never want to be friends with a bunch of poltards/redneck neo nazis. Sounds un bearable.


The Eastern-European rightoids are very different from the Western one, you would see a contrast if you come to, for example, Poland or Lithuania.


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>My punishment continutes to ellude me, and I gain no deeper knowledge of myself. No new knowledge can be extracted from my telling.

But for real, you shouldnt be searching for friends just for the sake of having friends. This will get you into some toxic relationships. I would advise that you should learn to be alone (again if you are heavily reliant on social relationships, you will have the potential to be easily manipulated and to give up on your morals as a "compromise").
God will give you friends to help you out (or for you to help them) on your path towards salvation. Just try out different hobbies/goals and you will eventually meet up with people who you will like, despite them not being perfect.
Also, I have meat great people on discord. Everyone likes to focus on the troons and pedos, but you will find them everywhere if you only focus on the bad side of a platform. Der cord is used by a lot of people. Of course having IRL friends is preferable.




Cord shilling cord woke up


this image is so unironicly fucking stupid its genuinely hilarious lmao


>you shouldnt be searching for friends just for the sake of having friends
FAKE. THIS is how I'm friendless for almost 3 years now. Because I haven't seeked for human interaction. This advice only works for normies.
>I would advise that you should learn to be alone
BVLLSHIT. This doesn't work unless you live in a cabin in da woods. Anywhere I go, I am reminded of my lonelines, however tbf 90% of the times I ignore it, but deep down I feel inferior.
>Just try out different hobbies/goals
I have no willpower left for this.
>I have meat great people on discord
I guess I will try it out. I don't remember the last time I spoke to someone like with my voice THOUGH…. whatever


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truth, ZILLIONS must make friends and have a good time.


yall niggas rather browse/chat on the zarty than talk to any human being 💀 😭


I take it you're joking, since many people here do have actual lives and relationships.
But even if I don't think it's a very good time for jokes, this man is depraved of human contact, that is severely bad for you, lets show him some respect and help guide him towards a better future.


more truth, lets help a fellow zelligbro out


obviously yes am joking, but yeah of course we ur right.


im sorry bros for being a dick lol.


all good, no hate


I don't mind you being dick to me as long as you're a chud rightoid and you love zellig


>you shouldnt be searching for friends just for the sake of having friends

what he means is that you need to take your time and build up relationships and find people who you truly connect with. building up a social life takes time and youn cant rush it for the sake of having someone. trust me i get what its like to not have a social life, i believe in you


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Everyones story is different, go along with whatever works for you and dont let anyone else tell you how to live your own life Xx


And how do you that? Should I come to random people on the street and start sperging out about da joos or what


>>9436 self identified chud despite being a minority 🤑


I'm white and I hate jews and I want tnd. That's enough


i hate jews cause brooklyn is jew-topia, my great dutch heritage was literally replaced with moisha 😭


mind you am not dutch


>FAKE. THIS is how I'm friendless for almost 3 years now
What do you mean "fake"? You shoudn't be making friends just so to have friends. You will end up in shitty relationships.
You will find friends naturally. I'm not trying to screw you over. Again, just go out and do some hobbies. Maybe talk to people in your uni. But just dont make friends for friends sake.
this guy also tells some trvthnvks>>9437

>BVLLSHIT. This doesn't work unless you live in a cabin in da woods. Anywhere I go, I am reminded of my lonelines, however tbf 90% of the times I ignore it, but deep down I feel inferior.

Establish a relationship with God. Go to an orthodox church. If you seek love, then you will find it in God.
Again, i dont wish for you to end up in some shit friendgroup that will screw you over. You will have times where you will not be around nice people and it would be better if you just leave them, even if it means you will be all by yourself.

>I have no willpower left for this.

Oh cmon man. I'm sure you have something that you are good at or you are interested in. If you have no willpower on yourself, how will you have the willpower to deal with others?

>I guess I will try it out. I don't remember the last time I spoke to someone like with my voice THOUGH…. whatever

Just be careful where you go. Obviously, joining a furry RP server would not be a great choice.



as for online, start with finding online spaces that match your interests, talk around and try to find someone.

as for irl the most i can say is to hang around places, try to start up conversations with people you think might look neat (though i for certain know thats easier said than done) or see if anyone comes up to you. if im being honest part of getting a social life can be up to luck, but that doesnt mean making an effort is worthless

i may not be the best to give advice on getting a social life as i still mostly lack one (though things are looking up), but trust me it can get better. in the mean time im sure the zarty would be glad to have you even if its mostly anonymous and impersonal


>Go to an orthodox church.
Zoot woke up



as for hobbies, what are you into? do you have interests in art, reading, writing etc.? for instance try doodling just random shit every now and then and see if you get into it. it wont look good the first time or even the tenth time, but it doesnt have to immediately.

what i guess im trying to say is; find some hobbies you may be interested in and start small, ease into it and see what you llike


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i love orthodox church they made this song!


Not OP but im currently in the "talk to people on college" step. Ive meet quite alot of people and some of them are nice and offer help. Its still overwelming to go from asocial to gezellig in a short amount of time doe.


>Zoot is the only orthoCHAD even doe half of the userbase is fucking slavic or something


It's trve, the Church choir sung it last saturday


yeah, theres honestly no INSTANT solution. it may take months or even years but itll be worth it. a lot of this is also working on ones mindset about this stuff. im not entirely sure how to explain it, but being nicer to yourself in our head pays off even if its a long and very hard process.

ik "think good things" is corny and generic, but it can pay off. in my experience its not 'bad' advice just not immediate advice. its just something worth trying to do though i know it may not exactly work for everyone



What I do everyday is working out while listening to nsbm, dungeon synth and genres like that and reading some stuff like Mein Kampf or Nietsze or some pdfs I found in telegram, stuff like that and I also like to go on long walks around the city.
What I'm not bad at is coding but I can't find a fulltime job due to being autistic. I don't like the thing though.
Pretty much that's all what I do, are these activites "hobbies" or what? I genuinely don't understand what the word means.

>Maybe talk to people in your uni.
I study online, the uni is not located in the country I'm staying in.

>Establish a relationship with God.

Never been a religious person, and I don't like orthodoxy. I just can't feel that there is something bigger there.

>it may take months or even years but itll be worth it.
I start to think that it will not. Maybe I need to learn survival skills and disappear into the woods.
>think good things
I know that this works from science and stuff, but this is hard if I consider the situation my folk is in


>I know that this works from science and stuff, but this is hard if I consider the situation my folk is in

thats perfectly reasonable, i understand it can be hard to think anything good when your life is shit/feels like shit

on the hobbies thing again, maybe try downloading a music program and learn to make some stuff in your free time, just for fun. if it sucks thats okay, no one else has to listen to it and eventually you will improve the more you practice. that could be a good start


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also what kind of coding? games, web development, etc.? maybe just try to mess around with your coding skills for fun. im sure if you got good enough skills then autism shouldnt be too much of a hindrance to getting a job though idk the tolerance people have for autism where youre staying


>Never been a religious person, and I don't like orthodoxy. I just can't feel that there is something bigger there.
I'd suggest you give it a serious try. There are many people on the tube that are great for this topic. For example, you can check some of Kyle's playlists https://www.youtube.com/@OrthodoxKyle/playlists
Even if you dont agree, its great to chalange your wolrdview. There are also other great channels, but you will find them by proxy.

If you don't have a strong moral base and a connection with God, you won't go very far in life.


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Atheist here and I’m happy and succeeding in life.(I just am ok?)But joining a church does seem like a good way to make friends. Someone took me to a bible study semi recently and it wasn’t bad.


This “orthodox” larp is so fucking GAY AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA


silence, let this moment of zaryans getting along happen.


Even if you are happy and sucesful (by what moral standard; it could be argued that there is no objective morality, if any, on the worldview of an atheist öÖö; nontheless there are videos on that topic, on the channel that i have linked too), I would still recommend to try and go to an orthodox church/ learn more about orthodoxy. As you said, you get to meet new people. You also get to learn new stuff and to develope your personality.

eventho i dont larp, you nasty internet troll. BEGONE!


orthodox or not we're all united under zellig


theres a reason why moskals are sectioned off from the rest of the planet


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i dont like this thread!!!!!


I like this thread aldoebeit




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Here is the uncensored dough


thanks for the sauce


even of the chuddle field love can bloom…


>In fiction


>What I do everyday is working out while listening to nsbm, dungeon synth and genres like that
Listen to gabber. The Dutch know how to make techno https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XnnGjBPAMkw


How are you doing zaryan?


Literally me. I got no friends, no social skills, no money, no looks and I live in a shitty inland town in a third world country where everyone is hypersocialized. I am one step away from an heroing, but it's a big step.
Even when I tried using 'cord I am very self conscious of my voice and my heavy ESL accent, so that did not work very well for me.


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Literally me I’m Maya irl
Have been using der cord for a lil while now I’ve been on the ‘Zellig community cord haven’t been groomed yet

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