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/zellig/ - Ongezellig

IAZ and soft NAZ
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File: 1696864323410-0.png (246.3 KB, 640x640, F84C0635-EAFE-4FF8-AFDC-48….png)

File: 1696864323410-1.jpeg (147.72 KB, 1200x948, 2F62AB25-019F-49B4-9ED2-E….jpeg)

File: 1696864323410-2.png (19.93 KB, 961x956, fhf.png)

 No.927[View All]

Post cursed 'zelligs
146 posts and 80 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.



File: 1716785956016.png (89.48 KB, 598x1000, ClipboardImage (13).png)

>Mymy belly ToT



File: 1716927545694.png (195.22 KB, 1796x779, 35mississipi34mississipi33….png)


Now that's just a weird and a bit funny
Make her cheek getting ripped apart


can you do maya the digusting NIGGER for a change? im sick of seeing my dvtch qveen tortured everyday


File: 1716959780368.png (115.53 KB, 255x255, 1713631684027e.png)

>can you do maya the digusting NIGGER for a change?



File: 1716960749838.png (157.59 KB, 1200x1125, mayalover.png)

>>>25510 (You)
>>can you do maya the digusting NIGGER for a change?


File: 1717009236450.png (128.91 KB, 1335x919, Mymy and Kiki gets excecut….png)


File: 1717009735609.gif (66.04 KB, 469x385, 1701483458710.gif)

>mymyabusers are muzziecord


File: 1717010365469.png (251.12 KB, 1577x817, 34mississipi33mississipi32….png)


Is she getting drugged?


mymycareGOD we need you


consentcord lost
rapesoyjak.party won


File: 1717013568394.png (157.59 KB, 1200x1125, E705D258-6697-4BE4-88F0-B8….png)

>consentcord lost
>rapesoyjak.party won


She's being injected with fertility drugs to more easily have my six Dutch children


Pedotroon above


File: 1717056110771.png (25.74 KB, 500x598, 1700619510132.png)

>having 6 children is pedotroonism, fuckin goy
>die out


File: 1717058412237.gif (18.51 KB, 255x239, 1717013568394.gif)

>Wanting to have sex with a 16 year old is not pedophilia
>You are the bad person here


File: 1717061220983.gif (3.57 MB, 498x280, 1713664325871g-2.gif)

I will wait for her to turn 18 just to satisfy your impotent moralizing, even doe age of consent is 16 and I'm eligible for romeo and julliet laws because laws are written by normal people and not IB neet freaks



File: 1717079482701-0.gif (967.43 KB, 253x253, 3dgifmaker57650.gif)

File: 1717079482701-1.gif (573.1 KB, 250x250, 3dgifmaker28787.gif)

there is no such thing as doki doki literature club sage


>What nationality gambles the most?
>Statistically, those in the Netherlands gamble the most (87% or 17.28 million adults)
Coal or Gem behaviour Zaryans? I find it pretty based ngl that netherlands allow their people to actually spend they money freely.


File: 1717092037625.jpg (42.37 KB, 250x263, muttoid.jpg)

its because they are liberals or something that's why they allow weed and prostitution too


File: 1717107720890.png (448.42 KB, 720x640, Confused Mymy.png)

>Having sex with long since pubescent women of child-bearing age is paedopilia


File: 1717108429401.jpg (24.06 KB, 638x717, 563.jpg)

>Having sex with long since pubescent women of child-bearing age is paedopilia


File: 1717108858474.png (77.62 KB, 584x650, ClipboardImage.png)

Kill yourselves Groypers


mymy abuse is the gemstone that OBLITERATED the normalcucks comfort zone and the /pol/tard circlejerk and proved actual freedom of expression on soyzellig. i respect you a lot psycho drawgod




MymyabuseGOD where are you… I miss you…


i miss mymyabuseGOD. I miss counter attacking him with my mymycare art :(


File: 1717885782576.png (370.35 KB, 1716x1194, 33mississipi32mississipi31….png)






do those skeletons belong to Coco and Maya?


File: 1717937171051-0.png (483.9 KB, 1842x1696, 44mississipi reveal.png)

File: 1717937171051-1.png (211.35 KB, 1604x830, 46mississipi reveal.png)

The codes are: %GyJ6P xCBmX% (for the 46th) and %361w9 bfLU3% (for the 44th). What are they for?
Furthermore, where's the 43rd? I haven't seen it here nor anywhere else.

Someone should also translate the hebrew letter seen in many early images.


File: 1717938066430.png (199.47 KB, 1796x779, 35mississipi reveal.png)

forgot this one, numbers are 643040041358327818


Those are archive.is hashes and lead to pastebin files.


File: 1717960038625.png (836.96 KB, 1600x900, ClipboardImage.png)

>it's 'p


File: 1717960971557.png (625.44 KB, 895x1217, TakiGlow.png)

>Site is getting shut down


it's not 'p, it's an 8-hour long camcorder footage from 1998, torture and snuff tape of an orange haired girl who looks exactly like mymy, and archived pastebin links hinting at the location of her decaying corpse at seal beach california, and a suicide note detailing that the obsession with mymy is because of her similarity to the orange haired girl he murdered in 1998


Holy meds


i was hoping it was a hidden stash of mymy abuse pics but i dont know how to feel about this


First one(46 mississipi) leads to a list of chemicals. The one for 44mississipi has been deleted or removed.


Vantablack niggerstone


goof gracious what did MymyabuseGOD mean by this……..


didn't quote properly award


Killing myself


File: 1719798634624.png (456.02 KB, 5470x3445, 1702139415610.png)

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