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/zellig/ - Ongezellig

IAZ and soft NAZ
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File: 1707524247765.jpg (108.91 KB, 413x613, IMG_6081.jpg)


Never forget what you're fighting for..


Holy shit lmao is this real


it looks pretty darn real to me…


niggers, its a greenscreen with an edited Mymy pic


Source doe


Doing this but with Maya


File: 1707534418996.png (102.82 KB, 600x800, ClipboardImage.png)

>putting that much effort into "greenscreening" when OP could've easily printed and slipped it in a hat larping as a kiev soldier


kinda zased and goated with the zause 🤑🔥


This is so me


The ordinariest situation on ruzzian-ukrainian frontline


hi, source here
yea, this is real, i dont know how to use greenscreen so it was literally just easier to print it out on a piece of paper
no, this is not a photo from the russo-ukrainiian front, seen is a US 1987 issued PASGT and i took this picture in my backyard in ontario






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