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/zellig/ - Ongezellig

IAZ and soft NAZ
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in my opinion, in order for ongesellig to become popular, we need to sacrifice our community, namely, to open the show to the mass audience, that is, to the audience of the hotel, circus and others. can we do this in order for the series to continue? I don't think we'll be happy with an audience of soys, troons and little girls


no no no please for the love of fucking god don't
I've already been in way too many communities ruined by faggots and troons.
For example i cishearted deltarune until the community ruined it for me by being a leftist libfagged shithole.
IF the same happens to zellig i might -ACK myself chuds


please, we saw the hugest jump in views imaginable in just 4 months since September. nothing changed. there is no such thing as popularity continuing zellig anymore


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>Adds the most keyed character ever
>Whines about fandom
MassaGODs this is your mindset


>what?? my hecking based characters that i made attracted based people???? Foenkie! Black every single international!!


One of the best qualities of zellig is it's uniquely deranged and niche community


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>in my opinion, in order for ongesellig to become popular, we need to sacrifice our community, namely, to open the show to the mass audience, that is, to the audience of the hotel, circus and others. can we do this in order for the series to continue? I don't think we'll be happy with an audience of soys, troons and little girls


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jews got the most open minds and they love showers fr fr


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Traits the populace of this site do not share


most of them are like mymy


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honestly its kinda annoying seeing niggas suck the cock of hitler

kraut lover behaviour…..






you probably like BBC, racist people tend to like BBC more.


Look at Stonetoss, that motherfucker can not stop talking about it.


Hitler is made for BSC


>Says theyre christian
>Idolises an athiest who slaughtered a bunch of christians "For le evolution" or something


Who slaughtered christians?



Hitler, people seem to forget jews werent the only people he tried to exterminate


>Genuinely believing in the holocaust


>Genuinely believing in muh fat cock




>Genuinely believing they aren't getting baited


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Bold of you to assume I am not dishing out b8 of my own. I'm the fucking master motherfucker. I'M THE MASTER B8ER! YOU HEAR ME?! I AM THE MASTERRRRRRRB8ERRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!


The implication is that both of you are baiting each other, retarDEITY


Teh Circle Of B8


Bro is the master baiter ☠️☠️☠️


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>Emojis on an imageboard


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>>Emojis on an imageboard


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>>>Emojis on an imageboard


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>>>>Emojis on an imageboard


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>>>>>Emojis on an image board


Are you including Undertale too? Cause Deltarune was ruined before it started. I still think Toby is edgier than he lets on though.


Yes, I'd say. But I actually didn't discover UT until 2016, at that time the community was already in deep horseshit.
I liked Deltarune when it first came out especially chapter 1, but the fact that the community doesn't understand the concept of platonic love (which they never got from their parents) made them ship a goat with an underage kid.


>Goat kisses kid in Chapter 2
>Goat is made to look identical to Kid's brother
Wtf Toby


What kiss?? I genuinely do not recall such a scene, and i don't want to search it up.


It's technically an alternate route, it's in the boat section if I recall correctly.
I forget how exactly you get to the scene but i think it involves dialouge choices?


you can hug him when posing for a photo

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