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/zellig/ - Ongezellig

IAZ and soft NAZ
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A new petje update released a couple of minutes ago. After "The combination of a burnout, a new life stage, a difficult pitch phase, a limited support and a successful side" and 4 years, Massa is cancelling the monthly ongezellig illustrations, and with it, any and all potential for more ongezellig content whatsoever.

<Thank you again to everyone who contributed. I hope you are still happy with the results that you have been able to make true. Remember, Ongezellig not as a failed pilot, but as a successful short film.


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Might seem lost, but don't worry guys we can keep going. We've already survived for a good year without new zellig content and I'm sure we can keep kicking for another year.

Also did you guys really not see this coming?? It's 1 dude making a webtoon on his own, its already a huge enough project to animate all of zellig.
Massa also releases a new video every 6 months. I'd have been a miracle to have an episode 2.

Don't let the antizellig-trannies win, keep going, keep making gems. It's not over until we say so. In fact, it is just getting started.


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He also left a Google Drive link to all the illustraties for download: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1Tq8xoVVOL2jcuqKrq40QKzn7tc2J4wEA
But holy shit Zaryans, do you know what this means? Ongezellig is pretty much up for grabs and free reign now. I mean sure we chudded it up and did a bunch of shit with it long before this announcement, but the fact that Massa is pretty much abandoning it all together means we CAN do anything with it now. If Massa won't continue with this, then perhaps we can.
Keep your heads up zelligGODS, for it is not over, it is in fact JUST GETTING STARTED.


TSMT. Just think of it, /co/ will abandon zellig, the trannies will abandon zellig, etc.
As sad as it is, maybe this is our oppertunity to grab zellig for ourselves. CHUDS! ZARYANS HECKING WON!!! AND ZARYANS WILL HECKING CONTINUE WINNING


<Omdat er nog gaten zitten in de lore zal ik deze na verloop van tijd nog aanvullen, maar niet meer op maandelijkse of exclusieve basis
>Because there are still gaps in the lore, I will supplement it over time, but no longer on a monthly or exclusive basis
In practical terms, the only thing that has happened is that he will release less art. I already had the suspicion he wasn't going to release anything big, this statement confirms it


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Too harsh statement. Are we ruining 'zellig? No, we must honor this, not disdain it. Do whatever you want with it, but with due respect so that it won't turn out to coaliest niggershit.


My exact thoughts, don't let this show be forgotten


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I find this to be a sort of a bitter sweet ending.
As Massa said, don't look at it as a failed pilot but a successful short film.
Now the threat of the show going on a downwards spiral is gone, unburdening us chuds. Zellig will remain perfectly preserved within it's 6 deels, timeless. It's a product of pure passion and dedication, not a moneymaker dragged out for seasons


Absolutely right.


Ziglezogle is still on the making, what about making new lore on our own? (Just like hecking SCPs or whatever) albeit it would more difficult to recruit new people and it's almost imposible to achieve Massa's quality of content


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>ONGZ-1488 is a class A chudomaly with characteristics off that of Germanic A-10 Blonde SS Nordic gigachad.


to be fair, nothing really changed. We are still in the situation where we just goof around and wait for news about zellig. I think that it's best for Massa to just drop the show for now, until a studio picks it up (which may sound like a cope at this point, but there have been cases where a pilot gets picked up a few years later).
Our goals are still the same: to make OC and to develope the community. I think that most of us are here precisely for that, not really for the show. The zarty will be up until until october/november, so our goal is to try and grow as a community by then. If we succede, the zarty will also continue.


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>The zarty will be up until until october/november


>until a studio picks it up
I don't know if that would be a good thing…
>Our goals are still the same: to make OC and to develope the community. I think that most of us are here precisely for that, not really for the show
I agree, if anything this debacle should encourage us to make more art
>The zarty will be up until until october/november, so our goal is to try and grow as a community by then. If we succede, the zarty will also continue.
I've heard something about Zoot only buying the domain for a year but I didn't actually expect this site to go down in some months


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yes mein khild!!


I have bought the the domain and hosting server for a year, after which i will have to renew my licence. There is a lot of time until the licence ends.
I have no plans of shuting down the zarty. I just wanted to say that if for some reason the community dies (a bit unlikely for now), the site would have atleast had a good 1 year run.

I don't wish to demoralise anyone. I'm still going to make OC and keep up the site the best i can. Again, practically our situation has not changed. We are here mainly for the community, not for the show. Ongezellig still has the chance to be picked up in the future (or the idea to be picked up by somebody who knows a bit more about marketing). For now Massa wished to focus on other things (yet again).


Thank you zooty zoot


i can't archive the google drive shit because it is trying to scan the pictures for malware and failing


I can only download a few things from the drive, am I suffering from severe skill issue?


had the same problem, had to open devtools to get the image url and title (no right click, fuck google)
for every entry in the folder>>8860


>It's 1 dude making a webtoon on his own
he could have turned it into something huge if he wasn't an idiot, a lot of people can relate to it and the only similar cartoon that has ever been made was watamote
the youtube views alone would have been passive income for him for the rest of his life, besides the obvious fame and prestige he would have acquired at work, thus allowing him to negotiate high salaries with future employers
it's insane how stupid this guy is


for the video press triple dots open in new window and then yt-dlp will be able to download from the new url

>$ ytd 'https://drive.google.com/file/d/12wXjR87tfy-jSJ0rPP_xpnvZX9kZjXKx/view?t=2'


I'm inclined to agree. Aldoe zellig wasn't his most popular it was still what made him the most money.
But he didn't even set up a patreon, he insisted on relying on the dutch fanbase instead of the international one. He could've been rich if he just worked his ass of on zellig and started accepting donations from internationals.
In conclusion; Massa is a bit retarded


This works, thanks


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Man wouldn't it be funny if one of us took the concept of zellig and actually tried to make a profit off of it that Massa couldn't?
That'd be so hilarious


Massa was very stuck up indeed.
Also, he couldve made it a webcomic instead, with his monthly petje postings, would keep up the interest in ongezellig while furthering the development of the story and characters.
Massa really did play his cards BADLY.


i think the main reason he doesn't want to continue ongezellig that he won't say out loud is that he turned into a normalnigger and he can't relate to it anymore. that's what he really meant with that "i'm almost 30" bullshit.


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Fuck, the nigger could've even made YouTube Shorts of the girls doing cute girl things. Normies would EAT THAT SHIT UP.
It worked so well for picrel that apparently they're getting their own Netflix show now.
We LITERALLY could make this happen if one of us is determined enough to grind on the paper day in day out.


It'd be fucking hilarious. Not much needs to be changed as well lmao, could even be a webcomic instead.
Could very well be the case.


I'm honestly so mad at Massa right now, he couldve tried to appeal to the internationals a little bit by opening a fucking patreon and he'd double his income, I am very sure of that, despite what the nigga foenkie says.


Producerfag here, who somehow has ended up in the soysphere and its zellig-related tangent through my research for a book. I am helping found a new digital publishing label and I wonder what Massa would charge per strip if we wanted to pick up Ongezellig as a 4-koma style webcomic, even if it was weekly or only bi-weekly. It's reminded me, an oldGOD, of stuff like Azumanga Daioh.

I don't mean to mettle with things if he's decided to permanently put the project to bed (or take it out back with a shotgun), but it certainly feels like a missed opportunity with this cult following that has formed organically around the IP, to the point of taking over an entire altchan board and spawning its own splinter. It'd be an honor to keep it going and produce it as another medium, but I won't reach out if people here think it's a bad move.


do this


Fake and gay


True and straight


Maybe too hopeful but I think zellig still has a chance. I think Massa would do best to realize that the majority of Ongezellig viewers are international, whether he likes it or not, and appealing to said internationals with something like a Patreon is probably the only way forward. I'm holding out hope that he'll see the success of other indie animation projects on Youtube like The Amazing Digital Circus and realize that he doesn't necessarily need studio backing to continue the show and make a profit from it.


massa will never, ever switch to international funding. it's not gonna happen


Assuming this isn't a larp (doubtful), you can contact him via email at: contact@studiomassa.nl or through discord in the Massadonie, he has two accounts that go by Figuurlijk Massa and Letterlijk Massa, if you wanna be safe probably message both if you want to reach out to him http://discord.gg/rcCNUtt (Massacord link)


ZigleZogle is not what I mean, I hoped you would understand me more correct. In general I don't like writing big replies, so there is the very simple scheme: more gems less duststones.


Big if real, pretty please keep us updated. Make a post about it on one of the boards.


What the hell, in the name of Jesus, you, jooisch shekel lovers, fuckin' talkin' about? Sam worked not for money, but for himself, it was a completely enthusiastic project. Do you think that everything must be monetized? Must be globalized? No, it's literally distinctive dutch series, and we honestly love it just the way it is. Is exposing it to degenerative international influences better than this, than originality, than so-called "keyedness" of 'zellig?


i am utterly fucking defeated bros.


I'm just sayin, good luck producing a project like 'zellig without any proper funding (and maintaining it)


>Sam worked not for money, but for himself
Except for the fact that the sole defining factor whether Ongezellig would be continued or not was money. Of course, it was a project of enthusiasm, and he didn't seem to be in it for the money, but he needed a reliable stream of income to justify quitting his job to pursue animating full time (as anyone would). It's just not feasible to create something as large as Ongezellig driven on enthusiasm alone.


You just don't understand what I mean. In general, I am not against any kind of monetization, but this is not a prerogative. It would really be more profitable for 'assa to do this (reply #8867), But, again, I spoke out against the degradation of the project in globhomo shitstone, not against increasing profits thank for it.


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im so sad right now


Don’t worry zaryans it’s just getting started


i am thinking about this. i just need to first finish the zigle zogle episode


It feels like a part of my soul has been excised




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It's literally never been more over


Honestly, it ended on a high note. The ending was probably the best part. I'm not even sure how you would continue the show without it slowly just becoming another slice of life. Not that I wouldn't enjoy that for a while.

I'm also not too sure how much space there is for serious development. Maya can't become "gezellig" too fast because that'd basically conclude the show. Maybe we'd get insight into why Mymy has such an identity crisis and it might be interesting, but I doubt it'd be anything earth shattering. And then the only thing Coco has going is finding out exactly what happened to her parents.


Agreed, fully


he could absolutely drag it out for years like nagatoro and maybe he could make a spin off with the other classmates


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Let's be real folks, how much of this do you think is directly our fault because of all the chudposting?


It’s definitely not our fault. We’re only a few 100 people at max so we make up to little a portion of the community. Even if massa knows about us I’m sure he doesn’t care because we’re too small in comparison to the /co/trannies


>muh /co/ trannies
man why are some faggots trying to force this anti-/co/ hate lately
/co/ is the reason why this site and the english speaking ongezellig fandom exists at all.


They hate us, why shouldn’t we hate them back? Everywhere I go on /co/ is some faggot crying about soyjaks and “chud crap” in Ongezellig. If they respected us I’d respect them.


but the impact is huge, if you google ongezellig you instantly get cobson bbc shit


Fair enough, but again I don't think he cancelled it because of the community.


Take your meds, I've googled images of ongezellig and there's no porn or bait, just some art with soyjaks from time to time. Is that what you're against?


>Everywhere I go on /co/ is some faggot crying about soyjaks and “chud crap” in Ongezellig
its just troons, not other 'zelligers


She already knows how. I rather prefer plot about her vendetta idk


I honestly doubt we had any impact at all considering how indifferent Massa is to us internationals. And this isn't a cope, if we were the cause I'd boast greatly of our influence


he doesn't seem indifferent at all, he makes it very clear at all times he despises foreigners and chose petjeaf instead of patreon to avoid attracting anymore


He is indifferent in the sense that he doesn't consider us his audience, we have no bearing on his work.
And he doesn't hate us either, he said in an interview we just aren't his targeted demographic (because he's a keyed nationalist or whatever)


i cant bring myself to go to work or finish my assignments or do fucking anything
if i had less to live for i would kill myself
fuck this shit world


Please be real, if so, make a thread and keep us updated.


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>hyde GET


I appreciate it. I'm gonna let the dust settle and realistically reach out within 2-3 months, see how things pan out on his end first and if he makes any more statements.
>Ackshually I'll keep making it, thanks for the donations

This is the most likely roadblock I can see. We'd have to really convince him or show enough money per strip that it'd be worth his while (and ours too). And in the end some nationalities are just stubborn like that

Not a LARP. I wish it was because there is so much work that goes into launching something like this. It's much comfier to be a lazy SLF


I believe


If you're successful, I'll be indebted to you forever. I'll shill the strips like hell for you, I'll do anything to keep it as profitable as possible.


Sorry i meant to say keyed and superstraight


Also, mr.producerDEITY, you should ask Massa for an Ongezellig Bible, so the strips are made as close as his original vision was.


DO THIS, character references would be so fvcking keyed


I don't know where else to talk about this, and I don't feel it's necessary to make a new thread, but Massa updated the Drive link to include all of the music from the show here https://drive.google.com/drive/u/0/folders/1tfYoqqbfb4gOdZNQRQRS_VtzZbiBu-J0


Half the files won't download.

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