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/zellig/ - Ongezellig

IAZ and soft NAZ
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Found a 'lig 'an 'ic that isn't about the sisters fucking each other for once. Spoilers: it's about Maya becoming an alcoholic
I'm only on chapter 6 rn; it's an interesting read but the dialog and pacing for some things are pretty clunky imo, you'll know what I mean when the characters start talking to each other.


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>Trannychive of Our Own


I was planning on making a post about this fan fiction but you beat me to it. I’ve read the entire thing. The first 4 chapters are fine but in chapter 5 it takes a U turn and kinda goes off the rails, and the further the story goes on the less and less it starts feeling like a story about the Ongezellig characters. That being said, I found chapter 12 to be pretty heartwarming.


maya does not have a chocolate nigger complexion stop gaslighting


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Its closer to orange than anything, I don't know why people choose to have her skin be the same color as diarrhea


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nigger maya is cute. CUTE!


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even tho i think this isn’t something studio massa would write, i still enjoyed imagining the sisters in this situation, gemmy.


The link isn’t working for me


tbh the dialog for coco somehow feels generic even for literally coco


OP pls send link again



I’m invested and I hope they do more


This feels more like a Netflix teenage drama rather han Ongezellig (Especially with the "teenagers doing super illegal stuff things"). Either way I enjoyed it a lot and I'm waiting for more


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New gem just dropped


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Finally read through it all. Honestly have to agree with >>8311 and >>8354 in that this doesn't read like something for Ongezellig but more like a generic teenage sitcom drama story. I was fully expecting Maya to develop a chronic Alcohol Addiction; completely fucking her life up in funny and outrageous ways, but it really just developed into Maya actually building social bonds with others because she's a hardcore alcoholic (for now). It's actually rather sweet reading on how she's getting better in life interacting with her family and building friendships, but the bits about Mymy building a booze business with Vera is… strange. I don't know why this old hag would partner with one of her (most hated) students selling moonshine for ~€8-€10 (when their only customer is/was Maya, mind you) when she is one tipoff away from getting fired + jailed for drug dealing with her students.
And I don't know why this story brought up the fact that Mymy found crack and Vera's immediate first thought is "we could sell this shit for like €300!" No joke, at some point Mymy finds crack and meth around the school, takes some with her, shows it to Vera and Vera just somehow sells it with no consequences on either of them. I don't know why the author decided to add this detail into the story since it didn't lead to anything interesting after, but it happened.
The dialog is a bit of a drag at times too due to how "generic" it's written with characters, like how a lot of them greet each other or end their sentences with the other person's name a bit too much.
Overall it was an interesting read, and I hope the author continues writing this fanfic since despite the flaws it has, it's a wholesome tale about Maya becoming confident in her life for once and I'd like to see more on where her story goes.


I assume at some point everything is gonna go wrong for Maya and Mymy and we get to see how they deal with that


Oh my Fauci she is so built for BWC

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