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/zellig/ - Ongezellig

IAZ and soft NAZ
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I feel like we need a common goal.
It could be a shill campaign to boost the shows popularity, it could be trying to further secure our place on /qa/, it could be shilling for this site… But we need something. We could be way more effective if we'd concentrate our autism on one target and split up the workload (ideally). It might take some coordination and readjustment, but if we do it right we could really achieve something.
But first and foremost we need to find out what (You) would want to do.
>le datamining
I suggest you guys use this thread to accumulate some ideas. Voice your concerns too.
What do (You) think would be best for our community? Maybe you're holding off on an idea or maybe you possess a unique skillset that could benefit us in our mission.
After we've collected enough ideas, we could set up a poll. Everyone gets their vote. No cheating. Remember: we want concrete results. The idea is to figure out what course to take as a community. Rigging wouldn't get us anywhere.
As I'm new here, I don't know if you guys did something like this before. I took a look at the catalogue and couldn't find anything, so I decided to make this thread.
Anyway, that's it for now. I'm going to bed.


Also, I'm not trying to pressure you guys into anything. I just thought it would be nice to find a common objective, focus our effort, get a little project going… Since you're all very passionate about the show and all that.


>As I'm new here, I don't know if you guys did something like this before. I took a look at the catalogue and couldn't find anything, so I decided to make this thread.
We had a collab draw thread, but even that was initiated by the 'cuck, so you're right in assuming we have little initiative.
I believe we should make a game, I myself am confident enough in my programming skills with unity to attempt something like that, but I would need to unload the artistic burden on someone else completely.
Depending on how much manpower we have and our level of competency we could create something really good
>something like what
That's what we need a headcount for. If we have some competent animators and artists we could make something very ambitious and grand, if not we need to adjust our aim accordingly. Ideas aren't an issue, you can take my word on that one.


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alright here me out! what if we do something like a point and click adventure puzzle game? something maybe similar to troll face quest. The game centers around maya and you gotta help her get through her day at school. Throughout the day you gotta help maya overcome random shenanigans and obstacles. Heres some concept art I made for the idea.


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>Help maya reject him
But that's me


That is a really good idea


brilliant idea


I don't really see it, but it reminds me of johnny rocketfingers and that was a gem so I'm on board if you have it envisioned. I recon a lot will hinge on the humor, I like the "get out of mymy's yapping session" it's ridiculous


can we make a fumo or something


Please no


from the pictures i thought it would be a warioware type game


I think that we should try to do is spread ongezellig to as many chuds as possible and when I say this I don'f mean the sharty, I mean chuds in general. This type of shilling would have to be not annoying and somewhat funny to properly recruit as many people as possible.
I think it's best if we don't try to "secure a place in the /qa/" as it could have us labeled as aggresive offsiters and that's just an awful idea.


Neat idea, plus very cute artstyle


Oh, I also forgot.

I think the removal of gussywussy and rodscorpion are necessary. I'm not saying they should be doxxed or threatened or even harrassed/trolled, fuck no, I think they should be driven away through some less 'extreme' measures, using ''extreme' for lack of a better word.


I think any serious shillops would dilute the culture too much. If we just shill to terminally online right wingers we'll just end up like 4cuck. Being part of the sharty is what makes zellig so nuanced and interesting.
As for "securing a place in /qa/" it could just mean posting more OCs and discussion there. Being more active in community events (like the upcoming football thing or soycraft)


Now that I think of it, I believe you're right.
I'd be willing to help build up our soycraft faction but I am unsure how safe and secure the server is…


football thing is cancelled


I haven’t seen them drawing any Ongezellig arts for a while, they probably lost interest


no way, really? That's a shame.
>safe and secure
no clue


Can't exactly blame them. There hasnt been new official Ongezellig content in a good while.


If it wasn't for the possible lack of security, I could expand our territory with builds and farms. Build our own little New Amsterdam.


There isn't even a demographic out there you could possibly shill zarty to. Shilling outside of imageboards will bring in normalfags. Whoever from sharty wanted to join, already did so. /co/? Full of hostile deranged trannies content with their own threads. /pol/? Biggest cesspool of the 'cuck. What other board could possibly even have users interested in using a website like this? The few boards that still have funny shitposting communities and make OCs probably won't be interested in some obscure webtoon.
What's the point of having a separate imageboard if your only goal is more presence on sharty anyway?


I wasn't suggesting shilling the zarty, I was suggesting shilling zellig in general. Shilling the zarty is le bad


The IB was created as a bunker specifically for soyteens who liked zellig, sharty is still a bigger and more interesting eco system


Well then, in that case some "publicity stunt" would be the best choice. Raiding some fairly popular internet space or making zellig go viral in a way that would be both funny and confusing to normalfags at the same time. No idea what that could be though.


I've been posting stuff on ifunny but it really won't work unless I hit the retarded algorithm and get featured.


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Once again if we were to do a publicity stunt or something we should try make a zellig fan game. Who knows! if we were all to pitch in and make something it might get enough traction to get zellig out there in the spotlight, especially if someone with a big following ends up playing the fan game.


This is a great idea, everyone learn code and mass produce zellig games.


i fail to see what's so bad about shilling the zarty. alot of people view it as "just a bunker", but i feel as we are limiting our potential and are being too reliant on the sharty.

What kind of demographic is even attracted to the sharty, goofball? Austrian aristocrats with an IQ of 130+ who are attracted to secert societies? Just make OC and like-minded people will naturally not only come here, but also stay. We just need to try and not attract too much people at the same time, so that there wont be any dramatic demographic change.


>limiting our potential
sorry to break it to you but we don't have that much potential. We're a niche subculture of an already niche community, dedicated to a 20 minute pilot episode of a show that may not even continue. If we were just a community about zellig we'd die out, it's our connection to the larger eco system of the sharty that keeps us afloat. The shared history and culture is what makes us, not just zellig and some vague sense of reactionary thinking. If that was all we were we'd be the 'cuck but dutch


Sad that you dont see the potential. Our unique history/culture and strong community (most people have the same sense of humor or worldview in general) is what keeps us together (not just /qa/, which is slowly dying) and we can do interesting stuff. I am not saying that we can find the cure for cancer, but we can build something of our own.
You are forgetting that the sharty is just a website about soyjaks, but what it really is used for is for like minded people to hang out and talk (i can take your argument and replace the word "zellig" woth "soyjak" and it would still be the same). Do you really think that people only go to the sharty for jaks?
Like for real xister, if you think that this community/subcommunity is this weak on its own, then whats the point of this IB or being in this community? If the sharty get shut down, then by your logic zaryans would just die off (which is not true).


The unique history and culture are all thanks to the sharty.
Even your false equivalency falls apart since soyjaks are still magnitudes more exploitable than our 20 minute pilot. Here's a question, would this site, or any other hypothetical zellig site, exist if it weren't for the sharty? Definitelly No.
>If the sharty get shut down, then by your logic zaryans would just die off
Likely yeah, sharty dying would be a massive hit to zelligposters as a whole. The site is already scarcely active as is.


>What kind of demographic is even attracted to the sharty, goofball
One that would rather make OCs and funpost instead of ragebaiting each other with porn 24/7 I hope, and let's keep it that way
Game is a gemmy idea on its own though I doubt it will see wider recognition.
Regardless of that, if there is enough people ready to sacrifice their time for this, why not? If we wanna make it a trollface quest - like kinda game we need to gather detailed ideas for ~20 puzzles, then the programming guy could ask drawfags to provide him with necessary sprites/arts in whatever suiting format and code the thing down. The main issue is that majority of the work will fall on that one guy, unless he will somehow find a volunteer who'd aid him and be able to cooperate coherently and consistently.
>The unique history and culture are all thanks to the sharty
Or to the /co/omer who spammed ongezellig on /qa/ and the anti-zellig schizo spamming his copypasta
>would this site exist if it weren't for the sharty? Definitelly No.
And sharty wouldn't exist if not for 4chud. 4chin wouldn't exist if not for Something Awful. Who cares?
>sharty dying would be a massive hit to zelligposters as a whole
Yeah, no pisscord and xitter tranny dramas to talk about, imagine that.


>would this site, or any other hypothetical zellig site, exist if it weren't for the sharty?
This site in particulare no, since it was created by sharty users. But you are acting like zellig is only relevant on the sharty.
And my "false equivalency" isnt really false, since the same jaks have been milked for a lot of years. Same thing with our 20 min pilot (plus other zellig stuff). We have connections to the sharty, but we arent dependant on it.
>let's keep it that way
yeah, lets hope so. we just have to be careful.
>Yeah, no pisscord and xitter tranny dramas to talk about, imagine that.


a fangame definitely works well, a couple drawGODs could also band together and start working on a zellig art project or an internet graphic novel of sorts.


For me it's the sharty that made zellig great in the first place. If it wasn't for the sharty I would've probably functionally forgotten about zellig in a week (not to mentioned I wouldn't have found it to being with). Maybe i'd check up on it every 5 months or somehting, but certainly not be as invested in it. It's really the soysphere, soywiki and yt comments from 'teens that made zellig as interesting and relevant, to me and I imagine a lot of other 'teens. Without it, zellig honestly doesn't go far beyond being a dutch slop of life tranime.
Cutting off our roots is shooting ourselves in the foot, the larger ecosystem of the sharty allowed for such a niche topic as zellig to thrive and remain relevant, no way a dedicated group of shitposters that we were would survive for years without the sharty. The only other place talking about zellig is massacord and /co/on central
>The main issue is that majority of the work will fall on that one guy
majority is less than what I'm used to. And the less moving parts we have the better, last thing I need is someone meddling in my project. It's a simple premise I doubt I'll find it too exhausting to complete. I had in fact a much more ambitious idea for a game, but it would've perhaps required too much animating.


i have been suggesting the show to everyone i meet irl to the point i am known for liking zellig i personally know that i have created 5+ zaryans


go up

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