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/zellig/ - Ongezellig

IAZ and soft NAZ
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What's your opinion on the kill-on-sight order against 'lig NSFW?

Personally, I am a big fan


Total Coomer Death


We must take the first step to be the first ever community to ban all coomer trash, and send a ripple to other communities and show them how it's much better to be anti-coomer.


Why don't you just ignore them? Most of nsfw drawfags who draw zellig nsfw probably aren't in the community in the first place
There's no way to ban off all of them.this is the Internet, people will do it no matter what


i agree. there's no way to ban them, and also, i enjoy these ongezellig nsfws so i'm against banning them


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>Why don't you just ignore them
Why would we if we can run them out, like we did here?


coal. NSFW is kino and good for your soul.


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The worst bait I have seen in my life


Porn kills communities and ruins people.


It's better for them to be banned, but I don't really care either way.


>everyone who disagrees with me is le baiter!
most brainwashed zealot award


who tf posting NSFW on the boards????


Marge did something happen? i wasnt here for some hours


Honestly, when I first found out about 'zellig I was very impressed by how anti-NSFW most 'zaryans are. I think the 'lig community has all the characteristics and archetypes expected of a coomer community but miraculously it's one of the most anti-NSFW communities I've interacted with.


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im holding back my urges


do NOT do this zoot


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Zoot ban the nigger for spamming porn please


who cares what adults post on clearly designated 18+ sites unless you're FDLcord


You saw it too, right? It was legendary coonerald


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>just let people enjoy things!
>consenting adults!
>be more tolerant!


>GRRRRRRR people making love make me so angry!
>its just like cocaine or something


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>lust and sexual immorality?
>no… let's call it… "Making love"


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sex with everyone from zellig


You niggers are for a fact jerking it to zellig here and there off the boards. Don't lie. I've seen Mymybros.


>Demoralisation ‘cord projects jewtube goyims and 4cuck niggers onto every mymygod on the zarty


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